module Echarts module BinarySeries def self.get_config(x, values, title, subtitle, xLabel, yLabel) Rails.logger.debug("X: #{x}\nValues: #{values}") { grid: { top: 80, }, title: { text: title, subtext: subtitle, }, toolbox: { top: 'middle', right: 5, orient: "vertical", feature: { saveAsImage: {}, dataView: {}, dataZoom: {}, restore: {}, }, }, tooltip: { trigger: "axis", }, xAxis: { type: "category", data: x, name: xLabel, }, yAxis: { type: "value", name: yLabel }, # Data series is always 1 for each element in x array # The color of the bar (the graph is a bargraph) depends # on the value, if it's 1, then it's red, otherwise it's green series: [ { name: "Values", data: { |_, index| { value: 1, itemStyle: { color: values[index].to_i == 1 ? 'tomato' : 'limegreen' } } }, type: "bar" }, ], } end end end