module SimpleAdmin module HeaderHelper def tabs content_tag :ul, :id => 'tabs' do SimpleAdmin.registered.collect do |interface| content_tag :li, :id => interface.collection, :class => "#{'current' if @interface == interface}" do link_to interface.collection.titlecase, send("simple_admin_#{interface.collection}_path".to_sym) end end.join.html_safe end end def utility_nav content_tag :p, :id => 'utility_nav' do if SimpleAdmin.current_user_method && send(SimpleAdmin.current_user_method) content = "".html_safe content << content_tag(:span, send(SimpleAdmin.current_user_name_method), :class => "current_user") if SimpleAdmin.current_user_name_method content << link_to("Logout", Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.logout_path) if Rails.application.routes.url_helpers.respond_to?(:logout_path) content end end end def breadcrumbs content_tag :span, :class => 'breadcrumb' do SimpleAdmin::Breadcrumbs.parse(request.fullpath, params[:action]).collect do |crumb| link_to(crumb.first, crumb.last) + content_tag(:span, ' / ', :class => 'breadcrumb_sep') end.join.html_safe end end def action_items content_tag :div, :class => "action_items" do content = "" # If we are currently showing, then check for edit and destroy action items if params[:action].to_sym == :show if @interface.actions.include?(:edit) content << link_to("Edit #{@interface.member.titlecase}", send("edit_simple_admin_#{@interface.member}_path", @resource)) end content << " " if @interface.actions.include?(:destroy) content << link_to("Delete #{@interface.member.titlecase}", send("simple_admin_#{@interface.member}_path", @resource), :method => :delete, :confirm => "Are you sure you want to delete this?") end end # If we are not showing an item or creating a new one, then check for new action items unless [:new, :show, :dashboard].include?(params[:action].to_sym) if @interface.constant && @interface.member if @interface.actions.include?(:new) content << link_to("New #{@interface.member.titlecase}", send("new_simple_admin_#{@interface.member}_path")) end end end content.html_safe end end end end