require 'digest/sha1' module Cifrado module Utils def prettify_backtrace(e) Log.debug e.class Log.debug e.backtrace.join("\nDEBUG: ") end def mime_type(file) mime = `/usr/bin/file -b --mime-type #{Shellwords.escape(file)} 2>/dev/null`.strip.chomp mime.empty? ? nil : mime end def clean_object_name(obj)^(\/+|.\/)/,'')).cleanpath.to_s end def unix_time(secs) ( secs.to_i).to_s end def decrypt_filename(name, password, options = {}) cipher = password cipher.decrypt name end def encrypt_filename(name, password, options = {}) cipher = password cipher.encrypt name end def humanize_bytes(bytes) m = bytes.to_i units = %w[Bytes KB MB GB TB PB] while (m/1024.0) >= 1 m = m/1024.0 units.shift end return "%.2f #{units[0]}" % m end def calculate_chunks(file) # File size in bytes size = File.size(file) if size >= 1 and size <= 10485760 1 # if file >= 20MB and <= 50MB, split in chunks of 10MB elsif size > 10485760 and size <= 104857600 size/10485760 # split in chunk of 100 MB else size/104857600 end end end end