== 4.0.0
* Change neo4j-core dependency from 3.1.0 to 4.0.0.

== 4.0.0.rc.4
* _classname property is disabled by default for ActiveRel! It had been disabled for ActiveNode, this just evens the score.
* Fixes a bug to create better `result` labels in Cypher.
* Made the `delete_all` and `destroy_all` ActiveNode class methods consistent with their ActiveRecord counterparts. `destroy_all` previously performed its deletes in Cypher but it should have been returning nodes to Ruby and calling `destroy`. `delete_all` didn't exist at all.

== 4.0.0.rc.3
Released minutes after rc.2 to catch one late addition!
* Adds serialization support for QueryProxy.

== 4.0.0.rc.2
This release builds on features introduced in the first RC. We are releasing this as another RC because the API may be tweaked before release.
* New `proxy_as` for Core::Query to build QueryProxy chains onto Core::Query objects!
* Using `proxy_as`, new `optional` method in QueryProxy to use the `OPTIONAL MATCH` Cypher function.
* `match_to` and methods that depend on it now support arrays of nodes or IDs.
* New `rels_to`/`all_rels_to` methods.
* New `delete` and `destroy` methods in QueryProxy to easily remove relationships.
* Serialized objects will include IDs by default.

== 4.0.0.rc.1
This release introduces API changes that may be considered breaking under certain conditions. See See https://github.com/neo4jrb/neo4j/wiki/Neo4j.rb-v4-Introduction.
Please use https://github.com/neo4jrb/neo4j/issues for support regarding this update! You can also reach us on Twitter: @neo4jrb (Brian) and @subvertallmedia (Chris).
* Default behavior changed: relationship types default to all caps, no prepending of "#". This behavior can be changed.
* ActiveRel models no longer require explicit calling of `type`. When missing, the model will infer a type using the class name following the same rules used to determine automatic relationship types from ActiveNode models.
* _classname properties will not be added automatically if you are using a version Neo4j >= 2.1.5. Instead, models are found using labels or relationship type. This is a potentially breaking change, particularly where ActiveRel is concerned. See the link at the beginning of this message for the steps required to work around this.
* Query scopes are now chainable! Call `all` at the start of your scope or method to take advantage of this.
* Changes required for Neo4j 2.2.
* Support for custom typecasters.
* New method `rel_where`, expanded behavior of `match_to` and `first_rel_to`
* Implemented ActiveSupport load hooks.
* Assorted performance improvements and refactoring.

== 3.0.4
* Gemspec requires the latest neo4j-core.
* Fixed a pagination bug — thanks, @chrisgogreen!
* New QueryProxy methods `match_to` and `first_rel_to` are pretty cool.
* include_root_in_json is now configurable through config.neo4j.include_root_in_json or Neo4j::Config[:include_root_in_json]. Also cool.
* There's a new `delete_all` method for QueryProxy, too.
* @codebeige removed the `include?` class method, which was smart.
* Did I mention we won an award from Neo Tech? Check it out. https://github.com/neo4jrb/neo4j#welcome-to-neo4jrb

== 3.0.3
* Gemspec has been updated to require neo4j-core 3.0.5
* Added `find_in_batches`
* Pagination has been updated to allow better ordering. Relaunch of neo4j-will_paginate as neo4j-will_paginate_redux is imminent!
* Everything is better: `create`'s handling of blocks, better behavior from `count`, better ActiveRel from_class/to_class checks, better handling of rel_class strings, and more
* Added a new find_or_create_by class method

Big thanks to new contributors Miha Rekar and Michael Perez! Also check out or Github issues, where we're discussing changes for 3.1.0. https://github.com/neo4jrb/neo4j/issues

== 3.0.2
* "Model#all" now evaluates lazily, models no longer include Enumerable
* Faster, more efficient uniqueness validations
* Adjusted many common queries to use params, will improve performance
* ActiveRel fixes: create uses Core Query instead of Core's `rels` method, `{ classname: #{_classname} }` no longer inserted into every query, find related node IDs without loading the nodes
* Allow inheritance when checking model class on a relation (Andrew Jones)
* Provided migrations will use Rake.original_dir instead of Rails.env to provide better compatibility with frameworks other than Rails
* rel_class option in ActiveNode models will now accept string of a model name
* Additional bug fixes

== 3.0.1
* Removed reference to neo4j-core from Gemfile and set neo4j.gemspec to use neo4j-core ~>3.0.0

== 3.0.0
No change from rc 4

== 3.0.0.rc.4
* UUIDs are now automatically specified on models as neo IDs won't be reliable
in future versions of neo4j
* Migrations now supported (including built-in migrations to migrate UUIDs and
insert the _classname property which is used for performance)
* Association reflection
* Model.find supports ids/node objects as well as arrays of id/node objects
* rake tasks now get automatically included into rails app

== 3.0.0.rc.3
* thread safety improvements
* scope and general refactoring
* Added ability to create relationships on init (persisted on save)

== 3.0.0.rc.2
* Use newer neo4j-core release

== 3.0.0.rc.1
* Support for count, size, length, empty, blank? for has_many relationship
* Support for rails logger of cypher queries in development
* Support for distinct count
* Optimized methods: https://github.com/andreasronge/neo4j/wiki/Optimized-Methods
* Queries should respect mapped label names (#421)
* Warn if no session is available
* Fix broken == and equality (#424)

== 3.0.0.alpha.11
* Bug fixes

== 3.0.0.alpha.10
* ActiveRel support, see Wiki pages (chris #393)

== 3.0.0.alpha.9
* Complete rewrite of the query api, see wiki page (#406, chris, brian)
* Performance improvements (#382,#400, #402, chris)
* idproperty - user defined primary keys (#396,#389)
* Reimplementation of Neo4j::Config
* Serialization of node properties (#381)
* Better first,last syntax (#379)

== 3.0.0.alpha.8
* Integration with new Query API from neo4j-core including:
* - .query_as and #query_as methods to get queries from models (#366)
* - .qq method for QuickQuery syntax ( https://github.com/andreasronge/neo4j/wiki/Neo4j-v3#quickquery-work-in-progress / #366)
* Before and after callbacks on associations (#373)
* .find / .all / .count changed to be more like ActiveRecord
* .first / .last methods (#378)
* .find_by / .find_by! (#375)

== 3.0.0.alpha.7
* Bug fix uniqueness-validator (#356 from JohnKellyFerguson)
* Many improvements, like update_attributes and validation while impl orm_adapter, Brian Underwood
* Impl orm_adapter API for neo4j so it can be used from for example devise, Brian Underwood (#355)
* Fix of inheritance of Neo4j::ActiveNode (#307)
* Expose add_label, and remove_label (#335)
* Fixed auto loading of classes bug, (#349)
* Bumped neo4j-core, 3.0.0.alpha.16

== 3.0.0.alpha.6
* Support for Heroku URLs, see wiki https://github.com/andreasronge/neo4j/wiki/Neo4j-v3 (#334)

== 3.0.0.alpha.5
* Added allow session options via 'config.neo4j.session_options' so it can run on heroku (#333)
* Relaxed Dependencies for Rails 4.1 (#332)
* Using neo4j-core version 3.0.0.alpha.12

== 3.0.0.alpha.4
* Implemented validates_uniqueness_of (#311)
* Using neo4j-core version 3.0.0.alpha.11

== 3.0.0.alpha.3
* Support for rails scaffolds
* Support for created_at and updated_at (#305)
* Support for ability to select a session to use per model (#299)
* BugFix: updating a model should not clear out old properties (#296)

== 3.0.0.alpha.2
* Support for both embedded (only JRuby) and server API (runs on MRI Ruby !)
* Simple Rails app now work
* Support for has_n and has_one method
* ActiveModel support, callback, validation
* Declared properties (via active_attr gem)

== 2.3.0 / 2013-07-18
* Fix Issue with HA console when ruby-debug is loaded (#261, thekendalmiller)
* Use 1.9 Neo4j

== 2.2.4 / 2013-05-19
* get_or_create should return wrapped ruby nodes, alex-klepa, #241, #246
* Make sure freeze does not have side effects, #235
* Fix for carrierwave-neo4j (attribute_defaults), #235

== 2.2.3 / 2012-12-28
* Support for HA cluster with neo4j 1.9.X, #228, #99, #223
* Make sure the Identity map is cleared after an exception, #214
* Relationship other_node should return wrapped node, #226
* Automatically convert DateTimes to UTC, (neo4j-wrapper #7)
* get_or_create should return a wrapped node (neo4j-wrapper #8)
* Make it work with Neo4j 1.7.1 (neo4j-core, #19)

== 2.2.2 - skipped

== 2.2.1 / 2012-12-18
* Fix for JRuby 1.7.1 and Equal #225
* Fix for create nodes and relationship using Cypher (neo4j-core #17)

== 2.2.0 / 2012-10-02
* Using neo4j-cypher gem (1.0.0)
* Fix of neo4j-core configuration issue using boolean values #218
* Fixed RSpec issue on JRuby 1.7.x #217
* Aliased has_many to has_n, #183

== 2.2.0.rc1 / 2012-09-21
* Use neo4j-core and neo4j-wrapper version 2.2.0.rc1
* Use the neo4j-cypher gem
* Better support for Orm Adapter, #212
* Use Cypher query when finder method does not have a lucene index, #210

== 2.0.1 / 2012-06-06
* Use neo4j-core and neo4j-wrapper version 2.0.1

== 2.0.0 / 2012-05-07
  (same as rc2)

== 2.0.0.rc2 / 2012-05-04
* Enable Identity Map by default
* Added versioning for Neo4j::Core

== 2.0.0.rc1 / 2012-05-03
* Fix of rake task to upgrade to 2.0
* Various Cypher DSL improvements, core(#3,#4,#5), #196
* Added Neo4j::VERSION

== 2.0.0.alpha.9 / 2012-04-27
* Fix for rails scaffold generator

== 2.0.0.alpha.8 / 2012-04-27
* Fix for "relationship to :all assigned twice for single instance" #178
* Fix for callback fire more then once (=> performance increase) #172
* Support for lucene search on array properties, #118
* Support for creating unique entities (get_or_create) #143
* Support for specifying has_n/has_one relationship with Strings instead of Class #160
* Support for serializer of hash and arrays on properties #185
* Fix for Neo4j::Rails::Relationship default property, #195
* Added support for pagination, see the neo4j-will_paginate gem
* Fixed Rails generators
* Added Cypher DSL support for is_a?
* Fix for "write_attribute persistes, contrary to AR convention" closes #182

== 2.0.0.alpha.7 / 2012-04-19
* fix for Neo4j::Config bug - did not work from rails to set the db location, closes #191
* has_n and has_one method generate class method returning the name of the relationship as a Symbol, closes #170
* Raise exception if trying to index boolean property, closes #180
* Made start_node= and end_node= protected closes 186
* Support for things like @dungeon.monsters.dangerous { |m| m[:weapon?] == 'sword' } closes #181

== 2.0.0.alpha.6 / 2012-04-15
* Complete rewrite and smaller change of API + lots of refactoring and better RSpecs
* Moved code to the neo4j-core and neo4j-wrapper gems
* Changed API - index properties using the Neo4j::Rails::Model (property :name, :index => :exact)
* Changed API - rel_type always returns a Symbol
* Changed API - #rels and #rel first parameter is always :outgoing, :incoming or :both
* Cypher DSL support, see neo4j-core
* Made the Lucene indexing more flexible
* Renamed size methods to count since it does simply count all the relationships (e.g. Person.all.count)
* Modularization - e.g. make it possible to create your own wrapper
* Added builder method for has_one relationships (just like ActiveRecord build_best_friend)

== 2.0.0.alpha.5 / 2012-03-27
* Fix for HA/cluster bug [#173]
* Upgrade to neo4j-community jars 1.7.0.alpha.1
* Fix for rails 3.2 [#131]
* Fix for BatchInserter bug, [#139]
* Added rake task for upgrading [#116]
* Added scripts for upgrading database [#116]

== 2.0.0.alpha.4 / 2012-01-17
* Fix node and rel enumerable for JRuby 1.9, Dmytrii Nagirniak
* Remove the will_paginate and move it to a separate gem Dmytrii Nagirniak, [#129][#132]
* Use type converter to determine how to handle multi-param attributes, Dmyitrii Nagirniak [#97]
* Set default storage_path in Rails to db [#96]
* Fix numeric Converter with nils and Float converter, Dmytrii Nagirniak
* Fix Neo4j::Rails::Model.find incorrect behavior with negative numbers, Dmytrii Nagirniak [#101]
* Allow to use symbols in batch inserter [#104]
* Split neo4j-jars gem into three jars, community,advanced&enterprise

 == 2.0.0.alpha.1 / 2012-01-11
* Split JARS into a separate gem (neo4j-jars) [#115]
* Changed prefix of relationships so that it allows having incoming relationships from different classes with different relationship names. Migration is needed to update an already existing database - see issue #116. [#117]
* Fix for undefined method 'add_unpersited_outgoing_rel' [#111]
* Fix for Rails models named Property [#108] (Vivek Prahlad)

 == 1.3.1 / 2011-12-14
* Make all relationships visible in Rails callback (rspecs #87, Dmytrii Nagirniak) [#211]
* Enable travis to build JRuby 1.9 (pull #87, Dmytrii Nagirniak) [#214]
* Support for composite lucene queries with OR and NOT (pull #89, Deepak N)
* Enforce the correct converter on a property type when the type is given (pull #86, Dmytrii Nagirniak)
* Development: make it easier to run RSpecs and guard (pull #85, Dmytrii Nagirniak)
* Added ability to disable observer (pull #84, Dmytrii Nagirniak)
* Fixing multiple assignment of has_one assocaition (pull #83 Deepak N)
* Accept association_id for has_one assocations (pull #82, Deepak N)
* Upgrade to 1.6.M01 Neo4j java jars [#209]
* Defer warning message 'Unknown outgoing relationship' (pull #81, Vivek Prahlad)
* Added string converter, e.g. property :name, :type => String  (pull #80, Dmytrii Nagirniak)
* Added symbol converter e.g. property :status, :type => Symbol (pull #79, Dmytrii Nagirniak) [#205]

 == 1.3.0 / 2011-12-06
* Added neo4j-upgrade script to rename lucene index files and upgrade to 1.5 [#197]
* Expose Neo4j::NodeMixin#index_types returning available indices (useful for Cypher queries) [#194]
* The to_other method is now available also in the Neo4j::Rails API [#193]
* Expose rel_type method for Neo4j::Rails::Relationship [#196]
* Support for breadth and depth first traversals [#198]
* Support for cypher query [#197]
* Fix for rule node concurrency issue (pull #78, Vivek Prahlad)
* Bugfix for the uniqueness validation for properties with quotes (pull #76, Vivek Prahlad)
* More performance tweaks (pull #75, #77, Vivek Prahlad)
* Fixing add_index for properties other than type string (pull #74, Deepak N)
* Significant performance boost for creating large numbers of models in a transaction (pull #73, Vivek Prahlad)
* Upgrade to neo4j 1.5 jars (pull #72, Vivek Prahlad)
* Fix for assigning nil values to incoming has_one relation (pull #70, Deepak N)
* Support for revert and fixes for Neo4j::Rails::Versioning (pull #71, Vivek Prahlad)

 == 1.2.6 / 2011-11-02
* Generators can now generate relationships as well [#195]
* Better will_paginate support for Neo4j::Rails::Model [#194]
* Fixing updated_at to be set only if model has changed (pull #68, Deepak N)
* Bringing back changes removed during identiy map to fix bug [#190] (Deepak N)
* Fixing updated_at to be set only if model has changed, using callbacks instead of overriding method for stamping time (Deepak N)
* Added versioning support (pull #67) (Vivek Prahlad)

 == 1.2.5 / 2011-10-21
* Faster traversals by avoiding loading Ruby wrappers (new method 'raw' on traversals) [#189]
* Support for IdentityMap [#188]
* Improved performance in event handler (Vivek Prahlad)
* Fixing issue with validates_presence_of validation (Vivek Prahlad)
* Implemented compositions support on Neo4j::Rails::Relationship (Kalyan Akella)
* Added after_initialize callback (Deepak N)
* Fixed performance issues on node deleted (Vivek Prahlad)
* Fixed a performance issue in the index_registry (Vivek Prahlad)
* Fixed uniqueness validation for :case_sensitive => false (Vivek Prahlad)
* Fixed update_attributes deleting relations when model is invalid (Deepak N)
* Fixed timestamp rails generator (Marcio Toshio)

 == 1.2.4 / 2011-10-07
* Support for traversing with Neo4j::Node#eval_paths and setting uniqueness on traversals [#187]
* Removed unnecessary node creation on database start up (class nodes attached to reference node) (Vivek Prahlad)
* Safer multitenancy - automatically reset the reference node in thread local context after each request using rack middleware
* Bugfixes for multitenancy (Deepak N and Vivek Prahlad)

 == 1.2.3 / 2011-10-01
* Multitenancy support by namespaced-indices & changeable reference node (Vivek Prahlad, pull 41)
* Added a Neo4j::Rails::Model#columns which returns all defined properties [#186]
* Fixed validation associated entities, parent model should be invalid if its nested model(s) is invalid (Vivek Prahlad)
* Fixed property validation to read value before conversion as per active model conventions (Deepak N)
* Fixed property_before_type_cast for loaded models (Deepak N)
* Better support for nested models via ActionView field_for [#185]
* BUG: fix for null pointer issue after delete_all on Neo4j::Rails::Model#has_n relationships (Vivek Prahlad)
* BUG: init_on_create was not called when creating a new relationship via the << operator [#183]

 == 1.2.2 / 2011-09-15
* Added compositions support for rails mode (Deepak N)
* Added support for nested transactions at the Rails model level (Vivek Prahlad)
* Fixing issue where save for invalid entities puts them into an inconsistent state (Vivek Prahlad)
* Fix for issue with save when validation fails (Vivek Prahlad)
* Fix for accepts_nested_attributes_for when the associated entities are created before a new node (Vivek Prahlad)
* Fix to allow has_one relationships to handle nil assignments in models (Vivek Prahlad)
* Observers support for neo4j rails model using active model (Deepak N)
* Override ActiveModel i18n_scope for neo4j (Deepak N)
* Added finders similar to active record and mongoid (Deepak N)
* Added find!, find_or_create_by and find_or_initialize_by methods, similar to active record finders (Deepak N)

 == 1.2.1 / 2011-08-29
* Fixed failing RSpecs for devise-neo4j gem - column_names method on neo4j orm adapter throws NoMethodError (thanks Deepak N)

 == 1.2.0 / 2011-08-16
* Upgrade to java library neo4j 1.4.1, see http://neo4j.rubyforge.org/guides/configuration.html

 == 1.1.4 / 2011-08-10
* Fixed dependency to will_paginate, locked to 3.0.pre4 (newly released 3.0.0 does not work yet with neo4j.rb)

  == 1.1.3 / 2011-08-09
* real recursive rule to the top class, subclasses with rules did not work (Frédéric Vanclef)
* BUG: not able to create array properties on relationships (Pere Urbon)
* BUG: lucene did not work if starting up neo4j in read only mode (like rails console when the rails is already running)

 == 1.1.2 / 2011-06-08
* Added configuration option 'enable_rules' to disable the _all relationships and custom rules [#176]
* Added a #node method on the Neo4j::Node and Neo4j::NodeMixin. Works like the #rel method but returns the node instead. [#174]
* Simplify creating relationship between two existing nodes [#175]

 == 1.1.1 / 2011-05-26
* Made neo4j compatible with rails 3.1.0.rc1 [#170]
* Fix for neo4j-devise [#171]
* BUG: Neo4j::GraphAlgo shortest path does raise exception if two nodes are not connected [#172]

 == 1.1.0 / 2011-05-13
* Support for embedding neo4j.rb by providing an already running db instance (#168)
* Neo4j::Rails::Relationships should be ActiveModel compliant (#156)
* Support for incoming relationships in Neo4j::Rails::Model (#157)
* to_json method for models no tags √ resolved (#154)
* Implement hash so that it will work with Sets (#160)
* Modified the traverser to allow iterating over paths not just over end_nodes (#161)
* Create method should take a block to initialize itself (#162)
* Upgrade to 1.3 neo4j java library (#164)
* Default `nodes' invocation for Algo path finders (#165)
* Property and index class methods modified to take arbitrary number of symbols optionally followed by options hash (#166)
* BUG: Setting property :system on Neo4j::Rails::Model should work (#163)
* BUG: update_attributes should convert values according to Type (#155)
* BUG: Neo4j::RelationshipMixin#relationship_type broken #(169)
* BUG: Relationship.load(nil) == Relationship.load(0) (#167)
* BUG: Full text search returns nil in rails model (#153)

== 1.0.0 / 2011-03-02
* Complete rewrite of everything.
* Replaced the lucene module with using the java neo4j-lucene integration instead
* Lots of improvements of the API
* Better ActiveModel/Rails integration

== 0.4.4 / 2010-08-01
* Fixed bug on traversing when using the RelationshipMixin (#121)
* BatchInserter and JRuby 1.6 - Fix iteration error with trying to modify in-place hash

== 0.4.3 / 2010-04-10
* Fixed .gitignore - make sure that we do not include unnecessarily files like neo4j databases. Release 0.4.2 contained test data.
* Added synchronize around Index.new so that two thread can't modify the same index at the same time.

== 0.4.2 / 2010-04-08
*  No index on properties for the initialize method bug (#116)
*  Tidy up Thread Synchronization in Lucene wrapper - lucene indexing performance improvement (#117)
*  Permission bug loading neo4j jar file (#118)
*  Spike: Make NodeMixin ActiveModel complient - experimental (#115)

== 0.4.1 / 2010-03-11
* Migrations (#108)
* BatchInserter (#111)
* Neo4j::Relationship.new should take a hash of properties (#110)
* Upgrade to neo4j-1.0 (#114)
* Bigfix: has_one should replace old relationship (#106)
* Bugfix: custom accessors for NodeMixin#update (#113)
* Bugfix: Indexed properties problem on extented ruby classes critical "properties indexer" (#112)

== 0.4.0 / 2010-02-06
* Performance improvements and Refactoring: Use and Extend Neo4j Java Classes (#97)
* Support for Index and Declaration of Properties on Relationships (#91)
* Upgrade to neo4j-1.0 rc (#100)
* All internal properties should be prefix with a '_',0.4.0 (#105)
* Generate relationship accessor methods for declared has_n and has_one relationships (#104)
* New way of creating relationship - Neo4j::Relationship.new (#103)
* Neo4j#init_node method should take one or more args (#98)
* Namespaced relationships: has_one...from using the wrong has_n...to(#92)
* Neo4j::NodeMixin and Neo4j::Node should allow a hash for initialization (#99)

== 0.3.3 / 2009-11-25
* Support for a counter property on has_lists (#75)
* Support for Cascade delete. On has_n, had_one and has_list (#81)
* NodeMixin#all should work with inheritance - Child classes should have a relationship of their own. (#64)
* Support for other lucene analyzer then StandardAnalyzer (#87)
* NodeMixin initialize should accept block like docs (#82)
* Add incoming relationship should work as expected: n1.relationships.incoming(:foo) << n2 (#80)
* Delete node from a has_list relationship should work as expected (#79)
* Improve stacktraces (#94)
* Removed sideeffect of rspecs (#90)
* Add debug method on NodeMixin to print it self (#88)
* Removed to_a method (#73)
* Upgrade to neo4j-1.0b10 (#95)
* Upgrade to lucene 2.9.0 (#83)
* Refactoring: RSpecs (#74)
* Refactoring: aggregate each, renamed to property aggregator (#72)
* BugFix: neo4j gem cannot be built  from the source (#86)
* BugFix: Neo4j::relationship should not raise Exception if there are no relationships (#78)

== 0.3.2 / 2009-09-17
* Added support for aggregating nodes (#65)
* Wrapped Neo4j GraphAlgo AllSimplePath (#70)
* Added traversal with traversal position (#71)
* Removed DynamicAccessors mixin, replaced by [] operator (#67)
* Impl Neo4j.all_nodes (#69)
* Upgrated Neo4j jar file to 1.0-b9
* The Neo4j#relationship method now allows a filter parameter (#66)
* Neo4j.rb now can read database not created by Neo4j.rb - does not require classname property (#63)
* REST - added an "all" value for the depth traversal query parameter (#62)
* REST - Performance improvments using the Rest Mixin (#60)

== 0.3.1 / 2009-07-25
* Feature, extension -	find path between given pair of nodes (#58)
* Fix a messy exception on GET /nodes/UnknownClassName (#57)
* Bug  - exception on GET /nodes/classname/rel if rel is a has_one relationship (#56)
* Bug: GET /nodes/classname missing out nodes with no properties (#55)
* Bug: Lucene sorting caused exception if there were no documents (#54)
* Bug:	reindexer fails to connect nodes to the IndexNode (#53)

== 0.3.0 / 2009-06-25
* Neo4j should track node changes
* RESTful support for lucene queries, sorting and paging
* RESTful support for Relationships
* RESTful support for Node and properties
* Experimental support for Master-Slave	Replication via REST
* RESTful Node representation should contain hyperlinks to relationships
* Added some handy method like first and empty? on relationships
* Use new neo4j: neo-1.0-b8
* Add an event handler for create/delete nodes start/stop neo, update property/relationship
* The NodeMixin should behave like a hash, added [] and []= methods
* Support list topology - has_list and belongs_to_list Neo4j::NodeMixin Classmethods
* Should be possible to add relationships without declaring them (Neo4j#relationships.outgoing(:friends) << node)
* Neo4j extensions file structure, should be easy to create your own extensions
* Rename relation to relationship (Neo4j::Relations => Neo4j::Relationships, DynamicRelation => Relationship) [data incompatible change]
* Auto Transaction is now optional
* Setting Float properties fails under JRuby1.2.0
* Bug: Indexing relationships does not work
* Make the ReferenceNode include Neo4j::NodeMixin
* Added handy Neo4j class that simply includes the Neo4j::NodeMixin
* Neo4j::IndexNode now holds references to all nodes (Neo4j.ref_node -> Neo4j::IndexNode -> ...)

== 0.2.1 / 2009-03-15
* Refactoring of lucene indexing of the node space (28)
* Fixed bug on Neo4j::Nodemixin#property? (#22)

== 0.2.0 / 2009-01-20
* Impl. Neo4j::Node#traverse - enables traversal and filtering using TraversalPosition info (#17,#19)
* Impl. traversal to any depth (#15)
* Impl. traversal several relationships type at the same time (#16)
* Fixed a Lucene timezone bug (#20)
* Lots of refactoring of the neo4j.rb traversal code and RSpecs

== 0.1.0 / 2008-12-18
* Property can now be of any type (and not only String, Fixnum, Float)
* Indexing and Query with Date and DateTime
* YARD documentation
* Properties can be removed
* A property can be set to nil (it will then be removed).

== 0.0.7 / 2008-12-10
* Added method to_param and methods on the value object needed for Ruby on Rails
* Impl. update from a value object/hash for a node
* Impl. generation of value object classes/instances from a node.
* Refactoring the Transaction handling (reuse PlaceboTransaction instances if possible)
* Removed the need to start and stop neo. It will be done automatically when needed.

== 0.0.6 / 2008-12-03
* Removed the configuration from the Neo4j.start method. Now exist in Neo4j::Config and Lucene::Config.
* Implemented sort_by method.
* Lazy loading of search result. Execute the query and load the nodes only if needed.
* Added support to use lucene query language, example: Person.find("name:foo AND age:42")
* All test now uses RAM based lucene indexes.

== 0.0.5 / 2008-11-17
* Supports keeping lucene index in memory instead of on disk
* Added support for lucene full text search
* Fixed so neo4j runs on JRuby 1.1.5
* Implemented support for reindex all instances of a node class. This is needed if the lucene index is kept in memory or if the index is changed.
* Added ReferenceNode. All nodes now have a relationship from this reference node.
* Lots of refactoring
* Added the IMDB example. It shows how to create a neo database, lucene queries and node traversals.

== 0.0.4 / 2008-10-23
* First release to rubyforge