# must be called on all actions and before :set_name, :process_subcards and # :validate_delete_children event :assign_action, :initialize, when: :actionable? do act = director.need_act @current_action = Card::Action.create( card_act_id: act.id, action_type: action, draft: (Env.params["draft"] == "true") ) if @supercard && @supercard != self @current_action.super_action = @supercard.current_action end end # can we store an action? (can be overridden, eg in files) def actionable? history? end event :detect_conflict, :validate, on: :update, when: :edit_conflict? do errors.add :conflict, ::I18n.t(:history_error_not_latest_revision) end def edit_conflict? last_action_id_before_edit && last_action_id_before_edit.to_i != last_action_id && (la = last_action) && la.act.actor_id != Auth.current_id end # stores changes in the changes table and assigns them to the current action # removes the action if there are no changes event :finalize_action, :finalize, when: :finalize_action? do if changed_fields.present? @current_action.update! card_id: id # NOTE: #last_change_on uses the id to sort by date # so the changes for the create changes have to be created before the first change store_card_changes_for_create_action if first_change? store_card_changes unless first_create? # FIXME: a `@current_action.card` call here breaks specs in solid_cache_spec.rb elsif @current_action.card_changes.reload.empty? @current_action.delete @current_action = nil end end # changes for the create action are stored after the first update def store_card_changes_for_create_action Card::Action.cache.delete "#{create_action.id}-changes" store_each_history_field create_action.id do |field| attribute_before_act field end end def store_card_changes store_each_history_field @current_action.id, changed_fields do |field| self[field] end end def store_each_history_field action_id, fields=nil fields ||= Card::Change::TRACKED_FIELDS if false # Card::Change.supports_import? # attach.feature fails with this values = fields.map.with_index { |field, index| [index, yield(field), action_id] } Card::Change.import %i[field value card_action_id], values # , validate: false else fields.each do |field| Card::Change.create field: field, value: yield(field), card_action_id: action_id end end end def finalize_action? actionable? && current_action end event :rollback_actions, :prepare_to_validate, on: :update, when: :rollback_request? do update_args = process_revert_actions Env.params["revert_actions"] = nil update! update_args clear_drafts abort :success end event :finalize_act, after: :finalize_action, when: :act_card? do Card::Director.act.update! card_id: id end event :remove_empty_act, :integrate_with_delay_final, when: :remove_empty_act? do # Card::Director.act.delete # Card::Director.act = nil end def remove_empty_act? act_card? && Director.act&.ar_actions&.reload&.empty? end