# encoding: utf-8 # This file is distributed under New Relic's license terms. # See https://github.com/newrelic/rpm/blob/master/LICENSE for complete details. require 'mocha' require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'sinatra_test_cases')) require File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', '..', '..', 'agent_helper')) class SinatraModularTestApp < Sinatra::Base configure do # display exceptions so we see what's going on disable :show_exceptions # create a condition (sintra's version of a before_filter) that returns the # value that was passed into it. set :my_condition do |boolean| condition do halt 404 unless boolean end end end get '/user/login' do "please log in" end # this action will always return 404 because of the condition. get '/user/:id', :my_condition => false do |id| "Welcome #{id}" end get '/raise' do raise "Uh-oh" end # check that pass works properly condition { pass { halt 418, "I'm a teapot." } } get('/pass') { } get '/pass' do "I'm not a teapot." end class Error < StandardError; end error(Error) { halt 200, 'nothing happened' } condition { raise Error } get('/error') { } condition do raise "Boo" if $precondition_already_checked $precondition_already_checked = true end get('/precondition') { 'precondition only happened once' } get '/route/:name' do |name| # usually this would be a db test or something pass if name != 'match' 'first route' end get '/route/no_match' do 'second route' end before '/filtered' do @filtered = true end get '/filtered' do @filtered ? 'got filtered' : 'nope' end newrelic_ignore '/ignored' get '/ignored' do "don't trace me bro" end get /\/regex.*/ do "Yeah, regex's!" end end class SinatraModularTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include SinatraTestCases def app SinatraModularTestApp end end