# # ActiveFacts tests: Metadata in the Runtime API # Copyright (c) 2012 Clifford Heath. Read the LICENSE file. # require 'activefacts/api' describe "In a vocabulary" do before :each do Object.send :remove_const, :Mod if Object.const_defined?("Mod") module Mod end @constellation = ActiveFacts::API::Constellation.new(Mod) end ObjectType_methods = [ :has_one, :maybe, :one_to_one, :add_role, :all_role, :subtypes, :supertypes, :vocabulary, :all_role_transitive, # To make private: :check_identifying_role_has_valid_cardinality, :realise_role, :supertypes_transitive, ] ValueType_methods = [ :assert_instance, :identifying_role_values, :index_instance, :inherited, :length, :restrict, :scale, :value_type, :verbalise ] Instance_methods = [ :constellation, :retract, :is_a?, # To remove or move to EntityType :related_entities, :check_identification_change_legality, :instance_index ] Value_methods = Instance_methods + [ :verbalise, :identifying_role_values ] EntityType_methods = [ :assert_instance, :identified_by, :identifying_role_names, :identifying_role_values, :identifying_roles, :index_instance, :inherited, :verbalise, # To make private: :check_no_supertype_instance_exists, :check_supertype_identifiers_match, :identification_inherited_from, :identification_inherited_from=, :find_inherited_role, :overrides_identification_of, :overrides_identification_of=, # To remove :created_instances, :created_instances= ] Entity_methods = Instance_methods + [ :verbalise, :identifying_role_values, # To remove hide or rewrite: :identity_by, :identity_as_hash ] Cases = ValueClasses.map do |klass| # [String, Date, DateTime, Int, Real, AutoCounter, Decimal, Guid] { :name => "a #{klass}", :definition => %Q{ class T < #{klass} value_type end }, :pattern => /Method: Class(#[a-z_0-9]*[?=]? )?\((defined in )?ActiveFacts::API::Value::ClassMethods[) ]/, :class_methods => ValueType_methods, :instance_methods => Value_methods, :constructor_args => Array( case klass.name when 'String'; 'foo' when 'DateTime'; [2008, 04, 20, 10, 28, 14] when 'Date'; '2012-12-11' when 'Time'; [2008, 04, 20, 10, 28, 14] when 'Int'; 23 when 'Real'; 23.45 when 'AutoCounter', 'Guid'; :new when 'Decimal'; '12345.5678' else raise "Please define constructor args for #{klass}" end ).compact } end + [ { :name => "a Value Sub Type", :definition => %q{ class V < String value_type end class T < V end }, :pattern => /Method: Class(#[a-z_0-9]*[?=]? )?\((defined in )?ActiveFacts::API::Value::ClassMethods[) ]/, :class_methods => ValueType_methods, :instance_methods => Value_methods, :constructor_args => [ 'foo' ] }, { :name => "an Entity Type", :definition => %q{ class V < String value_type end class T identified_by :foo one_to_one :foo, :class => V end }, :pattern => /Method: Class(#[a-z_0-9]*[?=]? )?\((defined in )?ActiveFacts::API::Entity::ClassMethods[) ]/, :class_methods => EntityType_methods, :instance_methods => Entity_methods, :constructor_args => [ 'foo' ] }, { :name => "an Entity Sub Type", :definition => %q{ class V < String value_type end class E identified_by :foo one_to_one :foo, :class => V end class T < E end }, :pattern => /Method: Class(#[a-z_0-9]*[?=]? )?\((defined in )?ActiveFacts::API::Entity::ClassMethods[) ]/, :class_methods => EntityType_methods, :instance_methods => Entity_methods, :constructor_args => [ 'foo' ] }, { :name => "an Entity Sub Type with independent identification", :definition => %q{ class V < String value_type end class E identified_by :foo one_to_one :foo, :class => V end class T < E identified_by :bar one_to_one :bar, :class => V end }, :pattern => /Method: Class(#[a-z_0-9]*[?=]? )?\((defined in )?ActiveFacts::API::Entity::ClassMethods[) ]/, :class_methods => EntityType_methods, :instance_methods => Entity_methods, :constructor_args => [ 'bar', {:foo => 'foo'} ] }, { :name => "an Entity Sub Type with extra supertypes", :definition => %q{ class V < String value_type end class E identified_by :foo one_to_one :foo, :class => V end class E2 identified_by :baz one_to_one :baz, :class => V end class T < E supertypes E2 one_to_one :bar, :class => V end }, :pattern => /Method: Class(#[a-z_0-9]*[?=]? )?\((defined in )?ActiveFacts::API::Entity::ClassMethods[) ]/, :class_methods => EntityType_methods, :instance_methods => Entity_methods, :constructor_args => [ 'bar', {:foo => 'foo', :baz => 'baz'} ] }, ] Cases.each do |casehash| case_name = casehash[:name] definition = "module Mod; "+ casehash[:definition] + "; end" pattern = casehash[:pattern] class_methods = casehash[:class_methods] instance_methods = casehash[:instance_methods] constructor_args = casehash[:constructor_args] describe "#{case_name}" do before :each do eval definition all_T_methods = Mod::T.methods.select{|m| Mod::T.method(m).inspect =~ /ActiveFacts/}.map(&:to_s).sort @object_type_methods, @value_type_methods = *all_T_methods.partition do |m| Mod::T.method(m).inspect =~ /Method: Class(#[a-z_0-9]*[?=]? )?\((defined in )?ActiveFacts::API::ObjectType[) ]/ end end describe "as an ObjectType" do it "should have the appropriate class methods" do @object_type_methods.should == ObjectType_methods.map(&:to_s).sort end ObjectType_methods.each do |m| it "should respond to ObjectType.#{m}" do Mod::T.should respond_to(m) Mod::T.method(m).inspect.should =~ /Method: Class(#[a-z_0-9]*[?=]? )?\((defined in )?ActiveFacts::API::ObjectType[) ]/ end end end describe "as #{case_name}" do it "should have the appropriate class methods" do @value_type_methods.should == class_methods.map(&:to_s).sort end class_methods.each do |m| it "should respond to #{case_name}.#{m}" do Mod::T.should respond_to(m) Mod::T.method(m).inspect.should =~ pattern end end end describe "when instantiated" do before :each do @instance = @constellation.T(*constructor_args) end it "should be ok" do @instance.should_not be_nil end if @instance end end describe "An instance of #{case_name}" do before :each do @v = @constellation.T(*constructor_args) all_T_instance_methods = @v.methods.select do |m| i = @v.method(m).inspect i =~ /ActiveFacts/ || i =~ /identifying_role_values/ end.sort.map(&:to_sym) @actual_instance_methods = all_T_instance_methods end it "should have the appropriate instance methods" do # @actual_instance_methods.should == instance_methods.map(&:to_s).sort # Weaken our expectation to just that nothing should be missing (extra methods are ok) missing_methods = instance_methods - @actual_instance_methods missing_methods.should == [] end instance_methods.each do |m| it "should respond to #{case_name}\##{m}" do v = @constellation.T(*constructor_args) v.should respond_to(m) if Instance_methods.include?(m) v.method(m).inspect.should =~ /Mod::T(#[a-z_0-9]*[?=]? )?\((defined in )?ActiveFacts::API::Instance[) ]/ else v.method(m).inspect.should =~ /Mod::T(#[a-z_0-9]*[?=]? )?\((defined in )?ActiveFacts::API::(Value|Entity)[) ]/ end end end end end end end