require 'spec_helper' require 'rack/handler/helpers/test_request' require 'rack/handler/http' require 'rack/lint' require 'rack/builder' require 'rack/static' describe Rack::Handler::HTTP do include TestRequest::Helpers before(:all) do app = do use Rack::Lint use Rack::Static, :urls => ["/spec/images"] run end @host = '' @port = 9204 @server =, :Host => @host, :Port => @port) { } Thread.pass until @server.running? end after(:all) do @server.stop Thread.pass until @server.stopped? end it "should respond to a simple get request" do GET "/" status.should == 200 end it "should have CGI headers on GET" do GET("/") response["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == "GET" response["SCRIPT_NAME"].should == '' response["PATH_INFO"].should == "/" response["QUERY_STRING"].should == "" response["test.postdata"].should == "" GET("/test/foo?quux=1") response["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == "GET" response["SCRIPT_NAME"].should == '' response["REQUEST_URI"].should == "/test/foo" response["PATH_INFO"].should == "/test/foo" response["QUERY_STRING"].should == "quux=1" end it "should have CGI headers on POST" do POST("/", {"rack-form-data" => "23"}, {'X-test-header' => '42'}) status.should == 200 response["REQUEST_METHOD"].should == "POST" response["REQUEST_URI"].should == "/" response["QUERY_STRING"].should == "" response["HTTP_X_TEST_HEADER"].should == "42" response["test.postdata"].should == "rack-form-data=23" end it "should support HTTP auth" do GET("/test", {:user => "ruth", :passwd => "secret"}) response["HTTP_AUTHORIZATION"].should == "Basic cnV0aDpzZWNyZXQ=" end it "should set status" do GET("/test?secret") status.should == 403 response["rack.url_scheme"].should == "http" end it "should not set content-type to '' in requests" do GET("/test", 'Content-Type' => '') response['Content-Type'].should == nil end it "should serve images" do file_size = File.size(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'images', 'image.jpg')) GET("/spec/images/image.jpg") status.should == 200 response.content_length.should == file_size response.body.size.should == file_size end end