# frozen_string_literal: true Capybara::SpecHelper.spec '#has_select?' do before { @session.visit('/form') } it 'should be true if the field is on the page' do expect(@session).to have_select('Locale') expect(@session).to have_select('form_region') expect(@session).to have_select('Languages') expect(@session).to have_select(:Languages) end it 'should be false if the field is not on the page' do expect(@session).not_to have_select('Monkey') end context 'with selected value' do it 'should be true if a field with the given value is on the page' do expect(@session).to have_select('form_locale', selected: 'English') expect(@session).to have_select('Region', selected: 'Norway') expect(@session).to have_select('Underwear', selected: [ 'Boxerbriefs', 'Briefs', 'Commando', "Frenchman's Pantalons", 'Long Johns' ]) end it 'should be false if the given field is not on the page' do expect(@session).not_to have_select('Locale', selected: 'Swedish') expect(@session).not_to have_select('Does not exist', selected: 'John') expect(@session).not_to have_select('City', selected: 'Not there') expect(@session).not_to have_select('Underwear', selected: [ 'Boxerbriefs', 'Briefs', 'Commando', "Frenchman's Pantalons", 'Long Johns', 'Nonexistent' ]) expect(@session).not_to have_select('Underwear', selected: [ 'Boxerbriefs', 'Briefs', 'Boxers', 'Commando', "Frenchman's Pantalons", 'Long Johns' ]) expect(@session).not_to have_select('Underwear', selected: [ 'Boxerbriefs', 'Briefs', 'Commando', "Frenchman's Pantalons" ]) end it 'should be true after the given value is selected' do @session.select('Swedish', from: 'Locale') expect(@session).to have_select('Locale', selected: 'Swedish') end it 'should be false after a different value is selected' do @session.select('Swedish', from: 'Locale') expect(@session).not_to have_select('Locale', selected: 'English') end it 'should be true after the given values are selected' do @session.select('Boxers', from: 'Underwear') expect(@session).to have_select('Underwear', selected: [ 'Boxerbriefs', 'Briefs', 'Boxers', 'Commando', "Frenchman's Pantalons", 'Long Johns' ]) end it 'should be false after one of the values is unselected' do @session.unselect('Briefs', from: 'Underwear') expect(@session).not_to have_select('Underwear', selected: [ 'Boxerbriefs', 'Briefs', 'Commando', "Frenchman's Pantalons", 'Long Johns' ]) end it "should be true even when the selected option invisible, regardless of the select's visibility" do expect(@session).to have_select('Icecream', visible: :hidden, selected: 'Chocolate') expect(@session).to have_select('Sorbet', selected: 'Vanilla') end end context 'with partial select' do it 'should be true if a field with the given partial values is on the page' do expect(@session).to have_select('Underwear', with_selected: %w[Boxerbriefs Briefs]) end it 'should be false if a field with the given partial values is not on the page' do expect(@session).not_to have_select('Underwear', with_selected: %w[Boxerbriefs Boxers]) end it 'should be true after the given partial value is selected' do @session.select('Boxers', from: 'Underwear') expect(@session).to have_select('Underwear', with_selected: %w[Boxerbriefs Boxers]) end it 'should be false after one of the given partial values is unselected' do @session.unselect('Briefs', from: 'Underwear') expect(@session).not_to have_select('Underwear', with_selected: %w[Boxerbriefs Briefs]) end it "should be true even when the selected values are invisible, regardless of the select's visibility" do expect(@session).to have_select('Dessert', visible: :hidden, with_options: %w[Pudding Tiramisu]) expect(@session).to have_select('Cake', with_selected: ['Chocolate Cake', 'Sponge Cake']) end it 'should support non array partial values' do expect(@session).to have_select('Underwear', with_selected: 'Briefs') expect(@session).not_to have_select('Underwear', with_selected: 'Boxers') end end context 'with exact options' do it 'should be true if a field with the given options is on the page' do expect(@session).to have_select('Region', options: %w[Norway Sweden Finland]) expect(@session).to have_select('Tendency', options: []) end it 'should be false if the given field is not on the page' do expect(@session).not_to have_select('Locale', options: ['Swedish']) expect(@session).not_to have_select('Does not exist', options: ['John']) expect(@session).not_to have_select('City', options: ['London', 'Made up city']) expect(@session).not_to have_select('Region', options: %w[Norway Sweden]) expect(@session).not_to have_select('Region', options: %w[Norway Norway Norway]) end it 'should be true even when the options are invisible, if the select itself is invisible' do expect(@session).to have_select('Icecream', visible: :hidden, options: %w[Chocolate Vanilla Strawberry]) end end context 'with enabled options' do it 'should be true if the listed options exist and are enabled' do expect(@session).to have_select('form_title', enabled_options: %w[Mr Mrs Miss]) end it 'should be false if the listed options do not exist' do expect(@session).not_to have_select('form_title', enabled_options: ['Not there']) end it 'should be false if the listed option exists but is not enabled' do expect(@session).not_to have_select('form_title', enabled_options: %w[Mr Mrs Miss Other]) end end context 'with disabled options' do it 'should be true if the listed options exist and are disabled' do expect(@session).to have_select('form_title', disabled_options: ['Other']) end it 'should be false if the listed options do not exist' do expect(@session).not_to have_select('form_title', disabled_options: ['Not there']) end it 'should be false if the listed option exists but is not disabled' do expect(@session).not_to have_select('form_title', disabled_options: %w[Other Mrs]) end end context 'with partial options' do it 'should be true if a field with the given partial options is on the page' do expect(@session).to have_select('Region', with_options: %w[Norway Sweden]) expect(@session).to have_select('City', with_options: ['London']) end it 'should be false if a field with the given partial options is not on the page' do expect(@session).not_to have_select('Locale', with_options: ['Uruguayan']) expect(@session).not_to have_select('Does not exist', with_options: ['John']) expect(@session).not_to have_select('Region', with_options: %w[Norway Sweden Finland Latvia]) end it 'should be true even when the options are invisible, if the select itself is invisible' do expect(@session).to have_select('Icecream', visible: :hidden, with_options: %w[Vanilla Strawberry]) end end context 'with multiple option' do it 'should find multiple selects if true' do expect(@session).to have_select('form_languages', multiple: true) expect(@session).not_to have_select('form_other_title', multiple: true) end it 'should not find multiple selects if false' do expect(@session).not_to have_select('form_languages', multiple: false) expect(@session).to have_select('form_other_title', multiple: false) end it 'should find both if not specified' do expect(@session).to have_select('form_languages') expect(@session).to have_select('form_other_title') end end it 'should support locator-less usage' do expect(@session.has_select?(with_options: %w[Norway Sweden])).to eq true expect(@session).to have_select(with_options: ['London']) expect(@session.has_select?(with_selected: %w[Commando Boxerbriefs])).to eq true expect(@session).to have_select(with_selected: ['Briefs']) end end Capybara::SpecHelper.spec '#has_no_select?' do before { @session.visit('/form') } it 'should be false if the field is on the page' do expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('Locale') expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('form_region') expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('Languages') end it 'should be true if the field is not on the page' do expect(@session).to have_no_select('Monkey') end context 'with selected value' do it 'should be false if a field with the given value is on the page' do expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('form_locale', selected: 'English') expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('Region', selected: 'Norway') expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('Underwear', selected: [ 'Boxerbriefs', 'Briefs', 'Commando', "Frenchman's Pantalons", 'Long Johns' ]) end it 'should be true if the given field is not on the page' do expect(@session).to have_no_select('Locale', selected: 'Swedish') expect(@session).to have_no_select('Does not exist', selected: 'John') expect(@session).to have_no_select('City', selected: 'Not there') expect(@session).to have_no_select('Underwear', selected: [ 'Boxerbriefs', 'Briefs', 'Commando', "Frenchman's Pantalons", 'Long Johns', 'Nonexistent' ]) expect(@session).to have_no_select('Underwear', selected: [ 'Boxerbriefs', 'Briefs', 'Boxers', 'Commando', "Frenchman's Pantalons", 'Long Johns' ]) expect(@session).to have_no_select('Underwear', selected: [ 'Boxerbriefs', 'Briefs', 'Commando', "Frenchman's Pantalons" ]) end it 'should be false after the given value is selected' do @session.select('Swedish', from: 'Locale') expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('Locale', selected: 'Swedish') end it 'should be true after a different value is selected' do @session.select('Swedish', from: 'Locale') expect(@session).to have_no_select('Locale', selected: 'English') end it 'should be false after the given values are selected' do @session.select('Boxers', from: 'Underwear') expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('Underwear', selected: [ 'Boxerbriefs', 'Briefs', 'Boxers', 'Commando', "Frenchman's Pantalons", 'Long Johns' ]) end it 'should be true after one of the values is unselected' do @session.unselect('Briefs', from: 'Underwear') expect(@session).to have_no_select('Underwear', selected: [ 'Boxerbriefs', 'Briefs', 'Commando', "Frenchman's Pantalons", 'Long Johns' ]) end end context 'with partial select' do it 'should be false if a field with the given partial values is on the page' do expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('Underwear', with_selected: %w[Boxerbriefs Briefs]) end it 'should be true if a field with the given partial values is not on the page' do expect(@session).to have_no_select('Underwear', with_selected: %w[Boxerbriefs Boxers]) end it 'should be false after the given partial value is selected' do @session.select('Boxers', from: 'Underwear') expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('Underwear', with_selected: %w[Boxerbriefs Boxers]) end it 'should be true after one of the given partial values is unselected' do @session.unselect('Briefs', from: 'Underwear') expect(@session).to have_no_select('Underwear', with_selected: %w[Boxerbriefs Briefs]) end it 'should support non array partial values' do expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('Underwear', with_selected: 'Briefs') expect(@session).to have_no_select('Underwear', with_selected: 'Boxers') end end context 'with exact options' do it 'should be false if a field with the given options is on the page' do expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('Region', options: %w[Norway Sweden Finland]) end it 'should be true if the given field is not on the page' do expect(@session).to have_no_select('Locale', options: ['Swedish']) expect(@session).to have_no_select('Does not exist', options: ['John']) expect(@session).to have_no_select('City', options: ['London', 'Made up city']) expect(@session).to have_no_select('Region', options: %w[Norway Sweden]) expect(@session).to have_no_select('Region', options: %w[Norway Norway Norway]) end end context 'with partial options' do it 'should be false if a field with the given partial options is on the page' do expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('Region', with_options: %w[Norway Sweden]) expect(@session).not_to have_no_select('City', with_options: ['London']) end it 'should be true if a field with the given partial options is not on the page' do expect(@session).to have_no_select('Locale', with_options: ['Uruguayan']) expect(@session).to have_no_select('Does not exist', with_options: ['John']) expect(@session).to have_no_select('Region', with_options: %w[Norway Sweden Finland Latvia]) end end it 'should support locator-less usage' do expect(@session.has_no_select?(with_options: %w[Norway Sweden Finland Latvia])).to eq true expect(@session).to have_no_select(with_options: ['New London']) expect(@session.has_no_select?(id: 'form_underwear', with_selected: ['Boxers'])).to eq true expect(@session).to have_no_select(id: 'form_underwear', with_selected: %w[Commando Boxers]) end end