require 'rbconfig' require 'bonethug/conf' require 'bonethug/configurator' module Bonethug class CLI @@tasks = [ 'help', 'auth', 'install', 'init-db', 'init-local-db', 'setup-db', 'setup-env', 'vhost-local', 'init', 'update', 'run', 'rake', 'drush', 'drush-local', 'sake', 'sync-state', 'deploy', 'setup', 'remote-backup', 'local-backup', 'sync-backup-to', 'sync-backup-from', 'force-unlock', 'cleanup', 'clean', 'watch' ] def self.tasks @@tasks end def self.handle(bin_name = 'thug') # what are we doing? task = ARGV[0] || 'help' case task when 'help' display_help when 'tasks' @@tasks.each do |task| puts task end when 'version' puts 'bonethug v' + VERSION + ' - build date: ' + BUILD_DATE exit when 'auth' # handle args env = ARGV[1] # validate unless env puts 'Usage: ' + bin_name + ' auth [environment]' return end exec "export to=#{env} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb auth --verbose" when 'install' # handle args type = ARGV[1] location = ARGV[2] || '.' # validate unless type puts 'Usage: ' + bin_name + ' install [type] [location]' return end # run the installer Installer.install type, location when 'init-db', 'init-local-db', 'setup-db' # handle args env = ARGV.last admin_user = ARGV.length == 3 ? ARGV[1] : 'root' admin_pass = ARGV.length == 4 ? ARGV[2] : '' # validate if !env || env == task puts 'Usage: ' + bin_name + ' ' + task + ' [admin_user] [admin_pass] [environment]' return end if task == 'init-local-db' Installer.execute_init_mysql_db_script env, admin_user, admin_pass elsif task == 'setup-db' exec "export to=#{env} && export admin_user=#{admin_user} && export admin_pass=#{admin_pass} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb setup_db --verbose" else exec "export to=#{env} && export admin_user=#{admin_user} && export admin_pass=#{admin_pass} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb init_db --verbose" end when 'setup-env' # handle args env = ARGV.last # validate if !env || env == task puts 'Usage: ' + bin_name + ' setup-env [environment]' return end # find the file gem_dir = File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../..' script = gem_dir + '/scripts/' if env == 'show' puts "---------------" puts "Pre" puts "---------------\n" puts script puts "\n---------------" puts "Parsed" puts "---------------" puts Installer.parse_sh elsif env == 'local' exec 'sudo bash ' + script else exec "export to=#{env} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb setup_env --verbose" end when 'vhost-local' # get env env = ARGV.last env = 'development' if env == 'vhost-local' # exec env exec_path = File.expand_path('.') # load config conf = exec_path + '/config/cnf.yml' conf.add(exec_path + '/config/database.yml' => { root: 'dbs.default' }) if File.exist? exec_path + '/config/database.yml' deploy = conf.node_merge 'deploy.common', 'deploy.environments.' + env # vhost name vhost = deploy.get('project_slug') + '_' + env # build the vhost conf vh_cnf = conf.get 'vhost' vh_cnf = conf.get 'apache' unless vh_cnf vh_cnf = vh_cnf.get env # exit if we have no env unless vh_cnf puts "unable to find vhost conf for " + env exit end # get the conf path conf_path = vh_cnf.get('conf_path') || '/etc/apache2/sites-available' # load the appropriate config for the web server vh = Configurator.vhost vh_cnf, exec_path, deploy.get('project_type'), env # check if we have a custom config for the webserver type case vh_cnf.get('type') when "nginx" # to be implemented puts 'to be implemented' exit else # apache # install the vhost system "sudo echo \"#{vh}\" > #{conf_path}/#{vhost}.conf" end # handle hosts file update path = RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/i ? '/c/Windows/System32/drivers/etc/hosts' : '/etc/hosts' hosts = " ## BONETHUG-#{vhost} ## #{Configurator.hosts vh_cnf} ## END_BONETHUG-#{vhost} ## " # write the to the hosts file # this needs work system "sudo sed -i '/## BONETHUG-#{vhost} ##/,/## END_BONETHUG-#{vhost} ##/ s/.*//g' #{path}" escaped = (hosts).gsub(/"/, '\"') system "sudo echo \"#{escaped}\" >> #{path}" # reload apache - linux - but need a debian specific look up system "sudo a2ensite #{vhost} && sudo service apache2 restart" if RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /linux/i when 'init', 'update' # handle args location = ARGV[1] || '.' stage = ARGV[2] || 0 # validate unless location puts 'Usage: ' + bin_name + ' #{task} [location]' return end # run the initaliser Installer.bonethugise location, task.to_sym, stage.to_i when 'run', 'rake', 'drush', 'drush-local', 'sake' # get env environment = ARGV.last # handle args if task == 'run' cmd_task = ARGV[1] args = ARGV[2..(ARGV.length-2)] else case task when 'rake' cmd_task = 'bundle exec rake' when 'drush', 'drush-local' cmd_task = File.expand_path('./vendor/drush/drush/drush') + ' -r ' + File.expand_path('./public') when 'sake' cmd_task = 'public/framework/sake' end args = ARGV[1..(ARGV.length-2)] end if task == 'drush-local' env_cmd = RbConfig::CONFIG['target_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw|cygwin/i ? 'set' : 'export' cmd = env_cmd + " APPLICATION_ENV=#{environment} && #{cmd_task} #{args.join(' ')}" puts exec cmd else # build command run = "run_task task=\"#{cmd_task} #{args.join(' ')}\"" # do it! exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb #{run} --verbose" end when 'sync-state' # operation whitelist operations = ['pull-from-local', 'push-to-local', 'pull-from-remote', 'push-to-remote'] # args operation1 = ARGV[1] env1 = ARGV[2] operation2 = ARGV[3] env2 = ARGV[4] puts # validate operation whitelist valid_operation = operations.include?(operation1) and operations.include?(operation2) # ensure there is both a pull and push operation if valid_operation has_pull = (operation1 == 'pull-from-local' or operation2 == 'pull-from-local' or operation1 == 'pull-from-remote' or operation2 == 'pull-from-remote') has_push = (operation1 == 'push-to-local' or operation2 == 'push-to-local' or operation1 == 'push-to-remote' or operation2 == 'push-to-remote') valid_operation = has_push and has_push end # validate unless operation1 and operation2 and env1 and env2 and valid_operation puts 'Usage: thug sync-state [pull-from-{local|remote}] [environment] [push-to-{local|remote}] [environment]' exit end # process env data pull_env = (operation1 == 'pull-from-remote' or operation1 =='pull-from-local') ? env1 : env2 push_env = (operation1 == 'push-to-remote' or operation1 =='push-to-local') ? env1 : env2 # process operation1 case operation1 when 'pull-from-local' pull_operation = 'local' when 'pull-from-remote' pull_operation = 'remote' when 'push-to-local' push_operation = 'local' when 'push-to-remote' push_operation = 'remote' end # process operation2 case operation2 when 'pull-from-local' pull_operation = 'local' when 'pull-from-remote' pull_operation = 'remote' when 'push-to-local' push_operation = 'local' when 'push-to-remote' push_operation = 'remote' end # stop here if its a local to local because we wont know the file system location of the non-calling local if pull_operation == 'local' and push_operation == 'local' puts 'local to local sync is not supported at this time' exit end # Do Sync if pull_operation == 'local' or push_operation == 'local' Syncer.sync pull_operation, pull_env, push_operation, push_env else # this will call ruby .bonethug/syncer.rb local #{pull_env} remote #{push_env} exec "export to=#{pull_env} && export remote_env=#{push_env} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb sync_state --verbose" end when 'deploy', 'setup', 'remote-backup', 'local-backup', 'sync-backup-to', 'sync-backup-from', 'force-unlock', 'cleanup' # handle args environment = ARGV[1] # validate unless environment puts 'Usage: thug #{task} [environment]' return end case task # Setup and Deploy when 'deploy' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb deploy --verbose" when 'setup' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb setup --verbose" # remote mina scripts when 'force-unlock' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb deploy:force_unlock --verbose" when 'cleanup' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb deploy:cleanup --verbose" # Snapshot Backup when 'remote-backup' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb backup --verbose" when 'local-backup' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec astrails-safe .bonethug/backup.rb" # Synchronised backup when 'sync-backup-to' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb sync_backup_to --verbose" when 'sync-backup-from' exec "export to=#{environment} && bundle exec mina -f .bonethug/deploy.rb sync_backup_from --verbose" end when 'watch' # handle args type = ARGV[1] || 'coffee_sass' location = ARGV[2] || '.' watch_only = ARGV[3] || nil # run the installer type, location, watch_only when 'clean' location = ARGV[1] || '.' Installer.clean location else # We didn't find a task puts 'Task not found' end end def self.display_help(bin_name = 'thug') puts 'Usage: ' + bin_name + ' task [argument]...' end end end