require 'test_helper' require 'yaml' def in_clean_bundler_environment(*args) system(*%w(/usr/bin/env -u RUBYOPT -u BUNDLE_BIN_PATH -u BUNDLE_GEMFILE) + args) end def update_bundle(label) return if in_clean_bundler_environment(*%w(bundle update --quiet --local)) puts "Starting remote update of the bundle for #{label}" return if in_clean_bundler_environment(*%w(bundle update)) raise "Unable to initialize test environment for #{label}" end def run_tests(command_array = %w(bundle exec rake)) result = false out, err = capture_subprocess_io do result = in_clean_bundler_environment(*command_array) end # If the command failed, make it print any error messages err.must_equal "" unless result out end BASE_CONFIG = { "development" => { "adapter" => 'sqlite3', "pool" => 5, "timeout" => 5000, "database" => 'db/development.sqlite3' }, "test" => { "adapter" => 'sqlite3', "database" => ':memory:' } } MIGRATING_CONFIG = BASE_CONFIG.dup.tap do |config| config["test"] = config["test"].merge("migrate" => true) end def create_db_config_without_migrations 'config/database.yml', 'w' do |f| f.puts YAML.dump(BASE_CONFIG) end end def create_db_config_with_migrations 'config/database.yml', 'w' do |f| f.puts YAML.dump(MIGRATING_CONFIG) end end VERSIONS = [ ["Rails 4.0", 'rails40_app', false], ["Rails 4.1", 'rails41_app', false], ["Rails 4.2", 'rails42_app', true], ] VERSIONS.each do |label, appdir, binstubs| Dir.chdir "fixtures/#{appdir}" do update_bundle label end describe "A #{label} app using memory_test_fix" do it "can run its tests in-memory without migrations" do Dir.chdir "fixtures/#{appdir}" do create_db_config_without_migrations out = run_tests out.must_match(/Creating sqlite :memory: database/) out.must_match(/initialize_schema_migrations_table/) end end it "can run its tests in-memory with migrations" do Dir.chdir "fixtures/#{appdir}" do create_db_config_with_migrations out = run_tests out.must_match(/Creating sqlite :memory: database/) out.wont_match(/initialize_schema_migrations_table/) end end if binstubs describe 'when using spring' do let(:command_array) { %w(bin/rake) } it "can run its tests in-memory without migrations" do Dir.chdir "fixtures/#{appdir}" do create_db_config_without_migrations out = run_tests command_array out.must_match(/Creating sqlite :memory: database/) out.must_match(/initialize_schema_migrations_table/) end end it "can run its tests in-memory with migrations" do Dir.chdir "fixtures/#{appdir}" do create_db_config_with_migrations out = run_tests command_array out.must_match(/Creating sqlite :memory: database/) out.wont_match(/initialize_schema_migrations_table/) end end end end end end