# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- require 'net/telnet' module Dcmgr module Drivers class Kvm < Hypervisor include Dcmgr::Logger include Dcmgr::Helpers::CliHelper include Dcmgr::Helpers::NicHelper # 0x0-2 are reserved by KVM. # 0=Host bridge # 1=ISA bridge # 2=VGA KVM_NIC_PCI_ADDR_OFFSET=0x10 def run_instance(hc) # tcp listen ports for KVM monitor and VNC console monitor_port = pick_tcp_listen_port vnc_port = pick_tcp_listen_port File.open(File.expand_path('monitor.port', hc.inst_data_dir), "w") { |f| f.write(monitor_port) } File.open(File.expand_path('vnc.port', hc.inst_data_dir), "w") { |f| f.write(vnc_port) } # run vm inst = hc.inst cmd = ["kvm -m %d -smp %d -name vdc-%s -vnc :%d", "-cpu host", "-pidfile %s", "-daemonize", "-monitor telnet:,server,nowait", "-no-shutdown", ] args=[inst[:memory_size], inst[:cpu_cores], inst[:uuid], vnc_port - 5900, # KVM -vnc offsets 5900 File.expand_path('kvm.pid', hc.inst_data_dir), monitor_port ] cmd << "-drive file=%s,media=disk,boot=on,index=0,cache=none,if=#{drive_model(hc)}" args << hc.os_devpath cmd << "-drive file=%s,media=disk,index=1,cache=none,if=#{drive_model(hc)}" args << hc.metadata_img_path vifs = inst[:vif] if !vifs.empty? vifs.sort {|a, b| a[:device_index] <=> b[:device_index] }.each { |vif| cmd << "-net nic,vlan=#{vif[:device_index].to_i},macaddr=%s,model=#{nic_model(hc)},addr=%x -net tap,vlan=#{vif[:device_index].to_i},ifname=%s,script=no,downscript=no" args << vif[:mac_addr].unpack('A2'*6).join(':') args << (KVM_NIC_PCI_ADDR_OFFSET + vif[:device_index].to_i) args << vif[:uuid] } end sh(cmd.join(' '), args) vifs.each { |vif| if vif[:ipv4] sh("/sbin/ip link set %s up", [vif[:uuid]]) sh("/usr/sbin/brctl addif %s %s", [vif[:ipv4][:network][:link_interface], vif[:uuid]]) end } sleep 1 end def terminate_instance(hc) begin connect_monitor(hc) { |t| t.cmd("quit") } rescue Errno::ECONNRESET => e # succssfully terminated the process rescue => e kvm_pid = File.read(File.expand_path('kvm.pid', hc.inst_data_dir)) if kvm_pid.nil? || kvm_pid == '' kvm_pid=`pgrep -u root -f vdc-#{hc.inst_id}` end if kvm_pid.to_s =~ /^\d+$/ sh("/bin/kill -9 #{kvm_pid}") rescue logger.error($!) else logger.error("Can not find the KVM process. Skipping: #{hc.inst_id}") end end end def reboot_instance(hc) inst = hc.inst connect_monitor(hc) { |t| t.cmd("system_reset") # When the guest initiate halt/poweroff the KVM might become # "paused" status. At that time, "system_reset" command does # not work as it is an ACPI signal. The "cont" command allows # to bring the status back to running in this case. # It has no effect if the status is kept running already. t.cmd('cont') } end def attach_volume_to_guest(hc) # pci_devddr consists of three hex numbers with colon separator. # dom <= 0xffff && bus <= 0xff && val <= 0x1f # see: qemu-0.12.5/hw/pci.c # /* # * Parse [[:]:], return -1 on error # */ # static int pci_parse_devaddr(const char *addr, int *domp, int *busp, unsigned *slotp) pci_devaddr = nil inst = hc.inst sddev = File.expand_path(File.readlink(hc.os_devpath), '/dev/disk/by-path') connect_monitor(hc) { |t| # success message: # OK domain 0, bus 0, slot 4, function 0 # error message: # failed to add file=/dev/xxxx,if=virtio c = t.cmd("pci_add auto storage file=#{sddev},if=#{drive_model(hc)},cache=off") # Note: pci_parse_devaddr() called in "pci_add" uses strtoul() # with base 16 so that the input is expected in hex. however # at the result display, void pci_device_hot_add_print() uses # %d for showing bus and slot addresses. use hex to preserve # those values to keep consistent. if c =~ /\nOK domain ([0-9a-fA-F]+), bus ([0-9a-fA-F]+), slot ([0-9a-fA-F]+), function/m # numbers in OK result is decimal. convert them to hex. pci_devaddr = [$1, $2, $3].map{|i| i.to_i.to_s(16) } else raise "Error in qemu console: #{c}" end # double check the pci address. c = t.cmd("info pci") # static void pci_info_device(PCIBus *bus, PCIDevice *d) # called in "info pci" gets back PCI bus info with %d. if c.split(/\n/).grep(/^\s+Bus\s+#{pci_devaddr[1].to_i(16)}, device\s+#{pci_devaddr[2].to_i(16)}, function/).empty? raise "Could not find new disk device attached to qemu-kvm: #{pci_devaddr.join(':')}" end } pci_devaddr.join(':') end def detach_volume_from_guest(hc) inst = hc.inst vol = hc.vol pci_devaddr = vol[:guest_device_name] connect_monitor(hc) { |t| t.cmd("pci_del #{pci_devaddr}") # # Bus 0, device 4, function 0: # SCSI controller: PCI device 1af4:1001 # IRQ 0. # BAR0: I/O at 0x1000 [0x103f]. # BAR1: 32 bit memory at 0x08000000 [0x08000fff]. # id "" pci_devaddr = pci_devaddr.split(':') pass=false tryagain do sleep 1 pass = t.shell_result("info pci").split(/\n/).grep(/\s+Bus\s+#{pci_devaddr[1].to_i(16)}, device\s+#{pci_devaddr[2].to_i(16)}, function/).empty? end raise "Detached disk device still be attached in qemu-kvm: #{pci_devaddr.join(':')}" if pass == false } end private # Establish telnet connection to KVM monitor console def connect_monitor(hc, &blk) port = File.read(File.expand_path('monitor.port', hc.inst_data_dir)).to_i logger.debug("monitor port number: #{port}") begin telnet = ::Net::Telnet.new("Host" => "localhost", "Port"=>port.to_s, "Prompt" => /\n\(qemu\) \z/, "Timeout" => 60, "Waittime" => 0.2) # Add helper method for parsing response from qemu monitor shell. telnet.instance_eval { def shell_result(cmdstr) ret = "" hit = false self.cmd(cmdstr).split("\n(qemu) ").each { |i| i.split("\n").each { |i2| if i2 =~ /#{cmdstr}/ hit = true next end ret += ("\n" + i2) if hit } } ret.sub(/^\n/, '') end } blk.call(telnet) ensure telnet.close end end TCP_PORT_MAX=65535 PORT_OFFSET=9000 # Randomly choose unused local tcp port number. def pick_tcp_listen_port # Support only for Linux netstat output. l=`/bin/netstat -nlt`.split("\n") # take out two header lines. l.shift l.shift listen_ports = {} l.each { |n| m = n.split(/\s+/) if m[0] == 'tcp' ip, port = m[3].split(':') listen_ports[port.to_i]=ip elsif m[0] == 'tcp6' ary = m[3].split(':') port = ary.pop listen_ports[port.to_i]=ary.join(':') end } begin new_port = (PORT_OFFSET + rand(TCP_PORT_MAX - PORT_OFFSET)) end until(!listen_ports.has_key?(new_port)) new_port end def drive_model(hc) hc.inst[:image][:features][:virtio] ? 'virtio' : 'scsi' end def nic_model(hc) hc.inst[:image][:features][:virtio] ? 'virtio' : 'e1000' end end end end