%# @subtabs = resque.queues unless partial? || params[:id].nil? %> <% if false and queue = params[:id] %>
Showing <%= start = params[:start].to_i + 1 %> to <%= start + 20 %> of <%=size = rewritten.size(queue)%> jobs
Class | Args |
<%= job['class'] %> | <%=h job['args'].inspect %> |
There are no pending jobs in this queue |
The list below contains all the registered translations from an url to target url. To view all translations for a target click on the target URL.
+ New TranslationShowing <%= (start = params[:start].to_i)+1 %> to <%= start + Rewritten.per_page %> of <%=size = Rewritten.size('froms')%> translations.
from URL (Browser Location) | to URL (Your App) |
<%= mapping %> | "><%= to %> |