Feature Catalog for Digital Map of State Boundaries of India, 2011 Literacy; Sex ratio; Population; Administrative and political divisions; Statistics 2013 eng; US ML InfoMap (Firm) STATE2011 Administrative Unit false FID Internal feature number. Esri Esri OID Shape Feature geometry. Esri Esri Geometry U_SEXRATIO Urban Sex Ratio Census of India Census of India Double U_M_POP Urban male population Census of India Census of India Double U_POP_L6 Urban Population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Double P_UF_DGRW Percentage of Urban Female Decadal Growth Census of India Census of India Double F_LIT Female literates Census of India Census of India Double F_L6 Female population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Double M_POP Male population Census of India Census of India Double F_POP Female population Census of India Census of India Double P_M_DGRW Percentage of Male Decadal Growth Census of India Census of India Double R_SEXRATIO Rural Sex Ratio Census of India Census of India Double P_U_DGRW Percentage of Urban Decadal Growth Census of India Census of India Double TOT_U_POP Total urban population Census of India Census of India Double P_U_LIT Percentage of Urban literates Census of India Census of India Double P_R_LIT Percentage of Rural literates Census of India Census of India Double U_LIT Total Urban literates Census of India Census of India Double R_LIT Total Rural literates Census of India Census of India Double P_RF_LIT Percentage of Rural Female Literates Census of India Census of India Double P_UM_LIT Percentage of Urban Male Literates Census of India Census of India Double P_RM_LIT Percentage of Rural Male Literates Census of India Census of India Double P_R_L6 Percentage of Rural Population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Double U_SEXRA_L6 Urban Sex Ratio below 6 years Census of India Census of India Double R_SEXRA_L6 Rural Sex Ratio below 6 years Census of India Census of India Double SEXRA_L6 Sex Ration below 6 years Census of India Census of India Double P_U_L6 Percentage of Urban Population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Double R_POP_L6 Rural Population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Double SEX_RATIO Female per 1000 male Census of India Census of India Double P_F_LIT Percentage Female literates Census of India Census of India Double C_CODE11 Census code in 2011 Census of India Census of India String Census code Census code of state Census of India Census of India P_UF_LIT Percentage of Urban Female Literates Census of India Census of India Double TOT_R_POP Total rural population Census of India Census of India Double P_M_LIT Percentage Male literates Census of India Census of India Double P_RM_DGRW Percentage of Rural Male Decadal Growth Census of India Census of India Double R_F_POP Rural female population Census of India Census of India Double TOT_L6 Total population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Double P_UM_DGRW Percentage of Urban Male Decadal Growth Census of India Census of India Double P_F_DGRW Percentage of Female Decadal Growth Census of India Census of India Double TOT_POP Total population Census of India Census of India Double U_F_POP Urban female population Census of India Census of India Double P_DEC_GRW Percentage of Decadal Growth Census of India Census of India Double P_TOT_LIT Percentage total literates Census of India Census of India Double P_U_POP Percentage of Urban Population Census of India Census of India Double TOT_LIT Total literates Census of India Census of India Double P_L6 Percentage of Population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Double STATE_ID Unique identification number ML Infomap ML Infomap Double M_L6 Male population below 6 years Census of India Census of India Double NAME Name of administrative state or union territory Census of India Census of India String State or Union Territory Name of administrative state or union territory Census of India Census of India R_M_POP Rural male population Census of India Census of India Double P_RF_DGRW Percentage of Rural Female Decadal Growth Census of India Census of India Double M_LIT Male literates Census of India Census of India Double P_R_DGRW Percentage of Rural Decadal Growth Census of India Census of India Double