# DataComApi Ruby bindings for Data.com API ( Salesforce, ex Jigsaw ). ## Installation Add this line to your application's Gemfile: gem 'data-com-api', '~> 0.2.0' And then execute: $ bundle Or install it yourself as: $ gem install data-com-api ## Usage First, create a `DataComApi::Client` instance with the following line: ```ruby client = DataComApi::Client.new('your-api-token') ``` You can then configure the client in the following way: ```ruby # Value must be between 1 and 500, 100 will be used if search_company is used # and supplied value is greater than 100 client.page_size = 100 ``` You can also get the totals API calls performed on the client with: ```ruby client.api_calls_count ``` Then, you can perform one of the following requests: - `search_contact` - `search_company` - `company_contact_count` - `contacts` Every method matches the Data.com API call and support the same parameters. All requests are *lazy*, which means that the request will be performed only once you actually perform an action on the response, like requesting `size`, `all`, `each` and such (keep reading). ### Client methods aka API responses #### #search\_contact and #search\_company The parameters accepted by this method are the keys of the [DataComApi::QueryParameters](https://github.com/Fire-Dragon-DoL/data-com-api/blob/master/lib/data-com-api/query_parameters.rb). Notice that you can use the key specified as `:from` for a more ruby-like syntax. **start_at_offset** and **end_at_offset**: This two new parameters allow your response to start fetching data at specified offset or end earlier (if `end_at_offset` is bigger than max fetchable records, it will be ignored and code will handle things in standard way). The returned object is a `DataComApi::SearchContact` which is mostly a [DataComApi::SearchBase](https://github.com/Fire-Dragon-DoL/data-com-api/blob/master/lib/data-com-api/responses/search_base.rb) instance with the following main methods: - `size` which returns the `totalHits` field from the response (it will perform a request only if none performed) - `all` which returns an array containing all records that can be fetched (be careful, can be **memory hungry**). Will handle paging by itself - `each` which yields each record that can be obtained with the request, less memory hungry than previous request. Will handle paging by itself - `each_with_index` same as previous one but with index - `at_offset` which get one page of records (as an array) at specified offset Every record returned will be a [DataComApi::Contact](https://github.com/Fire-Dragon-DoL/data-com-api/blob/master/lib/data-com-api/contact.rb) or a [DataComApi::Company](https://github.com/Fire-Dragon-DoL/data-com-api/blob/master/lib/data-com-api/company.rb) instance. #### #company\_contact\_count The parameters accepted by this method are `company_id` (required) and the second one is [DataComApi::QueryParameters](https://github.com/Fire-Dragon-DoL/data-com-api/blob/master/lib/data-com-api/query_parameters.rb) which is useful only for the `include_graveyard` key This method allows you to count contacts per company, the response has the following methods: - `size` which returns `totalCount` from API response - `url` which returns `url` from API response - `levels` which returns an array of [DataComApi::CompanyContactCount::Level](https://github.com/Fire-Dragon-DoL/data-com-api/blob/master/lib/data-com-api/company_contact_count/level.rb) - `departments` which returns an array of [DataComApi::CompanyContactCount::Departments](https://github.com/Fire-Dragon-DoL/data-com-api/blob/master/lib/data-com-api/company_contact_count/department.rb) #### #contacts The parameters accepted by this method are `contact_ids` (an array of `Fixnum`), `username`, `password` which are required and the optional `purchase_flag` which defaults to `false`. **Be careful, this method may purchase records.** This response has the following methods: - `size` which returns `totalHits` from API response - `used_points` which returns `pointsUsed` from API response - `purchased_contacts` which returns `numberOfContactsPurchased` from API response - `point_balance` which returns `pointBalance` from API response - `contacts` which returns an array of [DataComApi::Contact](https://github.com/Fire-Dragon-DoL/data-com-api/blob/master/lib/data-com-api/contact.rb) ## TODO - Implement `partner` request - Implement `partner_contacts` request - Implement `user` request used to purchase points through API - Write some tests for `search_company` which is exactly the same as `search_contact` - Improve tests organization - Test exceptions when performing API requests ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request