require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/spec_helper' describe Resourceful::Default::Actions, " index action" do include ControllerMocks before :each do mock_controller Resourceful::Default::Actions [:load_objects, :before, :response_for].each(&@controller.method(:stubs)) end after(:each) { @controller.index } it "should load the object collection" do #@controller.expects(:load_objects) end it "should call the before :index callback" do @controller.expects(:before).with(:index) end it "should run the response for index" do @controller.expects(:response_for).with(:index) end end describe Resourceful::Default::Actions, " show action" do include ControllerMocks before :each do mock_controller Resourceful::Default::Actions [:load_object, :before, :response_for].each(&@controller.method(:stubs)) end after(:each) { } it "should load the instance object" do #@controller.expects(:load_object) end it "should call the before :show callback" do @controller.expects(:before).with(:show) end it "should run the response for show" do @controller.expects(:response_for).with(:show) end it "should run the response for show failing if an exception is raised" do @controller.stubs(:response_for).with(:show).raises("Oh no!") @controller.expects(:response_for).with(:show_fails) end end describe Resourceful::Default::Actions, " successful create action" do include ControllerMocks before :each do mock_controller Resourceful::Default::Actions [:build_object, :load_object, :before, :after, :save_succeeded!, :response_for].each(&@controller.method(:stubs)) @object = stub :save => true @controller.stubs(:current_object).returns(@object) end after(:each) { @controller.create } it "should build the object from the POSTed parameters" do @controller.expects(:build_object) end it "should load the instance object" do @controller.expects(:load_object) end it "should call the before :create callback" do @controller.expects(:before).with(:create) end it "should try to save the object" do @object.expects(:save).returns(true) end it "should record the successful save" do @controller.expects(:save_succeeded!) end it "should call the after :create callback" do @controller.expects(:after).with(:create) end it "should run the response for create" do @controller.expects(:response_for).with(:create) end end describe Resourceful::Default::Actions, " unsuccessful create action" do include ControllerMocks before :each do mock_controller Resourceful::Default::Actions [:build_object, :load_object, :before, :after, :save_failed!, :response_for].each(&@controller.method(:stubs)) @object = stub :save => false @controller.stubs(:current_object).returns(@object) end after(:each) { @controller.create } it "should record the unsuccessful save" do @controller.expects(:save_failed!) end it "should call the after :create_fails callback" do @controller.expects(:after).with(:create_fails) end it "should run the response for create failing" do @controller.expects(:response_for).with(:create_fails) end end describe Resourceful::Default::Actions, " successful update action" do include ControllerMocks before :each do mock_controller Resourceful::Default::Actions [:load_object, :before, :after, :object_parameters, :save_succeeded!, :response_for].each(&@controller.method(:stubs)) @object = stub :update_attributes => true @controller.stubs(:current_object).returns(@object) end after(:each) { @controller.update } it "should load the instance object" do #@controller.expects(:load_object) end it "should call the before :update callback" do @controller.expects(:before).with(:update) end it "should try to update the object with the POSTed attributes" do @controller.expects(:object_parameters).returns(:params => "stuff") @object.expects(:update_attributes).with(:params => "stuff").returns(true) end it "should record the successful save" do @controller.expects(:save_succeeded!) end it "should call the after :update callback" do @controller.expects(:after).with(:update) end it "should run the response for update" do @controller.expects(:response_for).with(:update) end end describe Resourceful::Default::Actions, " unsuccessful update action" do include ControllerMocks before :each do mock_controller Resourceful::Default::Actions [:load_object, :before, :after, :object_parameters, :save_failed!, :response_for].each(&@controller.method(:stubs)) @object = stub :update_attributes => false @controller.stubs(:current_object).returns(@object) end after(:each) { @controller.update } it "should record the unsuccessful save" do @controller.expects(:save_failed!) end it "should call the after :update_fails callback" do @controller.expects(:after).with(:update_fails) end it "should run the response for update failing" do @controller.expects(:response_for).with(:update_fails) end end describe Resourceful::Default::Actions, " unsuccessful update action because of StaleObjectError" do include ControllerMocks before :each do mock_controller Resourceful::Default::Actions [:load_object, :before, :after, :object_parameters, :save_failed!, :response_for].each(&@controller.method(:stubs)) @object = stub_model("Thing") @object.stubs(:update_attributes).raises(ActiveRecord::StaleObjectError) @object.expects(:reload) @controller.stubs(:current_object).returns(@object) end after(:each) { @controller.update } it "should record the unsuccessful save" do @controller.expects(:save_failed!) end it "should call the after :update_fails callback" do @controller.expects(:after).with(:update_fails) end it "should run the response for update failing" do @controller.expects(:response_for).with(:update_fails) end end describe Resourceful::Default::Actions, " new action" do include ControllerMocks before :each do mock_controller Resourceful::Default::Actions [:build_object, :load_object, :before, :response_for].each(&@controller.method(:stubs)) end after(:each) { } it "should build the object from the POSTed parameters" do @controller.expects(:build_object) end it "should load the instance object" do @controller.expects(:load_object) end it "should call the before :new callback" do @controller.expects(:before).with(:new) end it "should run the response for new" do @controller.expects(:response_for).with(:new) end end describe Resourceful::Default::Actions, " edit action" do include ControllerMocks before :each do mock_controller Resourceful::Default::Actions [:load_object, :before, :response_for].each(&@controller.method(:stubs)) end after(:each) { @controller.edit } it "should load the instance object" do #@controller.expects(:load_object) end it "should call the before :edit callback" do @controller.expects(:before).with(:edit) end it "should run the response for edit" do @controller.expects(:response_for).with(:edit) end end describe Resourceful::Default::Actions, " successful destroy action" do include ControllerMocks before :each do mock_controller Resourceful::Default::Actions [:load_object, :before, :after, :response_for].each(&@controller.method(:stubs)) @object = stub :destroy => true @controller.stubs(:current_object).returns(@object) end after(:each) { @controller.destroy } it "should load the instance object" do #@controller.expects(:load_object) end it "should call the before :destroy callback" do @controller.expects(:before).with(:destroy) end it "should try to destroy the object" do @object.expects(:destroy).returns(true) end it "should call the after :destroy callback" do @controller.expects(:after).with(:destroy) end it "should run the response for destroy" do @controller.expects(:response_for).with(:destroy) end end describe Resourceful::Default::Actions, " unsuccessful destroy action" do include ControllerMocks before :each do mock_controller Resourceful::Default::Actions [:load_object, :before, :after, :response_for].each(&@controller.method(:stubs)) @object = stub :destroy => false @controller.stubs(:current_object).returns(@object) end after(:each) { @controller.destroy } it "should call the after :destroy_fails callback" do @controller.expects(:after).with(:destroy_fails) end it "should run the response for destroy failing" do @controller.expects(:response_for).with(:destroy_fails) end end