#!/usr/bin/env ruby lib_dir = File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../../lib' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib_dir) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(lib_dir) require 'vedeu' # A simple example application to test the input of commands. This will test # the functionality of 'cooked' mode. class VedeuTypedCommands Vedeu.configure do debug! log '/tmp/vedeu_typed_commands_app.log' end Vedeu.bind(:_initialize_) { Vedeu.trigger(:_refresh_) } Vedeu.interface 'output' do colour foreground: '#ff0000', background: '#000022' cursor! end Vedeu.interface 'status' do colour foreground: '#00ff00', background: '#003300' cursor! end Vedeu.interface 'command' do colour foreground: '#ffff00', background: '#111111' cursor! end Vedeu.keymap('_global_') do key(:up, 'k') { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_up_) } key(:right, 'l') { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_right_) } key(:down, 'j') { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_down_) } key(:left, 'h') { Vedeu.trigger(:_cursor_left_) } key('q') { Vedeu.trigger(:_exit_) } key(:escape) { Vedeu.trigger(:_mode_switch_) } key(:shift_tab) { Vedeu.trigger(:_focus_prev_) } key(:tab) { Vedeu.trigger(:_focus_next_) } end Vedeu.border('output') do colour foreground: '#aadd00', background: '#000022' hide_bottom! end Vedeu.border('status') do colour foreground: '#aadd00', background: '#003300' hide_top! hide_bottom! end Vedeu.border('command') do colour foreground: '#aadd00', background: '#111111' hide_top! end Vedeu.geometry 'output' do centred! height 7 width 40 end Vedeu.geometry('status') do height 1 width 40 x use('output').left y use('output').south(0) end Vedeu.geometry 'command' do height 3 width 40 x use('status').left y use('status').south(0) end Vedeu.focus_by_name 'command' Vedeu.renders do template_for('output', (File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/output.erb'), nil) template_for('status', (File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/status.erb'), nil) template_for('command', (File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/command.erb'), nil) end def self.start(argv = ARGV) Vedeu::Launcher.execute!(argv) end end # VedeuTypedCommands VedeuTypedCommands.start(ARGV)