require 'spec_helper' describe CheckinsController do fixtures :all def mock_user(stubs={}) (@mock_user ||= mock_model(Checkin).as_null_object).tap do |user| user.stub(stubs) unless stubs.empty? end end describe "GET index" do describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin it "assigns all checkins as @checkins" do get :index assigns(:checkins).should eq response.should be_success end describe "When basket_id is specified" do it "assigns all checkins as @checkins" do get :index, :basket_id => 10 assigns(:checkins).should eq Basket.find(10) response.should be_success end end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian it "assigns all checkins as @checkins" do get :index assigns(:checkins).should eq response.should be_success end describe "When basket_id is specified" do it "assigns all checkins as @checkins" do get :index, :basket_id => 9 assigns(:checkins).should eq Basket.find(9) response.should be_success end end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user it "should not assign all checkins as @checkins" do get :index assigns(:checkins).should be_nil response.should be_forbidden end end end describe "GET show" do describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do checkin = checkins(:checkin_00001) get :show, :id => assigns(:checkin).should eq(checkin) end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do checkin = checkins(:checkin_00001) get :show, :id => assigns(:checkin).should eq(checkin) end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do checkin = checkins(:checkin_00001) get :show, :id => assigns(:checkin).should eq(checkin) response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do checkin = checkins(:checkin_00001) get :show, :id => assigns(:checkin).should eq(checkin) response.should redirect_to new_user_session_url end end end describe "GET new" do describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do get :new assigns(:checkin).should_not be_valid end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do get :new assigns(:checkin).should_not be_valid end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user it "should not assign the requested checkin as @checkin" do get :new assigns(:checkin).should_not be_valid response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do it "should not assign the requested checkin as @checkin" do get :new assigns(:checkin).should_not be_valid response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end describe "GET edit" do describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do checkin = checkins(:checkin_00001) get :edit, :id => assigns(:checkin).should eq(checkin) end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do checkin = checkins(:checkin_00001) get :edit, :id => assigns(:checkin).should eq(checkin) end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do checkin = checkins(:checkin_00001) get :edit, :id => response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do it "should not assign the requested checkin as @checkin" do checkin = checkins(:checkin_00001) get :edit, :id => response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end describe "POST create" do before(:each) do @attrs = {:item_identifier => '00003'} @invalid_attrs = {:item_identifier => 'invalid'} end describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin describe "with valid params" do it "assigns a newly created checkin as @checkin" do post :create, :checkin => @attrs assigns(:checkin).should_not be_valid end it "should not create checkin without basket_id" do post :create, :checkin => @attrs response.should be_forbidden end describe "When basket_id is specified" do it "redirects to the created checkin" do post :create, :checkin => @attrs, :basket_id => 9 response.should redirect_to(checkins_url(basket_id: assigns(:checkin).basket_id)) assigns(:checkin) eq 'Available On Shelf' end it "should checkin the overdue item" do post :create, :checkin => {:item_identifier => '00014'}, :basket_id => 9 response.should redirect_to(checkins_url(basket_id: assigns(:checkin).basket_id)) assigns(:checkin).checkout.should be_valid assigns(:checkin) eq 'Available On Shelf' end end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns a newly created but unsaved checkin as @checkin" do post :create, :checkin => @invalid_attrs assigns(:checkin).should_not be_valid end it "should be forbidden" do post :create, :checkin => @invalid_attrs response.should be_forbidden end end it "should not create checkin without item_id" do post :create, :checkin => {:item_identifier => nil}, :basket_id => 9 assigns(:checkin).should_not be_valid response.should be_success end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian describe "with valid params" do it "assigns a newly created checkin as @checkin" do post :create, :checkin => @attrs assigns(:checkin).should_not be_valid end it "should not create checkin without basket_id" do post :create, :checkin => @attrs response.should be_forbidden end it "should show notification when it is reserved" do post :create, :checkin => {:item_identifier => '00008'}, :basket_id => 9 flash[:message].to_s.index(I18n.t('item.this_item_is_reserved')).should be_truthy assigns(:checkin).item.manifestation.next_reservation.current_state.should eq 'retained' assigns(:checkin) eq 'Available On Shelf' response.should redirect_to(checkins_url(basket_id: assigns(:basket).id)) end it "should show notification when an item includes supplements" do post :create, :checkin => {:item_identifier => '00004'}, :basket_id => 9 assigns(:checkin) eq 'Available On Shelf' flash[:message].to_s.index(I18n.t('item.this_item_include_supplement')).should be_truthy response.should redirect_to(checkins_url(basket_id: assigns(:basket).id)) end end it "should show notice when other library's item is checked in" do sign_in users(:librarian2) post :create, :checkin => {:item_identifier => '00009'}, :basket_id => 9 assigns(:checkin).should be_valid flash[:message].to_s.index(I18n.t('checkin.other_library_item')).should be_truthy response.should redirect_to(checkins_url(basket_id: assigns(:basket).id)) end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user describe "with valid params" do it "assigns a newly created checkin as @checkin" do post :create, :checkin => @attrs assigns(:checkin).should_not be_valid end it "should be forbidden" do post :create, :checkin => @attrs response.should be_forbidden end end end describe "When not logged in" do before(:each) do @attrs = {:item_identifier => '00003'} @invalid_attrs = {:item_identifier => 'invalid'} end describe "with valid params" do it "assigns a newly created checkin as @checkin" do post :create, :checkin => @attrs end it "should redirect to new session url" do post :create, :checkin => @attrs response.should redirect_to new_user_session_url end end end end describe "PUT update" do before(:each) do @checkin = checkins(:checkin_00001) @attrs = {:item_identifier => @checkin.item.item_identifier} @invalid_attrs = {:item_identifier => 'invalid'} end describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin describe "with valid params" do it "updates the requested checkin" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @attrs end it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @attrs assigns(:checkin).should eq(@checkin) response.should redirect_to(@checkin) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @invalid_attrs end it "re-renders the 'edit' template" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @invalid_attrs response.should render_template("edit") end it "should not update checkin without item_identifier" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @attrs.merge(:item_identifier => nil) assigns(:checkin).should be_valid response.should redirect_to(@checkin) end end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian describe "with valid params" do it "updates the requested checkin" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @attrs end it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @attrs assigns(:checkin).should eq(@checkin) response.should redirect_to(@checkin) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the checkin as @checkin" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @invalid_attrs assigns(:checkin).should_not be_valid end it "re-renders the 'edit' template" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @invalid_attrs response.should render_template("edit") end end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user describe "with valid params" do it "updates the requested checkin" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @attrs end it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @attrs assigns(:checkin).should eq(@checkin) response.should be_forbidden end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @invalid_attrs response.should be_forbidden end end end describe "When not logged in" do describe "with valid params" do it "updates the requested checkin" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @attrs end it "should be forbidden" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @attrs response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end describe "with invalid params" do it "assigns the requested checkin as @checkin" do put :update, :id =>, :checkin => @invalid_attrs response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end end describe "DELETE destroy" do before(:each) do @checkin = checkins(:checkin_00001) end describe "When logged in as Administrator" do login_fixture_admin it "destroys the requested checkin" do delete :destroy, :id => end it "redirects to the checkins list" do delete :destroy, :id => response.should redirect_to(checkins_url) end end describe "When logged in as Librarian" do login_fixture_librarian it "destroys the requested checkin" do delete :destroy, :id => end it "redirects to the checkins list" do delete :destroy, :id => response.should redirect_to(checkins_url) end end describe "When logged in as User" do login_fixture_user it "destroys the requested checkin" do delete :destroy, :id => end it "should be forbidden" do delete :destroy, :id => response.should be_forbidden end end describe "When not logged in" do it "destroys the requested checkin" do delete :destroy, :id => end it "should be forbidden" do delete :destroy, :id => response.should redirect_to(new_user_session_url) end end end end