require 'thor' class Alchemy::Upgrader::ThreePointTwoTask < Thor include Thor::Actions no_tasks do def patch_acts_as_taggable_on_migrations sentinel = /def self.up/ aato_file = Dir.glob('db/migrate/*_acts_as_taggable_on_migration.*.rb').first if aato_file inject_into_file aato_file, "\n # inserted by Alchemy CMS upgrader\n return if table_exists?(:tags)\n", { after: sentinel, verbose: true } end aato_file = Dir.glob('db/migrate/*_add_missing_unique_indices.*.rb').first if aato_file inject_into_file aato_file, "\n # inserted by Alchemy CMS upgrader\n return if index_exists?(:tags, :name)\n", { after: sentinel, verbose: true } end end def inject_seeder append_file "./db/seeds.rb", "Alchemy::Seeder.seed!\n" end end end module Alchemy module Upgrader::ThreePointTwo private def upgrade_acts_as_taggable_on_migrations desc 'Installs acts_as_taggable_on migrations.' if !`bundle exec rake railties:install:migrations FROM=acts_as_taggable_on_engine`.empty? end `bundle exec rake db:migrate` end def inject_seeder desc 'Add Alchemy seeder to `db/seeds.rb` file.' end def alchemy_3_2_todos notice = <<-NOTE Capistrano 2 deploy script removed ---------------------------------- The Capistrano 2 based deploy script has been removed and replaced by an Capistrano 3 extension. Please update your Gemfile: group :development do gem 'capistrano-alchemy', github: 'AlchemyCMS/capistrano-alchemy', branch: 'master', require: false end For more information please visit NOTE todo notice, 'Alchemy v3.2 changes' end end end