# Ntrip (Networked Transport of RTCM via Internet Protocol) require 'net/http' require 'uri' require_relative 'version' module GPS_PVT class Ntrip < Net::HTTP Net::HTTPResponse.class_eval{ orig = singleton_method(:read_new) define_singleton_method(:read_new){|sock| # handle Ntrip(rev1), which does not comply with HTTP unless sock.respond_to?(:ntrip) then orig.call(sock) else str = sock.readline case str when /\A(?:(?:HTTP(?:\/(\d+\.\d+))?|([^\d\s]+))\s+)?(\d\d\d)(?:\s+(.*))?\z/in res = response_class($3).new($1 || '1.1', $3, $2 || $4) each_response_header(sock){|k,v| res.add_field k, v } unless res.message == 'ICY' # or 'SOURCETABLE' for Ntrip(rev1) res else raise Net::HTTPBadResponse, "wrong status line: #{str.dump}" end end } } def on_connect super @socket.define_singleton_method(:ntrip){true} end SOURCE_TBL_ITEMS = { :STR => [ :type, :mountpoint, :identifier, :format, :format_details, :carrier, :nav_system, :network, :country, :latitude, :longitude, :nmea, :solution, :generator, :compression, :authentication, :fee, :bitrate], :CAS => [ :type, :host, :port, :identifier, :operator, :nmea, :country, :latitude, :longitude, :fallback_host, :fallback_ip], :NET => [ :type, :identifier, :operator, :authentication, :fee, :web_net, :web_str, :web_reg], } module MountPoints [:select, :reject, :merge, :clone, :dup].each{|f| define_method(f){|*args, &b| super(*args, &b).extend(MountPoints)} } D2R = Math::PI / 180 def near_from(lat_deg, lng_deg) require 'gps_pvt/Coordinate' llh0 = Coordinate::LLH::new(D2R * lat_deg, D2R * lng_deg, 0) collect{|pt, prop| llh = Coordinate::LLH::new(*([:latitude, :longitude].collect{|k| D2R * prop[k].to_f} + [0])) [llh0.xyz.dist(llh.xyz), prop] }.sort{|a, b| a[0] <=> b[0]} # return [distance, property] end end def Ntrip.parse_source_table(str) res = {} str.lines.each{|line| values = line.chomp.split(/\s*;\s*/) type = values[0].to_sym next unless keys = SOURCE_TBL_ITEMS[type] next unless (values.size >= keys.size) entry = Hash[*(keys.zip(values).flatten(1))] entry[:misc] = values[(keys.size)..-1] if values.size > keys.size (res[type] ||= []) << entry } res.define_singleton_method(:mount_points, lambda{ Hash[*((self[:STR] || []).collect{|entry| [entry[:mountpoint], entry] }.flatten(1))].extend(MountPoints) }) res end def generate_request(path, header) req = Net::HTTP::Get.new(path, { 'User-Agent' => "GPS_PVT NTRIP client/#{GPS_PVT::VERSION}", 'Accept' => '*/*', 'Ntrip-Version' => 'Ntrip/2.0', }.merge(header.select{|k, v| k.kind_of?(String)})) header.each{|k, v| next unless k.kind_of?(Symbol) req.send(k, *v) } req end def get_source_table(header = {}, &b) (b || proc{|str| Ntrip.parse_source_table(str)}).call(request(generate_request('/', header)).read_body) end def get_data(mount_point, header = {}, &b) request(generate_request("/#{mount_point}", header)){|res| res.read_body(&b) } end end end require 'open-uri' OpenURI.class_eval{ check_options_orig = singleton_method(:check_options) define_singleton_method(:check_options){|options| uri = options.delete(:uri) case uri when URI::Ntrip options[:basic_auth] ||= options.delete(:http_basic_authentication) || ([:user, :password].collect{|k| URI::decode_www_form_component(uri.send(k)) } rescue nil) options['Ntrip-Version'] ||= "Ntrip/%3.1f"%[options.delete(:version)] if options[:version] options['User-Agent'] ||= options[:user_agent] options.select!{|k, v| v} #compact! Ruby >= 2.4.0 true else check_options_orig.call(options) end } open_uri_orig = singleton_method(:open_uri) define_singleton_method(:open_uri){|name, *rest, &b| uri = URI::Generic === name ? name : URI.parse(name) (rest[-1].kind_of?(Hash) ? rest : (rest << {}))[-1][:uri] = uri open_uri_orig.call(uri, *rest, &b) } def OpenURI.open_ntrip(buf, target, proxy, options) # :nodoc: GPS_PVT::Ntrip.start(target.host, target.port){|ntrip| # get source table tbl = ntrip.get_source_table(options){|str| str} if target.root? then buf << tbl buf.io.rewind next end tbl = GPS_PVT::Ntrip::parse_source_table(tbl) # check mount point mnt_pt = target.mount_point prop = tbl.mount_points[mnt_pt] raise Net::ProtocolError::new("Mount point(#{mnt_pt}) not found") unless prop # set stream buf.instance_eval{ @io, w = IO::pipe @io.define_singleton_method(:property){prop} Thread::new{ begin ntrip.get_data(mnt_pt, options){|data| w << data} rescue Errno::EPIPE; rescue; raise ensure; w.close end } } } end } module URI class Ntrip < HTTP def root res = self.clone res.path = '/' res end def root?; self.path == '/'; end def mount_point self.path.sub(%r|^/|, '') end def buffer_open(buf, proxy, options) OpenURI.open_ntrip(buf, self, proxy, options) end include OpenURI::OpenRead def read_source_table(options = {}) GPS_PVT::Ntrip::parse_source_table(self.root.read(options)) end end if respond_to?(:register_scheme) then register_scheme('NTRIP', Ntrip) else @@schemes['NTRIP'] = Ntrip end end