import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react"; interface DateTimeSelectProps { name: string; onChange: (date: Date) => void; value: Date; disabled?: boolean; disableTime?: boolean; } interface ModifyOptions { year?: number; month?: number; date?: number; time?: string; } function modifyDate(original: Date, options: ModifyOptions = {}): Date { const newDate = new Date(original); if ("year" in options) { newDate.setFullYear(options.year); } if ("month" in options) { newDate.setMonth(options.month); } if ("date" in options) { newDate.setDate(; } if ("time" in options && options.time.match(/^[\d]{1,2}(:[\d]{1,2})?$/)) { newDate.setHours(parseInt(options.time.split(":")[0], 10)); newDate.setMinutes(parseInt(options.time.split(":")[1], 10) || 0); } return newDate; } function timeToString(time: Date): string { return time.toTimeString().slice(0, 5); } // Returns an array with years from 2000 to 10 years from now. function yearOptions(): number[] { const start = 2000; const years: number[] = []; for (let i = start; i <= new Date().getFullYear() + 11; i++) { years.push(i); } return years; } function monthOptions(): string[] { return [ "January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December" ]; } function dayOptions(): number[] { const numbers: number[] = []; for (let i = 1; i <= 31; i++) { numbers.push(i); } return numbers; } export default function DateTimeSelect(props: DateTimeSelectProps) { const { name, disabled, disableTime, onChange, value } = props; const [timeString, setTimeString] = useState(timeToString(value)); useEffect(() => { setTimeString(timeToString(value)); }, [value]); const handleChange = (options = {}) => { onChange(modifyDate(value, options)); }; return (