module YARD module Handlers module Cucumber class FeatureHandler < Base handles CodeObjects::Cucumber::Feature @@step_definitions = nil @@step_transforms = nil def process # Create a cache of all of the step definitions and the step transforms @@step_definitions = cache(:stepdefinition) unless @@step_definitions @@step_transforms = cache(:steptransform) unless @@step_transforms if statement # For the background and the scenario, find the steps that have definitions process_scenario(statement.background) if statement.background statement.scenarios.each do |scenario| if scenario.outline? "Scenario Outline: #{scenario.value}" scenario.scenarios.each_with_index do |example,index| " * Processing Example #{index + 1}" process_scenario(example) end else "Processing Scenario: #{scenario.value}" process_scenario(scenario) end end else log.warn "Empty feature file. A feature failed to process correctly or contains no feature" end rescue YARD::Handlers::NamespaceMissingError rescue Exception => exception log.error "Skipping feature because an error has occurred." log.debug "\n#{exception}\n#{exception.backtrace.join("\n")}\n" end # # Store all comparable items with their compare_value as the key and the item as the value # - Reject any compare values that contain escapes #{} as that means they have unpacked constants # def cache(type) YARD::Registry.all(type).inject({}) do |hash,item| hash[item.regex] = item if item.regex hash end end def process_scenario(scenario) scenario.steps.each {|step| process_step(step) } end def process_step(step) match_step_to_step_definition_and_transforms(step) end def match_step_to_step_definition_and_transforms(step) @@step_definitions.each do |stepdef,stepdef_object| stepdef_matches = step.value.match(stepdef) if stepdef_matches step.definition = stepdef_object stepdef_matches[-1..1].each do |match| @@step_transforms.each do |steptrans,steptransform_object| if steptrans.match(match) step.transforms << steptransform_object steptransform_object.steps << step end end end # Step has been matched to step definition and step transforms break end end end end end end end