h1. rails
"home":../index.html > "recipes":index.html > rails
h2. Tasks
* "rails:console":#rails:console
* "rails:mate_logs":#rails:mate_logs
* "rails:setup":#rails:setup
* "rails:tail_logs":#rails:tail_logs
* "rails:update_code":#rails:update_code
h2. Task documentation
h3(#rails:console). rails:console
Remotely console. (http://errtheblog.com/posts/19-streaming-capistrano)
h3(#rails:mate_logs). rails:mate_logs
Check production log files in TextMate. (http://errtheblog.com/posts/19-streaming-capistrano)
h3(#rails:setup). rails:setup
Create database yaml in shared path.
*db_name*: Database name (rails).
@set :db_name, "app_db_name"@
*db_user*: Database user (rails).
@set :db_user, "app_db_user"@
*db_pass*: Database password (rails).
@set :db_pass, "the_password"@
*db_host*: Database host (can be nil, if you are using socket). _Defaults to nil_
*db_socket*: Database socket (can be nil, if you are using host). _Defaults to nil_
@set :db_socket, "/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock"@
h3(#rails:tail_logs). rails:tail_logs
Tail production log files. (http://errtheblog.com/posts/19-streaming-capistrano)
h3(#rails:update_code). rails:update_code
Make symlink for database yaml