# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- Gemirro::CLI.options.command 'server' do banner 'Usage: gemirro server [OPTIONS]' description 'Manage web server' separator "\nOptions:\n" on :start, 'Run web server' on :stop, 'Stop web server' on :restart, 'Restart web server' on :status, 'Status of web server' on :c=, :config=, 'Path to the configuration file' on :l=, :log_level=, 'Set logger level' @pid_file = nil run do |opts, _args| load_configuration(opts) start if opts[:start] stop if opts[:stop] restart if opts[:restart] status if opts[:status] end def load_configuration(opts) Gemirro::CLI.load_configuration(opts[:c]) config = Gemirro.configuration config.logger_level = opts[:l] if opts[:l] unless File.directory?(config.destination) config.logger.error("The directory #{config.destination} does not exist") abort end @pid_file = File.expand_path(File.join(config.destination, '..', 'gemirro.pid')) require 'gemirro/server' end # Copy stdout because we'll need to reopen it later on @orig_stdout = STDOUT.clone $PROGRAM_NAME = 'gemirro' def create_pid File.open(@pid_file, 'w') do |f| f.write("#{Process.pid}") end rescue Errno::EACCES STDOUT.reopen @orig_stdout puts "Error: Can't write to #{@pid_file} - Permission denied" exit! end def destroy_pid File.delete(@pid_file) if File.exist?(@pid_file) && pid == Process.pid end def pid File.open(@pid_file, 'r') do |f| return f.gets.to_i end rescue Errno::ENOENT puts "Error: PID File not found #{@pid_file}" end def start puts 'Starting...' if File.exist?(@pid_file) if running?(pid) puts "Error: #{$PROGRAM_NAME} already running" abort end end Process.daemon create_pid STDOUT.reopen @orig_stdout puts "done! (PID is #{pid})\n" Gemirro::Server.run! destroy_pid STDOUT.reopen '/dev/null', 'a' end def stop process_pid = pid return if process_pid.nil? begin Process.kill('TERM', process_pid) Timeout.timeout(30) { sleep 0.1 while running?(process_pid) } rescue Errno::ESRCH puts "Error: Couldn't find process with PID #{process_pid}" exit! rescue Timeout::Error puts 'timeout while sending TERM signal, sending KILL signal now... ' Process.kill('KILL', process_pid) destroy_pid end puts 'done!' end def restart stop start end def status if running?(pid) puts "#{$PROGRAM_NAME} is running" else puts "#{$PROGRAM_NAME} is not running" abort end end def running?(process_id) return false if process_id.nil? Process.getpgid(process_id.to_i) != -1 rescue Errno::ESRCH false end end