module Yawast module Scanner module Plugins module SSL class Sweet32 def self.get_tdes_session_msg_count(uri) # this method will send a number of HEAD requests to see # if the connection is eventually killed. puts 'TLS Session Request Limit: Checking number of requests accepted using 3DES suites...' count = 0 begin req = Yawast::Shared::Http.get_http(uri) req.use_ssl = uri.scheme == 'https' req.keep_alive_timeout = 600 headers = Yawast::Shared::Http.get_headers #force 3DES - this is to ensure that 3DES specific limits are caught req.ciphers = ['3DES'] #attempt to find a version that supports 3DES versions = OpenSSL::SSL::SSLContext::METHODS.find_all { |v| !v.to_s.include?('_client') && !v.to_s.include?('_server')} versions.each do |version| if version.to_s != 'SSLv23' req.ssl_version = version begin req.start do |http| head = http.head(uri.path, headers) #check to see if this is on Cloudflare - they break Keep-Alive limits, creating a false positive head.each do |k, v| if k.downcase == 'server' if v == 'cloudflare-nginx' puts 'Cloudflare server found: SWEET32 mitigated:' return end end end end print "Using #{version}" break rescue #we don't care end end end req.start do |http| 10000.times do |i| http.head(uri.path, headers) # hack to detect transparent disconnects if http.instance_variable_get(:@ssl_context).session_cache_stats[:cache_hits] != 0 raise 'TLS Reconnected' end count += 1 if i % 20 == 0 print '.' end end end rescue => e puts if e.message.include? 'alert handshake failure' Yawast::Utilities.puts_info 'TLS Session Request Limit: Server does not support 3DES cipher suites' else Yawast::Utilities.puts_info "TLS Session Request Limit: Connection terminated after #{count} requests (#{e.message})" end return end puts Yawast::Utilities.puts_vuln 'TLS Session Request Limit: Connection not terminated after 10,000 requests; possibly vulnerable to SWEET32' end end end end end end