# frozen_string_literal: true require 'thread' require_relative 'logger' module Listen module Thread class << self # Creates a new thread with the given name. # Any exceptions raised by the thread will be logged with the thread name and complete backtrace. # rubocop:disable Style/MultilineBlockChain def new(name, &block) thread_name = "listen-#{name}" caller_stack = caller ::Thread.new do rescue_and_log(thread_name, caller_stack: caller_stack, &block) end.tap do |thread| thread.name = thread_name end end # rubocop:enable Style/MultilineBlockChain def rescue_and_log(method_name, *args, caller_stack: nil) yield(*args) rescue => exception _log_exception(exception, method_name, caller_stack: caller_stack) end private def _log_exception(exception, thread_name, caller_stack: nil) complete_backtrace = if caller_stack [*exception.backtrace, "--- Thread.new ---", *caller_stack] else exception.backtrace end message = "Exception rescued in #{thread_name}:\n#{_exception_with_causes(exception)}\n#{complete_backtrace * "\n"}" Listen.logger.error(message) end def _exception_with_causes(exception) result = +"#{exception.class}: #{exception}" if exception.cause result << "\n" result << "--- Caused by: ---\n" result << _exception_with_causes(exception.cause) end result end end end end