require File.expand_path('../../../test_helper', File.dirname(__FILE__)) class Admin::Gallery::PhotosControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def test_get_index get :index, :gallery_id => gallery_galleries(:default) assert_response :success assert_template 'index' assert assigns(:photos) end def test_get_index_failure get :index, :gallery_id => 'invalid' assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to admin_gallery_galleries_path assert_equal 'Gallery not found', flash[:error] end def test_new gallery = gallery_galleries(:default) get :new, :gallery_id => gallery assert_response :success assert_template 'new' assert assigns(:photo) assert_select "form[action='/admin/gallery/galleries/#{}/photos']" end def test_create assert_difference 'Gallery::Photo.count' do post :create, :gallery_id => gallery_galleries(:default), :gallery_photo => { :title => 'Test Photo', :slug => 'test-photo', :image => [fixture_file_upload('/files/default.jpg', 'image/jpeg')] } assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to :action => :index assert_equal 'Photo created', flash[:notice] photo = Gallery::Photo.last assert_equal 'Test Photo', photo.title assert_equal 'test-photo', photo.slug end end def test_create_without_title_or_slug assert_difference 'Gallery::Photo.count', 2 do post :create, :gallery_id => gallery_galleries(:default), :gallery_photo => { :image => [fixture_file_upload('/files/default.jpg', 'image/jpeg')] } assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to :action => :index assert_equal 'Photo created', flash[:notice] photo = Gallery::Photo.last assert_equal 'default.jpg', photo.title assert_equal 'default-jpg', photo.slug post :create, :gallery_id => gallery_galleries(:default), :gallery_photo => { :slug => 'Testrrr', :image => [fixture_file_upload('/files/default.jpg', 'image/jpeg')] } photo = Gallery::Photo.last assert_equal 'default.jpg', photo.title assert_equal 'Testrrr', photo.slug end end def test_create_failure assert_no_difference 'Gallery::Photo.count' do post :create, :gallery_id => gallery_galleries(:default), :gallery_photo => { } assert_response :success assert_template 'new' assert_equal 'Failed to create Photo', flash[:error] end end def test_create_multiple Gallery::Photo.delete_all assert_difference 'Gallery::Photo.count', 2 do post :create, :gallery_id => gallery_galleries(:default), :gallery_photo => { :title => 'Test Photo', :slug => 'test-photo', :image => [ fixture_file_upload('/files/default.jpg', 'image/jpeg'), fixture_file_upload('/files/default.jpg', 'image/jpeg') ] } assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to :action => :index photo_a, photo_b = Gallery::Photo.all assert_equal 'default.jpg', photo_a.image_file_name assert_equal 'default.jpg', photo_b.image_file_name assert_equal 'Test Photo 1', photo_a.title assert_equal 'Test Photo 2', photo_b.title assert_equal 'test-photo-1', photo_a.slug assert_equal 'test-photo-2', photo_b.slug assert_equal 'Photo created', flash[:notice] end end def test_get_edit photo = gallery_photos(:default) get :edit, :gallery_id =>, :id => photo assert_response :success assert_template 'edit' assert_select "form[action='/admin/gallery/galleries/#{}/photos/#{}']" end def test_get_edit_failure get :edit, :gallery_id => gallery_galleries(:default), :id => 'invalid' assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to :action => :index assert_equal 'Photo not found', flash[:error] end def test_update photo = gallery_photos(:default) put :update, :gallery_id =>, :id => photo, :gallery_photo => { :title => 'Updated Title' } assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to :action => :index assert_equal 'Photo updated', flash[:notice] photo.reload assert_equal 'Updated Title', photo.title end def test_update_failure photo = gallery_photos(:default) put :update, :gallery_id =>, :id => photo, :gallery_photo => { :title => 'Updated Title', :image => fixture_file_upload('/files/default.txt', 'text/plain') } assert_response :success assert_template :edit assert_equal 'Failed to updated Photo', flash[:error] photo.reload assert_not_equal 'Updated Title', photo.description end def test_destroy photo = gallery_photos(:default) assert_difference 'Gallery::Photo.count', -1 do delete :destroy, :gallery_id =>, :id => photo assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to :action => :index assert_equal 'Photo deleted', flash[:notice] end end def test_reorder gallery = gallery_galleries(:default) photo_one = gallery_photos(:default) photo_two = Gallery::Photo.create!( :gallery => gallery, :title => 'Test Photo', :slug => 'test-photo', :image => fixture_file_upload('/files/default.jpg', 'image/jpeg') ) assert_equal 0, photo_one.position assert_equal 1, photo_two.position post :reorder, :gallery_id =>, :gallery_photo => [,] assert_response :success photo_one.reload photo_two.reload assert_equal 1, photo_one.position assert_equal 0, photo_two.position end def test_get_crop photo = gallery_photos(:default) photo.image = fixture_file_upload('/files/default.jpg', 'image/jpeg')! get :crop, :gallery_id =>, :id => photo assert_response :success assert_template 'crop' assert assigns(:photo) end def test_crop_thumbnail photo = gallery_photos(:default) put :update, :gallery_id =>, :id => photo, :photo => { :thumb_crop_x => '0', :thumb_crop_y => '0', :thumb_crop_w => '100', :thumb_crop_h => '100' } assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to :action => :index assert_equal 'Photo updated', flash[:notice] end def test_crop_thumbnail_and_full gallery = Gallery::Gallery.create!( :title => "Title", :slug => "title", :force_ratio_full => true ) photo = Gallery::Photo.create!( :gallery => gallery, :title => 'Test Photo', :slug => 'test-photo', :image => fixture_file_upload('/files/default.jpg', 'image/jpeg') ) put :update, :gallery_id => gallery, :id => photo, :photo => { :thumb_crop_x => '0', :thumb_crop_y => '0', :thumb_crop_w => '100', :thumb_crop_h => '100', :full_crop_x => '0', :full_crop_y => '0', :full_crop_w => '100', :full_crop_h => '100' } assert_response :redirect assert_redirected_to :action => :index assert_equal 'Photo updated', flash[:notice] end end