// ======================================================================== // SproutCore // copyright 2006-2008 Sprout Systems, Inc. // ======================================================================== require('views/field/field') ; require('mixins/editable') ; /** @class A text field is an input element with type "text". This view adds support for hinted values, etc. @extends SC.FieldView @extends SC.Editable @author Charles Jolley */ SC.TextFieldView = SC.FieldView.extend(SC.Editable, /** @scope SC.TextFieldView.prototype */ { emptyElement: '', // PROPERTIES /** The hint to display while the field is not active. Can be a loc key. */ hint: null, /** automatically set to YES if the hint is currently showing. */ isHintShowing: false, /** If YES then the text field is currently editing. */ isEditing: NO, // PRIVATE SUPPORT METHODS init: function() { // compatibility... if (this.hint == null) { this.hint = this.rootElement.getAttribute('hint') ; } if (this.validator == null) { this.validator = this.rootElement.getAttribute('validate') ; } arguments.callee.base.call(this) ; // observe important events for this field. var focusListener = this._fieldDidFocus.bindAsEventListener(this) ; Event.observe(this.rootElement, 'focus', focusListener) ; var blurListener = this._fieldDidBlur.bindAsEventListener(this) ; Event.observe(this.rootElement, 'blur', blurListener) ; this._updateFieldHint() ; }, // FOCUS AND BLUR EVENTS - // These should be hooked into the firstResponder system.. _fieldDidFocus: function() { if (!this._isFocused) { this._isFocused = true ; this.becomeFirstResponder() ; } }, _fieldDidBlur: function() { if (this._isFocused) { this._isFocused = false ; this.resignFirstResponder() ; } }, /** tied to the isEnabled state */ acceptsFirstResponder: function() { return this.get('isEnabled'); }.property('isEnabled'), // First Responder // When we become first responder, make sure the field gets focus and // the hint value is hidden if needed. // when we become first responder, focus the text field if needed and // hide the hint text. /** @private */ didBecomeFirstResponder: function() { // focus the text field. if (!this._isFocused) { this._isFocused = true ; if (this.get('isVisibleInWindow')) { this.rootElement.focus(); this.invokeLater(this._selectRootElement, 1) ; } } // hide the hint text if it is showing. this._updateFieldHint() ; }, // In IE, you can't modify functions on DOM elements so we need to wrap the // call to select() like this. _selectRootElement: function() { this.rootElement.select() ; }, // when we lose first responder, blur the text field if needed and show // the hint text if needed. /** @private */ willLoseFirstResponder: function() { if (this._isFocused) { this._isFocused = false ; this._updateFieldHint() ; return this.rootElement.blur() ; } else { this._value = this.rootElement.value ; this.fieldValueDidChange() ; this._updateFieldHint() ; return true; } }, _isFocused: false, _updateFieldHint: function() { // show the hint if: // - flag is true // - hint != null or empty. // - this._value = null or empty. var hint = this.get('hint') ; var showHint = !!(!this._isFocused && ((this._value == null) || this._value == '') && (hint)) ; this.setClassName('show-hint', showHint); this.rootElement.value = (showHint) ? hint : (this._value || '') ; this.set('isHintShowing', showHint); }, // field value updates... /** @private */ getFieldValue: function() { return this._value ; }, /** @private */ setFieldValue: function(value) { if (this._value == value) return ; this._value = value ; this._updateFieldHint() ; }, /** @private */ mouseDown: function(e) { e._stopWhenHandled = false; return false; }, // trap key-press events and notify as needed. /** @private */ keyDown: function(evt) { if (this._value != this.rootElement.value) { this._value = this.rootElement.value ; this.fieldValueDidChange(true) ; } return this.interpretKeyEvents(evt); // start bubbling key events... //return false; }, /** @private */ keyUp: function() { if (this._value != this.rootElement.value) { this._value = this.rootElement.value ; this.fieldValueDidChange(true) ; } }, // if make a text field first responder before the view becomes visible, // then focus the text field when it does become visible. _focusOnVisible: function() { if (this.get('isVisibleInWindow') && this._isFocused) { this.rootElement.focus() ; if(SC.isIE()){ var selector = function() { Element.select(arguments.callee.it); }; selector.it = this.rootElement; setTimeout(selector,0.05); } else{ this.rootElement.select.bind(this.rootElement).delay(0.05); } } }.observes('isVisibleInWindow'), // THESE ARE DUMMY IMPLEMENTATIONS OF THE REPONDER METHODS FOR KEYBOARD // ACTIONS HANDLED BY THE BROWSER. This avoids having the responder // bubble up these items. /** @private */ deleteBackward: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; }, /** @private */ deleteForward: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; }, /** @private */ moveLeft: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; }, /** @private */ moveRight: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; }, /** @private */ moveUp: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; }, /** @private */ moveDown: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; }, /** @private */ moveLeftAndModifySelection: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; }, /** @private */ moveRightAndModifySelection: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; }, /** @private */ moveUpAndModifySelection: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; }, /** @private */ moveDownAndModifySelection: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; }, /** @private */ moveToBeginningOfDocument: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; }, /** @private */ moveToEndOfDocument: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; }, /** @private */ selectAll: function(evt) { evt._stopWhenHandled = false; return true; } }) ;