// Copyright (c) The Libra Core Contributors // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 syntax = "proto3"; package network; import "ledger_info.proto"; import "transaction.proto"; message GetChunkRequest { uint64 known_version = 1; uint64 limit = 2; uint64 timeout = 3; types.LedgerInfoWithSignatures ledger_info_with_sigs = 4; } message GetChunkResponse { types.LedgerInfoWithSignatures ledger_info_with_sigs = 1; // chunk of transactions with proof corresponding to version in `ledger_info_with_sigs` types.TransactionListWithProof txn_list_with_proof = 2; } message StateSynchronizerMsg { oneof message { GetChunkRequest chunk_request = 1; GetChunkResponse chunk_response = 2; } }