require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'test_helper') class SmurfTest < Test::Unit::TestCase include ActionView::Helpers::TagHelper include ActionView::Helpers::AssetTagHelper # Javascript context "when caching on for javascript" do setup do ActionController::Base.stubs(:perform_caching).returns(true) javascript_include_tag('testing.js', :cache => 'cache/actual') end should_have_same_contents('javascripts/cache/expected.js', 'javascripts/cache/actual.js') end # when caching on for javascript context "minifying multi-line strings in javascript" do setup do input = input.puts("var foo='bar \\") input.puts(" bar \\") input.puts(" baz';") input.rewind @content = end should "not affect the string" do expected = "\n" + @content.gsub(/\\?\r?\n/, '') assert_equal expected, end end # Stylesheet context "when caching on for stylesheets" do setup do ActionController::Base.stubs(:perform_caching).returns(true) stylesheet_link_tag('foo', 'bar', :cache => 'cache/actual') end should_have_same_contents('stylesheets/cache/expected.css', 'stylesheets/cache/actual.css') end # when caching on for stylesheets context "minifying a non-existent pattern in a stylesheet" do setup {@himom = "hi{mom:super-awesome}"} # Thanks to someone named Niko for finding this should "succeed for removing comments" do actual = "hi { mom: super-awesome; } " assert_equal @himom, end should "succeed when no spaces to compress" do actual = @himom assert_equal @himom, end should "succeed when no outside or inside blocks" do # nothing outside, means nothing inside. they are complementary actual = "how-did: this-happen; typo: maybe;}" expected = "how-did: this-happen; typo: maybe}" assert_equal expected, end should "succeed when no last semi-colon in block" do actual = "hi { mom: super-awesome } " assert_equal @himom, end should "succeed across all parsers when no content provided" do actual = "" assert_equal "", end should "succeed if nil provided" do assert_nil end end # minifying a non-existent pattern end