# frozen_string_literal: true require "decidim/faker/localized" require "decidim/faker/internet" require "decidim/dev" require "decidim/dev/test/factories" require "decidim/participatory_processes/test/factories" require "decidim/assemblies/test/factories" require "decidim/comments/test/factories" def generate_localized_title Decidim::Faker::Localized.localized { generate(:title) } end FactoryBot.define do sequence(:title) do |n| "#{Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 3)} #{n}".delete("'") end sequence(:name) do |_| Faker::Name.name.delete("'") end sequence(:nickname) do |n| "#{Faker::Lorem.characters(number: rand(1..10))}_#{n}".gsub("'", "_") end sequence(:hashtag_name) do |n| "#{Faker::Lorem.characters(number: rand(1..10))}_#{n}".gsub("'", "_") end sequence(:email) do |n| "user#{n}@example.org" end sequence(:user_group_email) do |n| "usergroup#{n}@example.org" end sequence(:slug) do |n| "#{Decidim::Faker::Internet.slug(words: nil, glue: "-")}-#{n}".gsub("'", "_") end sequence(:scope_name) do |n| "#{Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 1, supplemental: true, random_words_to_add: 3)} #{n}".gsub("s", "z").gsub("S", "Z") end sequence(:scope_code) do |n| "#{Faker::Lorem.characters(number: 4).upcase}-#{n}" end sequence(:area_name) do |n| "#{Faker::Lorem.sentence(word_count: 1, supplemental: true, random_words_to_add: 3)} #{n}" end factory :category, class: "Decidim::Category" do name { generate_localized_title } description { Decidim::Faker::Localized.wrapped("
", "
") { generate_localized_title } } weight { 0 } association :participatory_space, factory: :participatory_process end factory :subcategory, parent: :category do parent { build(:category) } participatory_space { parent.participatory_space } end factory :organization, class: "Decidim::Organization" do transient do create_static_pages { true } end name { Faker::Company.unique.name } reference_prefix { Faker::Name.suffix } time_zone { "UTC" } twitter_handler { Faker::Hipster.word } facebook_handler { Faker::Hipster.word } instagram_handler { Faker::Hipster.word } youtube_handler { Faker::Hipster.word } github_handler { Faker::Hipster.word } sequence(:host) { |n| "#{n}.lvh.me" } description { Decidim::Faker::Localized.wrapped("", "
") { generate_localized_title } } favicon { Decidim::Dev.test_file("icon.png", "image/png") } default_locale { Decidim.default_locale } available_locales { Decidim.available_locales } users_registration_mode { :enabled } official_img_footer { Decidim::Dev.test_file("avatar.jpg", "image/jpeg") } official_url { Faker::Internet.url } highlighted_content_banner_enabled { false } enable_omnipresent_banner { false } badges_enabled { true } user_groups_enabled { true } send_welcome_notification { true } comments_max_length { 1000 } admin_terms_of_service_body { Decidim::Faker::Localized.wrapped("", "
") { generate_localized_title } } force_users_to_authenticate_before_access_organization { false } machine_translation_display_priority { "original" } external_domain_whitelist { ["example.org", "twitter.com", "facebook.com", "youtube.com", "github.com", "mytesturl.me"] } smtp_settings do { "from" => "test@example.org", "user_name" => "test", "encrypted_password" => Decidim::AttributeEncryptor.encrypt("demo"), "port" => "25", "address" => "smtp.example.org" } end file_upload_settings { Decidim::OrganizationSettings.default(:upload) } enable_participatory_space_filters { true } content_security_policy { {} } colors do { primary: "#e02d2d", secondary: "#155abf", tertiary: "#ebc34b" } end trait :secure_context do host { "localhost" } end after(:create) do |organization, evaluator| if evaluator.create_static_pages tos_page = Decidim::StaticPage.find_by(slug: "terms-of-service", organization:) create(:static_page, :tos, organization:) if tos_page.nil? end end end factory :user, class: "Decidim::User" do email { generate(:email) } name { generate(:name) } nickname { generate(:nickname) } organization locale { organization.default_locale } tos_agreement { "1" } avatar { Decidim::Dev.test_file("avatar.jpg", "image/jpeg") } personal_url { Faker::Internet.url } about { "#{Faker::Lorem.paragraph(sentence_count: 2)}" } confirmation_sent_at { Time.current } accepted_tos_version { organization.tos_version } notifications_sending_frequency { "real_time" } email_on_moderations { true } password_updated_at { Time.current } previous_passwords { [] } extended_data { {} } trait :confirmed do confirmed_at { Time.current } end trait :blocked do blocked { true } blocked_at { Time.current } extended_data { { user_name: generate(:name) } } name { "Blocked user" } end trait :deleted do email { "" } deleted_at { Time.current } end trait :admin_terms_accepted do admin_terms_accepted_at { Time.current } end trait :admin do admin { true } admin_terms_accepted end trait :user_manager do roles { ["user_manager"] } admin_terms_accepted end trait :managed do email { "" } password { "" } encrypted_password { "" } managed { true } end trait :officialized do officialized_at { Time.current } officialized_as { generate_localized_title } end after(:build) do |user, evaluator| # We have specs that call e.g. `create(:user, admin: true)` where we need # to do this to ensure the user creation does not fail due to the short # password. user.password ||= evaluator.password || "decidim123456789" end end factory :participatory_space_private_user, class: "Decidim::ParticipatorySpacePrivateUser" do user privatable_to { create(:participatory_process, organization: user.organization) } end factory :assembly_private_user, class: "Decidim::ParticipatorySpacePrivateUser" do user privatable_to { create(:assembly, organization: user.organization) } end factory :user_group, class: "Decidim::UserGroup" do transient do document_number { "#{Faker::Number.number(digits: 8)}X" } phone { Faker::PhoneNumber.phone_number } rejected_at { nil } verified_at { nil } end sequence(:name) { |n| "#{Faker::Company.name} #{n}" } email { generate(:user_group_email) } nickname { generate(:nickname) } about { "#{Faker::Lorem.paragraph(sentence_count: 2)}" } organization avatar { Decidim::Dev.test_file("avatar.jpg", "image/jpeg") } # Keep after organization transient do users { [] } end trait :verified do verified_at { Time.current } end trait :rejected do rejected_at { Time.current } end trait :confirmed do confirmed_at { Time.current } end trait :blocked do blocked { true } blocked_at { Time.current } extended_data { { user_name: generate(:name) } } name { "Blocked user group" } end after(:build) do |user_group, evaluator| user_group.extended_data = user_group.extended_data.merge({ document_number: evaluator.document_number, phone: evaluator.phone, rejected_at: evaluator.rejected_at, verified_at: evaluator.verified_at }) end after(:create) do |user_group, evaluator| users = evaluator.users.dup next if users.empty? creator = users.shift create(:user_group_membership, user: creator, user_group:, role: :creator) users.each do |user| create(:user_group_membership, user:, user_group:, role: :admin) end end end factory :user_group_membership, class: "Decidim::UserGroupMembership" do user { create(:user, :confirmed, organization: user_group.organization) } role { :creator } user_group end factory :identity, class: "Decidim::Identity" do provider { "facebook" } sequence(:uid) user organization { user.organization } end factory :authorization, class: "Decidim::Authorization" do sequence(:name) { |n| "dummy_authorization_#{n}" } user metadata { {} } granted trait :granted do granted_at { 1.day.ago } end trait :pending do granted_at { nil } end end factory :authorization_transfer, class: "Decidim::AuthorizationTransfer" do transient do organization { create(:organization) } end user { create(:user, :confirmed, organization:) } source_user { create(:user, :confirmed, :deleted, organization: user.try(:organization) || organization) } authorization do create( :authorization, user: source_user || create(:user, :confirmed, :deleted, organization: user.try(:organization) || organization) ) end trait :transferred do authorization { create(:authorization, user:) } end end factory :authorization_transfer_record, class: "Decidim::AuthorizationTransferRecord" do transient do organization { resource.try(:organization) || create(:organization) } end transfer { create(:authorization_transfer, organization:) } resource { create(:dummy_resource) } end factory :static_page, class: "Decidim::StaticPage" do slug { generate(:slug) } title { generate_localized_title } content { Decidim::Faker::Localized.wrapped("", "
") { generate_localized_title } } organization { build(:organization) } allow_public_access { false } trait :default do slug { Decidim::StaticPage::DEFAULT_PAGES.sample } end trait :tos do slug { "terms-of-service" } after(:create) do |tos_page| tos_page.organization.tos_version = tos_page.updated_at tos_page.organization.save! end end trait :with_topic do after(:create) do |static_page| topic = create(:static_page_topic, organization: static_page.organization) static_page.topic = topic static_page.save end end end factory :static_page_topic, class: "Decidim::StaticPageTopic" do title { generate_localized_title } description { Decidim::Faker::Localized.wrapped("", "
") { generate_localized_title } } organization end factory :attachment_collection, class: "Decidim::AttachmentCollection" do name { generate_localized_title } description { generate_localized_title } weight { Faker::Number.number(digits: 1) } association :collection_for, factory: :participatory_process end factory :attachment, class: "Decidim::Attachment" do title { generate_localized_title } description { Decidim::Faker::Localized.wrapped("", "
") { generate_localized_title } } weight { Faker::Number.number(digits: 1) } attached_to { build(:participatory_process) } content_type { "image/jpeg" } file { Decidim::Dev.test_file("city.jpeg", "image/jpeg") } # Keep after attached_to file_size { 108_908 } trait :with_image do file { Decidim::Dev.test_file("city.jpeg", "image/jpeg") } end trait :with_pdf do file { Decidim::Dev.test_file("Exampledocument.pdf", "application/pdf") } content_type { "application/pdf" } file_size { 17_525 } end end factory :component, class: "Decidim::Component" do transient do organization { create(:organization) } end name { generate_localized_title } participatory_space { create(:participatory_process, organization:) } manifest_name { "dummy" } published_at { Time.current } settings do { dummy_global_translatable_text: generate_localized_title, comments_max_length: participatory_space.organization.comments_max_length || organization.comments_max_length } end default_step_settings do { dummy_step_translatable_text: generate_localized_title } end trait :with_one_step do step_settings do participatory_space_with_steps if participatory_space.active_step.nil? { participatory_space.active_step.id => { dummy_step_setting: true } } end end trait :unpublished do published_at { nil } end trait :published do published_at { Time.current } end trait :with_amendments_enabled do settings do { amendments_enabled: true } end end trait :with_permissions do settings { { Random.rand => Random.new.bytes(5) } } end transient do participatory_space_with_steps do create(:participatory_process_step, active: true, end_date: 1.month.from_now, participatory_process: participatory_space) participatory_space.reload participatory_space.steps.reload end end trait :with_endorsements_enabled do step_settings do participatory_space_with_steps if participatory_space.active_step.nil? { participatory_space.active_step.id => { endorsements_enabled: true } } end end trait :with_endorsements_disabled do step_settings do participatory_space_with_steps if participatory_space.active_step.nil? { participatory_space.active_step.id => { endorsements_enabled: false } } end end trait :with_endorsements_blocked do step_settings do participatory_space_with_steps if participatory_space.active_step.nil? { participatory_space.active_step.id => { endorsements_blocked: true } } end end trait :with_comments_disabled do settings do { comments_enabled: false } end end end factory :scope_type, class: "Decidim::ScopeType" do name { Decidim::Faker::Localized.word } plural { Decidim::Faker::Localized.literal(name.values.first.pluralize) } organization end factory :scope, class: "Decidim::Scope" do name { Decidim::Faker::Localized.literal(generate(:scope_name)) } code { generate(:scope_code) } scope_type { create(:scope_type, organization:) } organization { parent ? parent.organization : build(:organization) } end factory :subscope, parent: :scope do parent { build(:scope) } before(:create) do |object| object.parent.save unless object.parent.persisted? end end factory :area_type, class: "Decidim::AreaType" do name { Decidim::Faker::Localized.word } plural { Decidim::Faker::Localized.literal(name.values.first.pluralize) } organization end factory :area, class: "Decidim::Area" do name { Decidim::Faker::Localized.literal(generate(:area_name)) } organization end factory :coauthorship, class: "Decidim::Coauthorship" do coauthorable { create(:dummy_resource) } transient do organization { coauthorable.component.participatory_space.organization } end author { create(:user, :confirmed, organization:) } end factory :resource_link, class: "Decidim::ResourceLink" do name { generate(:slug) } to { build(:dummy_resource) } from { build(:dummy_resource, component: to.component) } end factory :newsletter, class: "Decidim::Newsletter" do transient do body { Decidim::Faker::Localized.wrapped("", "
") { generate_localized_title } } end author { build(:user, :confirmed, organization:) } organization subject { generate_localized_title } after(:create) do |newsletter, evaluator| create( :content_block, :newsletter_template, organization: evaluator.organization, scoped_resource_id: newsletter.id, manifest_name: "basic_only_text", settings: evaluator.body.transform_keys { |key| "body_#{key}" } ) end trait :sent do sent_at { Time.current } end end factory :moderation, class: "Decidim::Moderation" do reportable { build(:dummy_resource) } participatory_space { reportable.component.participatory_space } trait :hidden do hidden_at { 1.day.ago } end end factory :report, class: "Decidim::Report" do moderation user { build(:user, organization: moderation.reportable.organization) } reason { "spam" } end factory :impersonation_log, class: "Decidim::ImpersonationLog" do admin { build(:user, :admin) } user { build(:user, :managed, organization: admin.organization) } started_at { 10.minutes.ago } end factory :follow, class: "Decidim::Follow" do user do build( :user, organization: followable.try(:organization) || build(:organization) ) end followable { build(:dummy_resource) } end factory :notification, class: "Decidim::Notification" do user do build( :user, organization: resource.try(:organization) || build(:organization) ) end resource { build(:dummy_resource) } event_name { resource.class.name.underscore.tr("/", ".") } event_class { "Decidim::Dev::DummyResourceEvent" } extra do { some_extra_data: "1" } end end factory :action_log, class: "Decidim::ActionLog" do transient do extra_data { {} } end organization { user.organization } user participatory_space { build(:participatory_process, organization:) } component { build(:component, participatory_space:) } resource { build(:dummy_resource, component:) } action { "create" } visibility { "admin-only" } extra do { component: { manifest_name: component.try(:manifest_name), title: component.try(:name) || component.try(:title) }.compact, participatory_space: { manifest_name: participatory_space.try(:class).try(:participatory_space_manifest).try(:name), title: participatory_space.try(:name) || participatory_space.try(:title) }.compact, resource: { title: resource.try(:name) || resource.try(:title) }.compact, user: { ip: user.try(:current_sign_in_ip), name: user.try(:name), nickname: user.try(:nickname) }.compact }.deep_merge(extra_data) end end factory :oauth_application, class: "Decidim::OAuthApplication" do organization sequence(:name) { |n| "OAuth application #{n}" } sequence(:organization_name) { |n| "OAuth application owner #{n}" } organization_url { "http://example.org" } organization_logo { Decidim::Dev.test_file("avatar.jpg", "image/jpeg") } redirect_uri { "https://app.example.org/oauth" } scopes { "public" } end factory :oauth_access_token, class: "Doorkeeper::AccessToken" do resource_owner_id { create(:user, organization: application.organization).id } application { build(:oauth_application) } token { SecureRandom.hex(32) } expires_in { 1.month.from_now } created_at { Time.current } scopes { "public" } end factory :searchable_resource, class: "Decidim::SearchableResource" do resource { build(:dummy_resource) } resource_id { resource.id } resource_type { resource.class.name } organization { resource.component.organization } decidim_participatory_space { resource.component.participatory_space } locale { I18n.locale } scope { resource.scope } content_a { Faker::Lorem.sentence } datetime { Time.current } end factory :content_block, class: "Decidim::ContentBlock" do organization scope_name { :homepage } manifest_name { :hero } weight { 1 } published_at { Time.current } trait :newsletter_template do scope_name { :newsletter_template } manifest_name { :basic_only_text } end end factory :hashtag, class: "Decidim::Hashtag" do name { generate(:hashtag_name) } organization end factory :metric, class: "Decidim::Metric" do organization day { Time.zone.today } metric_type { "random_metric" } cumulative { 2 } quantity { 1 } category { create(:category) } participatory_space { create(:participatory_process, organization:) } related_object { create(:component, participatory_space:) } end factory :amendment, class: "Decidim::Amendment" do amendable { build(:dummy_resource) } emendation { build(:dummy_resource) } amender { emendation.try(:creator_author) || emendation.try(:author) } state { "evaluating" } Decidim::Amendment::STATES.keys.each do |defined_state| trait defined_state do state { defined_state } end end end factory :user_report, class: "Decidim::UserReport" do reason { "spam" } moderation { create(:user_moderation, user:) } user { build(:user) } end factory :user_moderation, class: "Decidim::UserModeration" do user { build(:user) } end factory :endorsement, class: "Decidim::Endorsement" do resource { build(:dummy_resource) } author { resource.try(:creator_author) || resource.try(:author) || build(:user, organization: resource.organization) } end factory :user_group_endorsement, class: "Decidim::Endorsement" do resource { build(:dummy_resource) } author { build(:user, organization: resource.organization) } user_group { create(:user_group, verified_at: Time.current, organization: resource.organization, users: [author]) } end factory :share_token, class: "Decidim::ShareToken" do token_for { build(:component) } user { build(:user, organization: token_for.organization) } before(:create) do |object| object.organization ||= object.token_for.organization end trait :expired do expires_at { 1.day.ago } end trait :used do times_used { 3 } last_used_at { 1.hour.ago } end end factory :editor_image, class: "Decidim::EditorImage" do organization author { create(:user, :admin, :confirmed, organization:) } file { Decidim::Dev.test_file("city.jpeg", "image/jpeg") } end factory :reminder, class: "Decidim::Reminder" do user { build(:user) } component { build(:dummy_component, organization: user.organization) } end factory :reminder_record, class: "Decidim::ReminderRecord" do reminder { create(:reminder) } remindable { build(:dummy_resource) } Decidim::ReminderRecord::STATES.keys.each do |defined_state| trait defined_state do state { defined_state } end end end factory :reminder_delivery, class: "Decidim::ReminderDelivery" do reminder { create(:reminder) } end factory :short_link, class: "Decidim::ShortLink" do target { create(:component, manifest_name: "dummy") } route_name { nil } params { {} } before(:create) do |object| object.organization ||= object.target if object.target.is_a?(Decidim::Organization) object.organization ||= object.target.try(:organization) || create(:organization) object.identifier ||= Decidim::ShortLink.unique_identifier_within(object.organization) object.mounted_engine_name ||= if object.target.respond_to?(:participatory_space) "decidim_#{object.target.participatory_space.underscored_name}_dummy" else "decidim" end end end end