require 'psd/renderer/cairo_helpers' class PSD class Renderer class VectorShape include CairoHelpers def self.can_render?(canvas) canvas.opts[:render_vectors] && !canvas.node.vector_mask.nil? end DPI = 72.0.freeze def initialize(canvas) @canvas = canvas @node = @canvas.node @path = @stroke_data = @node.vector_stroke ? : {} @fill_data = @node.vector_stroke_content ? : {} @paths = [] end def render! PSD.logger.debug "Beginning vector render for #{}" find_points render_shapes end private def find_points PSD.logger.debug "Formatting vector points..." cur_path = nil @path.each do |data| next if [6, 7, 8].include? data[:record_type] if [0, 3].include? data[:record_type] @paths << cur_path cur_path = [] next end cur_path << data.tap do |d| if [1, 2, 4, 5].include? data[:record_type] [:preceding, :anchor, :leaving].each do |type| d[type][:horiz] = (d[type][:horiz] * horiz_factor) - @node.left d[type][:vert] = (d[type][:vert] * vert_factor) - end end end end @paths << cur_path @paths.compact! PSD.logger.debug "Vector shape has #{@paths.size} path(s)" end # TODO: stroke alignment # Right now we assume the stroke style is always a overlap stroke. def render_shapes PSD.logger.debug "Rendering #{@paths.size} vector paths with cairo" cairo_image_surface(@canvas.width + stroke_size, @canvas.height + stroke_size) do |cr| cr.set_fill_rule Cairo::FILL_RULE_EVEN_ODD cr.set_line_join stroke_join cr.set_line_cap stroke_cap cr.translate stroke_size / 2.0, stroke_size / 2.0 @paths.each do |path| cr.move_to path[0][:anchor][:horiz], path[0][:anchor][:vert] path.size.times do |i| point_a = path[i] point_b = path[i+1] || path[0] cr.curve_to( point_a[:leaving][:horiz], point_a[:leaving][:vert], point_b[:preceding][:horiz], point_b[:preceding][:vert], point_b[:anchor][:horiz], point_b[:anchor][:vert] ) end cr.close_path if path.last[:closed] end cr.set_source_rgba fill_color cr.fill_preserve if has_stroke? cr.set_source_rgba stroke_color cr.set_line_width stroke_size cr.stroke end end end # For debugging purposes only def draw_debug(canvas) @paths.each do |path| path.each do |point|[:anchor][:horiz].to_i, point[:anchor][:vert].to_i, 3, ChunkyPNG::Color::BLACK, ChunkyPNG::Color::BLACK) [:leaving, :preceding].each do |type|[type][:horiz].to_i, point[type][:vert].to_i, 3, ChunkyPNG::Color.rgb(255, 0, 0), ChunkyPNG::Color.rgb(255, 0, 0)) canvas.line( point[:anchor][:horiz].to_i, point[:anchor][:vert].to_i, point[type][:horiz].to_i, point[type][:vert].to_i, ChunkyPNG::Color::BLACK ) end end end end def apply_to_canvas(output) # draw_debug(output) output.resample_nearest_neighbor!(@canvas.width, @canvas.height) @canvas.canvas.compose!(output, 0, 0) end def formatted_points @formatted_points ||= end def horiz_factor @horiz_factor ||= @node.root.width.to_f end def vert_factor @vert_factor ||= @node.root.height.to_f end def stroke_color @stroke_color ||= ( if @stroke_data['strokeEnabled'] colors = @stroke_data['strokeStyleContent']['Clr '] [ colors['Rd '] / 255.0, colors['Grn '] / 255.0, colors['Bl '] / 255.0, @stroke_data['strokeStyleOpacity'][:value] / 100.0 ] else [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] end ) end def fill_color @fill_color ||= ( overlay = PSD::LayerStyles::ColorOverlay.for_canvas(@canvas) if overlay [ overlay.r / 255.0, overlay.g / 255.0, overlay.b / 255.0, overlay.a / 255.0 ] elsif @stroke_data['fillEnabled'] colors = @fill_data['Clr '] [ colors['Rd '] / 255.0, colors['Grn '] / 255.0, colors['Bl '] / 255.0, @stroke_data['strokeStyleOpacity'][:value] / 100.0 ] elsif !@node.solid_color.nil? [ @node.solid_color.r / 255.0, @node.solid_color.g / 255.0, @node.solid_color.b / 255.0, 1.0 ] else [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0] end ) end def stroke_size @stroke_size ||= ( if @stroke_data['strokeStyleLineWidth'] value = @stroke_data['strokeStyleLineWidth'][:value] # Convert to pixels if @stroke_data['strokeStyleLineWidth'][:id] == '#Pnt' value = @stroke_data['strokeStyleResolution'] * value / 72.27 end value.to_i else 0 end ) end def stroke_cap @stroke_cap ||= ( if @stroke_data['strokeStyleLineCapType'] case @stroke_data['strokeStyleLineCapType'] when 'strokeStyleButtCap' then Cairo::LINE_CAP_BUTT when 'strokeStyleRoundCap' then Cairo::LINE_CAP_ROUND when 'strokeStyleSquareCap' then Cairo::LINE_CAP_SQUARE end else Cairo::LINE_CAP_BUTT end ) end def stroke_join @stroke_join ||= ( if @stroke_data['strokeStyleLineJoinType'] case @stroke_data['strokeStyleLineJoinType'] when 'strokeStyleMiterJoin' then Cairo::LINE_JOIN_MITER when 'strokeStyleRoundJoin' then Cairo::LINE_JOIN_ROUND when 'strokeStyleBevelJoin' then Cairo::LINE_JOIN_BEVEL end else Cairo::LINE_JOIN_MITER end ) end def has_stroke? stroke_size > 0 end end end end