;(function ($, window, document) { var pluginName = 'xpull'; var defaults = { paused: false, pullThreshold: 50, maxPullThreshold: 50, spinnerTimeout: 0, scrollingDom: null, onPullStartCallback: function () {}, onPullEndCallback: function () {}, onPullRefreshCallback: function () { window.location.reload(); } }; function Plugin (element, options) { this.element = element; this.options = $.extend({}, defaults, options); this._defaults = defaults; this._name = pluginName; this.init(); } Plugin.prototype = { init: function() { var that = this; var ofstop = 0; var fingerOffset = 0; var top = 0; var hasc = false; var elm = {}; that.$element = $(that.element); that.elm = elm = that.$element.children(':not(.xpull)'); that.indicator = that.$element.find('.xpull:eq(0)'); that.indicator.css({ display: 'block' }); that.spinner = that.indicator.find('.xpull-spinner:eq(0)'); that.startBlock = that.indicator.find('.xpull-content:eq(0)'); that.indicatorHeight = that.indicator.outerHeight(); that.changeStyle(-that.indicatorHeight, true); that.$element.css({ '-webkit-overflow-scrolling': 'touch', 'overflow-scrolling': 'touch' }); ofstop = that.$element.offset().top; that.elast = true; that.startBlock.css('visibility', 'hidden'); that.indicatorHidden = true; elm.unbind('touchstart.' + pluginName); elm.on('touchstart.' + pluginName, function (ev) { if (that.options.paused) return false; that.options.onPullStartCallback.call(this); fingerOffset = ev.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY - ofstop; }); elm.unbind('touchmove.' + pluginName); elm.on('touchmove.' + pluginName, function (ev) { if (that.options.paused) return false; if (elm.position().top < 0 || (that.options.scrollingDom || that.$element).scrollTop() > 0 || document.body.scrollTop > 0) return true; if (that.indicatorHidden) { that.startBlock.css('visibility', 'visible'); that.indicatorHidden = false; } top = (ev.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY - ofstop - fingerOffset); if (top > 1) { if (that.elast) { $(document.body).on('touchmove.' + pluginName, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }); that.elast = false; } if (top <= (parseInt(that.options.pullThreshold) + that.options.maxPullThreshold)) { that.changeStyle((top - that.indicatorHeight), false); } if (top > that.options.pullThreshold && !hasc) { that.indicator.addClass('xpull-pulled'); } else if (top <= that.options.pullThreshold && hasc) { that.indicator.removeClass('xpull-pulled'); } } else { $(document.body).unbind('touchmove.' + pluginName); that.elast = true; } hasc = that.indicator.hasClass('xpull-pulled'); }); elm.unbind('touchend.' + pluginName); elm.on('touchend.' + pluginName, function () { if (that.options.paused) return false; that.options.onPullEndCallback.call(this); if (top > 0) { if (top > that.options.pullThreshold) { that.startBlock.hide(); that.spinner.show(); setTimeout(function () { that.options.onPullRefreshCallback.call(this); }, 300); that.options.paused = true; that.changeStyle(0, true); if (that.options.spinnerTimeout) { setTimeout(function () { that.reset(); }, that.options.spinnerTimeout); } } else { that.changeStyle(-that.indicatorHeight, true); } top = 0; } if (!that.indicatorHidden) { that.startBlock.css('visibility', 'hidden'); that.indicatorHidden = true; } setTimeout(function() { elm.css({ 'transition': '' }); that.indicator.css({ 'transition': '' }); $(document.body).unbind('touchmove.' + pluginName); that.elast = true; }, 300); }); }, changeStyle: function (top, transition) { var changeCss = { transform: 'translate3d(0px, ' + top + 'px, 0px)', transition: 'transform 0.3s ease-in-out' }; if (!transition) { changeCss.transition = ''; } this.indicator.css(changeCss); this.elm.css(changeCss); }, reset: function() { var that = this; that.changeStyle(-that.indicatorHeight, true); setTimeout(function() { that.startBlock.show(); that.spinner.hide(); that.options.paused = false; that.indicator.removeClass('xpull-pulled'); that.changeStyle(-that.indicatorHeight, false); $(document.body).unbind('touchmove.' + pluginName); that.elast = true; }, 300); }, destroy: function () { var that = this; var elm = that.elm; that.changeStyle(0); that.indicator.css({ display: 'none' }); elm.off('touchstart.' + pluginName); elm.off('touchmove.' + pluginName); elm.off('touchend.' + pluginName); $(document.body).off('touchmove.' + pluginName); that.$element.removeData('plugin_' + pluginName); } }; $.fn[pluginName] = function(options) { return this.each(function() { var pName = 'plugin_' + pluginName; if (!$.data(this, pName)) { $.data(this, pName, new Plugin(this, options)); } }); }; })(jQuery, window, document);