class Date include Comparable class Infinity < Numeric include Comparable def initialize(d = 1) @d = d <=> 0 end def d @d end def zero? false end def finite? false end def infinite? d.nonzero? end def nan? end def abs end def -@ end def +@ end def <=> (other) case other when Infinity; return d <=> other.d when Numeric; return d else begin l, r = other.coerce(self) return l <=> r rescue NoMethodError end end nil end def coerce(other) case other when Numeric return -d, d else super end end def to_f return 0 if @d == 0 if @d > 0 Float::INFINITY else -Float::INFINITY end end end JULIAN = GREGORIAN = ITALY = 2299161 # 1582-10-15 ENGLAND = 2361222 # 1752-09-14 MONTHNAMES = [nil] + %w(January February March April May June July August September October November December) ABBR_MONTHNAMES = %w(jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec) DAYNAMES = %w(Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday) ABBR_DAYNAMES = %w(Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat) class << self alias civil new def wrap(native) instance = allocate `#{instance}.date = #{native}` instance end def parse(string, comp = true) %x{ var current_date = new Date(); var current_day = current_date.getDate(), current_month = current_date.getMonth(), current_year = current_date.getFullYear(), current_wday = current_date.getDay(), full_month_name_regexp = #{MONTHNAMES.compact.join("|")}; function match1(match) { return match[1]; } function match2(match) { return match[2]; } function match3(match) { return match[3]; } function match4(match) { return match[4]; } // Converts passed short year (0..99) // to a 4-digits year in the range (1969..2068) function fromShortYear(fn) { return function(match) { var short_year = fn(match); if (short_year >= 69) { short_year += 1900; } else { short_year += 2000; } return short_year; } } // Converts month abbr (nov) to a month number function fromMonthAbbr(fn) { return function(match) { var abbr = fn(match).toLowerCase(); return #{ABBR_MONTHNAMES}.indexOf(abbr) + 1; } } function toInt(fn) { return function(match) { var value = fn(match); return parseInt(value, 10); } } // Depending on the 'comp' value appends 20xx to a passed year function to2000(fn) { return function(match) { var value = fn(match); if (comp) { return value + 2000; } else { return value; } } } // Converts passed week day name to a day number function fromDayName(fn) { return function(match) { var dayname = fn(match), wday = #{}.indexOf(#{`dayname`.downcase}); return current_day - current_wday + wday; } } // Converts passed month name to a month number function fromFullMonthName(fn) { return function(match) { var month_name = fn(match); return #{}.indexOf(#{`month_name`.downcase}) + 1; } } var rules = [ { // DD as month day number regexp: /^(\d{2})$/, year: current_year, month: current_month, day: toInt(match1) }, { // DDD as year day number regexp: /^(\d{3})$/, year: current_year, month: 0, day: toInt(match1) }, { // MMDD as month and day regexp: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})$/, year: current_year, month: toInt(match1), day: toInt(match2) }, { // YYDDD as year and day number in 1969--2068 regexp: /^(\d{2})(\d{3})$/, year: fromShortYear(toInt(match1)), month: 0, day: toInt(match2) }, { // YYMMDD as year, month and day in 1969--2068 regexp: /^(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/, year: fromShortYear(toInt(match1)), month: toInt(match2), day: toInt(match3) }, { // YYYYDDD as year and day number regexp: /^(\d{4})(\d{3})$/, year: toInt(match1), month: 0, day: toInt(match2) }, { // YYYYMMDD as year, month and day number regexp: /^(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})$/, year: toInt(match1), month: toInt(match2), day: toInt(match3) }, { // mmm YYYY regexp: /^([a-z]{3})[\s\.\/\-](\d{3,4})$/, year: toInt(match2), month: fromMonthAbbr(match1), day: 1 }, { // DD mmm YYYY regexp: /^(\d{1,2})[\s\.\/\-]([a-z]{3})[\s\.\/\-](\d{3,4})$/i, year: toInt(match3), month: fromMonthAbbr(match2), day: toInt(match1) }, { // mmm DD YYYY regexp: /^([a-z]{3})[\s\.\/\-](\d{1,2})[\s\.\/\-](\d{3,4})$/i, year: toInt(match3), month: fromMonthAbbr(match1), day: toInt(match2) }, { // YYYY mmm DD regexp: /^(\d{3,4})[\s\.\/\-]([a-z]{3})[\s\.\/\-](\d{1,2})$/i, year: toInt(match1), month: fromMonthAbbr(match2), day: toInt(match3) }, { // YYYY-MM-DD YYYY/MM/DD YYYY.MM.DD regexp: /^(\-?\d{3,4})[\s\.\/\-](\d{1,2})[\s\.\/\-](\d{1,2})$/, year: toInt(match1), month: toInt(match2), day: toInt(match3) }, { // YY-MM-DD regexp: /^(\d{2})[\s\.\/\-](\d{1,2})[\s\.\/\-](\d{1,2})$/, year: to2000(toInt(match1)), month: toInt(match2), day: toInt(match3) }, { // DD-MM-YYYY regexp: /^(\d{1,2})[\s\.\/\-](\d{1,2})[\s\.\/\-](\-?\d{3,4})$/, year: toInt(match3), month: toInt(match2), day: toInt(match1) }, { // ddd regexp: new RegExp("^(" + #{DAYNAMES.join("|")} + ")$", 'i'), year: current_year, month: current_month, day: fromDayName(match1) }, { // monthname daynumber YYYY regexp: new RegExp("^(" + full_month_name_regexp + ")[\\s\\.\\/\\-](\\d{1,2})(th|nd|rd)[\\s\\.\\/\\-](\\-?\\d{3,4})$", "i"), year: toInt(match4), month: fromFullMonthName(match1), day: toInt(match2) }, { // monthname daynumber regexp: new RegExp("^(" + full_month_name_regexp + ")[\\s\\.\\/\\-](\\d{1,2})(th|nd|rd)", "i"), year: current_year, month: fromFullMonthName(match1), day: toInt(match2) }, { // daynumber monthname YYYY regexp: new RegExp("^(\\d{1,2})(th|nd|rd)[\\s\\.\\/\\-](" + full_month_name_regexp + ")[\\s\\.\\/\\-](\\-?\\d{3,4})$", "i"), year: toInt(match4), month: fromFullMonthName(match3), day: toInt(match1) }, { // YYYY monthname daynumber regexp: new RegExp("^(\\-?\\d{3,4})[\\s\\.\\/\\-](" + full_month_name_regexp + ")[\\s\\.\\/\\-](\\d{1,2})(th|nd|rd)$", "i"), year: toInt(match1), month: fromFullMonthName(match2), day: toInt(match3) } ] var rule, i, match; for (i = 0; i < rules.length; i++) { rule = rules[i]; match = rule.regexp.exec(string); if (match) { var year = rule.year; if (typeof(year) === 'function') { year = year(match); } var month = rule.month; if (typeof(month) === 'function') { month = month(match) - 1 } var day =; if (typeof(day) === 'function') { day = day(match); } var result = new Date(year, month, day); // an edge case, JS can't handle 'new Date(1)', minimal year is 1970 if (year >= 0 && year <= 1970) { result.setFullYear(year); } return #{wrap `result`}; } } } raise ArgumentError, 'invalid date' end def today wrap `new Date()` end def gregorian_leap?(year) `(new Date(#{year}, 1, 29).getMonth()-1) === 0` end end def initialize(year = -4712, month = 1, day = 1, start = ITALY) @date = `new Date(year, month - 1, day)` end def -(date) %x{ if (date.$$is_number) { var result = #{clone}; - date); return result; } else if ( { return Math.round((#@date - #{date}.date) / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24)); } else { #{raise TypeError}; } } end def +(date) %x{ if (date.$$is_number) { var result = #{clone}; + date); return result; } else { #{raise TypeError}; } } end def <(other) %x{ var a = #@date, b = #{other}.date; a.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); b.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return a < b; } end def <=(other) %x{ var a = #@date, b = #{other}.date; a.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); b.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return a <= b; } end def >(other) %x{ var a = #@date, b = #{other}.date; a.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); b.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return a > b; } end def >=(other) %x{ var a = #@date, b = #{other}.date; a.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); b.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); return a >= b; } end def <=>(other) %x{ if (other.$$is_number) { return #{self.jd <=> other} } if (#{Date === other}) { var a = #@date, b = #{other}.date; a.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); b.setHours(0, 0, 0, 0); if (a < b) { return -1; } else if (a > b) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } else { return nil; } } end def >>(n) %x{ if (!n.$$is_number) { #{raise TypeError}; } var result = #{clone}, date =, cur = date.getDate(); date.setDate(1); date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + n); date.setDate(Math.min(cur, days_in_month(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()))); return result; } end def <<(n) %x{ if (!n.$$is_number) { #{raise TypeError}; } return #{self >> `-n`}; } end alias eql? == def clone Date.wrap(`new Date(#@date.getTime())`) end def day `#@date.getDate()` end def friday? wday == 5 end def jd %x{ //Adapted from var mm = #@date.getMonth() + 1, dd = #@date.getDate(), yy = #@date.getFullYear(), hr = 12, mn = 0, sc = 0, ggg, s, a, j1, jd; hr = hr + (mn / 60) + (sc/3600); ggg = 1; if (yy <= 1585) { ggg = 0; } jd = -1 * Math.floor(7 * (Math.floor((mm + 9) / 12) + yy) / 4); s = 1; if ((mm - 9) < 0) { s =- 1; } a = Math.abs(mm - 9); j1 = Math.floor(yy + s * Math.floor(a / 7)); j1 = -1 * Math.floor((Math.floor(j1 / 100) + 1) * 3 / 4); jd = jd + Math.floor(275 * mm / 9) + dd + (ggg * j1); jd = jd + 1721027 + 2 * ggg + 367 * yy - 0.5; jd = jd + (hr / 24); return jd; } end def julian? `#@date < new Date(1582, 10 - 1, 15, 12)` end def monday? wday == 1 end def month `#@date.getMonth() + 1` end def next self + 1 end def next_day(n=1) self + n end def next_month %x{ var result = #{clone}, date =, cur = date.getDate(); date.setDate(1); date.setMonth(date.getMonth() + 1); date.setDate(Math.min(cur, days_in_month(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()))); return result; } end def prev_day(n=1) self - n end def prev_month %x{ var result = #{clone}, date =, cur = date.getDate(); date.setDate(1); date.setMonth(date.getMonth() - 1); date.setDate(Math.min(cur, days_in_month(date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()))); return result; } end def saturday? wday == 6 end def strftime(format = '') %x{ if (format == '') { return #{to_s}; } return #@date.$strftime(#{format}); } end alias_method :succ, :next def sunday? wday == 0 end def thursday? wday == 4 end def to_s %x{ var d = #@date, year = d.getFullYear(), month = d.getMonth() + 1, day = d.getDate(); if (month < 10) { month = '0' + month; } if (day < 10) { day = '0' + day; } return year + '-' + month + '-' + day; } end def tuesday? wday == 2 end def wday `#@date.getDay()` end def wednesday? wday == 3 end def year `#@date.getFullYear()` end def cwday `#@date.getDay() || 7;` end def cweek %x{ var d = new Date(#@date); d.setHours(0,0,0); d.setDate(d.getDate()+4-(d.getDay()||7)); return Math.ceil((((d-new Date(d.getFullYear(),0,1))/8.64e7)+1)/7); } end %x{ function days_in_month(year, month) { var leap = ((year % 4 === 0 && year % 100 !== 0) || year % 400 === 0); return [31, (leap ? 29 : 28), 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31][month] } } end