define("dojox/mobile/_StoreListMixin", [ "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/declare", "./_StoreMixin", "./ListItem" ], function(array, declare, StoreMixin, ListItem){ // module: // dojox/mobile/_StoreListMixin return declare("", StoreMixin, { // summary: // Mixin for widgets to generate the list items corresponding to // the dojo/store data provider object. // description: // Mixin for widgets to generate the list items corresponding to // the dojo/store data provider object. // By mixing this class into the widgets, the list item nodes are // generated as the child nodes of the widget and automatically // regenerated whenever the corresponding data items are modified. // append: Boolean // If true, refresh() does not clear the existing items. append: false, // itemMap: Object // An optional parameter mapping field names from the store to ItemList names. // Example: itemMap:{text:'label', profile_image_url:'icon'} itemMap: null, buildRendering: function(){ this.inherited(arguments); if(!{ return; } var store =; = null; this.setStore(store, this.query, this.queryOptions); }, createListItem: function(/*Object*/item){ // summary: // Creates a list item widget. var props = {}; if(!item["label"]){ props["label"] = item[this.labelProperty]; } for(var name in item){ props[(this.itemMap && this.itemMap[name]) || name] = item[name]; } return new ListItem(props); }, generateList: function(/*Array*/items){ // summary: // Given the data, generates a list of items. if(!this.append){ array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){ child.destroyRecursive(); }); } array.forEach(items, function(item, index){ this.addChild(this.createListItem(item)); if(item[this.childrenProperty]){ array.forEach(item[this.childrenProperty], function(child, index){ this.addChild(this.createListItem(child)); }, this); } }, this); }, onComplete: function(/*Array*/items){ // summary: // A handler that is called after the fetch completes. this.generateList(items); }, onError: function(/*Object*/ /*===== errorData =====*/){ // summary: // An error handler. }, onUpdate: function(/*Object*/item, /*Number*/insertedInto){ // summary: // Adds a new item or updates an existing item. if(insertedInto === this.getChildren().length){ this.addChild(this.createListItem(item)); // add a new ListItem }else{ this.getChildren()[insertedInto].set(item); // update the existing ListItem } }, onDelete: function(/*Object*/item, /*Number*/removedFrom){ // summary: // Deletes an existing item. this.getChildren()[removedFrom].destroyRecursive(); } }); });