WAIT_TIMEOUT = ENV['WAIT_TIMEOUT'] || 60 STEP_PAUSE = ENV['STEP_PAUSE'].to_f || 0.3 require 'rspec/expectations' Given /^(my|the) app is running$/ do |_| #no-op on iOS end # -- Touch --# Then /^I (press|touch) on screen (\d+) from the left and (\d+) from the top$/ do |_, x, y| touch(nil, {:x => x, :y => y}) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I (press|touch) "([^\"]*)"$/ do |_,name| touch("view marked:'#{name}'") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end #Then /^I (press|touch) (\d+)% right and (\d+)% down from "([^\"]*)" $/ do |_,x,y,name| # touch({:query => "view marked:'#{name}'", :offset => {:x => x, :y => y}}) #end Then /^I (press|touch) button number (\d+)$/ do |_,index| index = index.to_i raise "Index should be positive (was: #{index})" if (index<=0) touch("button index:#{index-1}") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I (press|touch) the "([^\"]*)" button$/ do |_,name| touch("button marked:'#{name}'") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end # /^I press view with name "([^\"]*)"$/ # like touch "..." # /^I press image button number (\d+)$/ # iOS doesn't have image buttons' ##TODO note in tables views: this means visible cell index! Then /^I (press|touch) list item number (\d+)$/ do |_,index| index = index.to_i raise "Index should be positive (was: #{index})" if (index<=0) touch("tableViewCell index:#{index-1}") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I toggle the switch$/ do touch("view:'UISwitch'") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I toggle the "([^\"]*)" switch$/ do |name| touch("view:'UISwitch' marked:'#{name}'") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end #/^I enter "([^\"]*)" as "([^\"]*)"$/ ## -- Entering text directly --## When /^I type "([^\"]*)" into the "([^\"]*)" text field$/ do |text_to_type, field_name| set_text("textField placeholder:'#{field_name}'", text_to_type) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end # alias When /^I fill in "([^\"]*)" with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text_field, text_to_type| When %Q|I type "#{text_to_type}" into the "#{text_field}" text field| end When /^I fill in text fields as follows:$/ do |table| table.hashes.each do |row| When %Q|I type "#{row['text']}" into the "#{row['field']}" text field| end end #doesn't make sense iOS? #Then /^I enter "([^\"]*)" into input field number (\d+)$/ do |text, index| # text_fields_modified = frankly_map( "textField placeholder:'#{field_name}'", "setText:", text_to_type ) # raise "could not find text fields with placeholder '#{field_name}'" if text_fields_modified.empty? #end When /^I clear "([^\"]*)"$/ do |name| When %Q|I type "" into the "#{name}" text field| end ##Then /^I clear input field number (\d+)$/ do |index| # raise "Index should be positive (was: #{index})" if (index<=0) # #end # -- See -- # Then /^I wait to see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| Timeout::timeout(WAIT_TIMEOUT) do until view_with_mark_exists( expected_mark ) sleep 0.3 end end end Then /^I wait to not see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| sleep 2 Timeout::timeout(WAIT_TIMEOUT) do while element_exists( "view marked:'#{expected_mark}'" ) sleep 0.3 end end end Then /^I wait for "([^\"]*)" to appear$/ do |name| Then %Q|I wait to see "#{name}"| end When /^I wait for ([\d\.]+) second(?:s)?$/ do |num_seconds| num_seconds = num_seconds.to_f sleep num_seconds end #/^I wait for dialog to close$/ #/^I wait for progress$/ Then /^I wait for the "([^\"]*)" button to appear$/ do |name| Timeout::timeout(WAIT_TIMEOUT) do until element_exists( "button marked:'#{name}'" ) sleep 0.3 end end end Then /^I wait to see a navigation bar titled "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| Timeout::timeout(30) do values = query('navigationItemView', :accessibilityLabel) until values.include?(expected_mark) values = query('navigationItemView', :accessibilityLabel) sleep 0.3 end end end Then /^I wait$/ do sleep 2 end Then /^I go back$/ do touch("navigationItemButtonView first") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^take picture$/ do sleep(STEP_PAUSE) screenshot end # Note "up/down" seems to be missing on the web page? # Should be /^I swipe (left|right|up|down)$/ Then /^I swipe (left|right)$/ do |dir| swipe(dir) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I swipe on cell number (\d+)$/ do |index| index = index.to_i raise "Index should be positive (was: #{index})" if (index<=0) cell_swipe({:query => "tableViewCell index:#{index-1}"}) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end ##pinch## Then /^I pinch to zoom (in|out)$/ do |in_out| pinch(in_out) sleep([STEP_PAUSE+4,6].max) end Then /^I pinch to zoom (in|out) on "([^\"]*)"$/ do |in_out, name| pinch(in_out,{:query => "view marked:'#{name}'"}) sleep([STEP_PAUSE+4,6].max) end # Note "up/left/right" seems to be missing on the web page Then /^I scroll (left|right|up|down)$/ do |dir| scroll("scrollView index:0", dir) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I scroll (left|right|up|down) on "([^\"]*)"$/ do |dir,name| scroll("view marked:'#{name}'", dir) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end ### Playback ### Then /^I playback recording "([^"]*)"$/ do |filename| playback("#{filename}_#{ENV['DEVICE']}") sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I playback recording "([^"]*) on "([^"]*)"$/ do |filename, name| playback("#{filename}_#{ENV['DEVICE']}", {:query => "view marked:'#{name}'"}) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I playback recording "([^"]*) on "([^"]*)" with offset (\d+),(\d+)$/ do |filename, name, x, y| x = x.to_i y = y.to_i playback("#{filename}_#{ENV['DEVICE']}", {:query => "view marked:'#{name}'", :offset => {:x => x, :y => y}}) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I reverse playback recording "([^"]*)"$/ do |filename| playback("#{filename}_#{ENV['DEVICE']}", {:reverse => true}) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I reverse playback recording "([^"]*) on "([^"]*)"$/ do |filename, name| playback("#{filename}_#{ENV['DEVICE']}", {:query => "view marked:'#{name}'",:reverse => true}) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I reverse playback recording "([^"]*) on "([^"]*)" with offset (\d+),(\d+)$/ do |filename, name, x, y| x = x.to_i y = y.to_i playback("#{filename}_#{ENV['DEVICE']}", {:query => "view marked:'#{name}'", :offset => {:x => x, :y => y},:reverse => true}) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end ### Device orientation ### Then /^I rotate device (left|right)$/ do |dir| dir = dir.to_sym rotate(dir) sleep(STEP_PAUSE) end Then /^I send app to background for (\d+) seconds$/ do |secs| secs = secs.to_f background(secs) end ### Assertions ### Then /^I should see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| check_element_exists("view marked:'#{expected_mark}'") end Then /^I should not see "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| check_element_does_not_exist("view marked:'#{expected_mark}'") end Then /^I should see a "([^\"]*)" button$/ do |expected_mark| check_element_exists("button marked:'#{expected_mark}'") end Then /^I should not see a "([^\"]*)" button$/ do |expected_mark| check_element_does_not_exist("button marked:'#{expected_mark}'") end Then /^I don't see the text "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| Then %Q|I should not see "#{text}"| end Then /^I don't see the "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| Then %Q|I should not see "#{text}"| end Then /^I see the text "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| Then %Q|I should see "#{text}"| end Then /^I see the "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| Then %Q|I should see "#{text}"| end #** TODO /^I dont see the text "([^\"]*)"$/ # /^I dont see the "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text| # # the ruby block is a copy-paste on the web. # I would say I should see and I should not see # seems more natural. # # OK # # # # #Then /I should see the following:/ do |table| # values = frankly_map( 'view', 'accessibilityLabel' ) # table.raw.each do |expected_mark| # values.should include( expected_mark.first ) # end #end # #Then /I should not see the following:/ do |table| # values = frankly_map( 'view', 'accessibilityLabel' ) # table.raw.each do |expected_mark| # values.should_not include( expected_mark.first ) # end #end # #Then /^I should see a navigation bar titled "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| # values = frankly_map( 'navigationItemView', 'accessibilityLabel' ) # values.should include(expected_mark) #end # #Then /^I should see an alert view titled "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| # values = frankly_map( 'alertView', 'message') # puts values # values.should include(expected_mark) #end # #Then /^I should not see an alert view$/ do # check_element_does_not_exist( 'alertView' ) #end # #Then /^I should see an element of class "([^\"]*)" with name "([^\"]*)" with the following labels: "([^\"]*)"$/ do |className, classLabel, listOfLabels| # arrayOfLabels = listOfLabels.split(','); # arrayOfLabels.each do |label| # check_element_exists("view marked:'#{classLabel}' parent view:'#{className}' descendant view marked:'#{label}'") # end #end # #Then /^I should see an element of class "([^\"]*)" with name "([^\"]*)" with a "([^\"]*)" button$/ do |className, classLabel, buttonName| # check_element_exists("view marked:'#{classLabel}' parent view:'#{className}' descendant button marked:'#{buttonName}'") #end # #Then /^I should not see a hidden button marked "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| # element_is_not_hidden("button marked:'#{expected_mark}'").should be_false #end # #Then /^I should see a nonhidden button marked "([^\"]*)"$/ do |expected_mark| # element_is_not_hidden("button marked:'#{expected_mark}'").should be_true #end # #Then /^I should see an element of class "([^\"]*)"$/ do |className| # element_is_not_hidden("view:'#{className}'") #end # #Then /^I should not see an element of class "([^\"]*)"$/ do |className| # selector = "view:'#{className}'" # element_exists_and_is_not_hidden = element_exists( selector ) && element_is_not_hidden(selector) # element_exists_and_is_not_hidden.should be_false #end # # ## -- Type/Fill in -- # # #When /^I type "([^\"]*)" into the "([^\"]*)" text field$/ do |text_to_type, field_name| # text_fields_modified = frankly_map( "textField placeholder:'#{field_name}'", "setText:", text_to_type ) # raise "could not find text fields with placeholder '#{field_name}'" if text_fields_modified.empty? # #TODO raise warning if text_fields_modified.count > 1 #end # ## alias #When /^I fill in "([^\"]*)" with "([^\"]*)"$/ do |text_field, text_to_type| # puts %Q|I type "#{text_to_type}" into the "#{text_field}" text field| # When %Q|I type "#{text_to_type}" into the "#{text_field}" text field| #end # #When /^I fill in text fields as follows:$/ do |table| # table.hashes.each do |row| # When %Q|I type "#{row['text']}" into the "#{row['field']}" text field| # end #end # ## -- Rotate -- # #Given /^the device is in (a )?landscape orientation$/ do |ignored| # # for some reason the simulator sometimes starts of reporting its orientation as 'flat'. Workaround for this is to rotate the device then wait a bit # if 'flat' == frankly_current_orientation # rotate_simulator_right # sleep 1 # end # # unless frankly_oriented_landscape? # rotate_simulator_left # sleep 1 # raise "expected orientation to be landscape after rotating left, but it is #{frankly_current_orientation}" unless frankly_oriented_landscape? # end #end # #Given /^the device is in (a )?portrait orientation$/ do |ignored| # # for some reason the simulator sometimes starts of reporting its orientation as 'flat'. Workaround for this is to rotate the device then wait a bit # if 'flat' == frankly_current_orientation # rotate_simulator_right # sleep 1 # end # # unless frankly_oriented_portrait? # rotate_simulator_left # sleep 1 # raise "Expected orientation to be portrait after rotating left, but it is #{frankly_current_orientation}" unless frankly_oriented_portrait? # end #end # #When /^I simulate a memory warning$/ do # simulate_memory_warning #end # #Then /^I rotate to the "([^\"]*)"$/ do |direction| # if direction == "right" # rotate_simulator_right # elsif direction == "left" # rotate_simulator_left # else # raise %Q|Rotation direction specified ("#{direction}") is invalid. Please specify right or left.| # end # sleep 1 #end # ## -- touch -- # #When /^I touch "([^\"]*)"$/ do |mark| # selector = "view marked:'#{mark}' first" # if element_exists(selector) # touch( selector ) # else # raise "Could not touch [#{mark}], it does not exist." # end # sleep 1 #end # #When /^I touch "([^\"]*)" if exists$/ do |mark| # sleep 1 # selector = "view marked:'#{mark}' first" # if element_exists(selector) # touch(selector) # sleep 1 # end #end # #When /^I touch the first table cell$/ do # touch("tableViewCell first") #end # #When /^I swipe the first table cell?/ do # swipe( "tableViewCell index:0", :right) # sleep 2 # give the UI a chance to animate the swipe #end # # #When /^I touch the table cell marked "([^\"]*)"$/ do |mark| # touch("tableViewCell marked:'#{mark}'") #end # #When /^I swipe the table cell marked "([^\"]*)"$/ do |cell_index_s| # swipe( "tableViewCell marked:'#{mark}'", :right) # sleep 2 # give the UI a chance to animate the swipe #end # # #When /^I touch the (\d*)(?:st|nd|rd|th)? table cell$/ do |ordinal| # ordinal = ordinal.to_i - 1 # touch("tableViewCell index:#{ordinal}") # #end # # #When /^I swipe the (\d*)(?:st|nd|rd|th)? table cell?/ do |cell_index_s| # cell_index = cell_index_s.to_i - 1 #index 0 corresponds to 1st # raise "Row should have a positive index" if cell_index <= 0 # swipe( "tableViewCell index:#{cell_index}", :right) # sleep 2 # give the UI a chance to animate the swipe #end # # #Then /I touch the following:/ do |table| # values = frankly_map( 'view', 'accessibilityLabel' ) # table.raw.each do |expected_mark| # touch( "view marked:'#{expected_mark}'" ) # sleep 2 # end #end # #When /^I touch the button marked "([^\"]*)"$/ do |mark| # touch( "button marked:'#{mark}'" ) #end # #When /^I touch the "([^\"]*)" action sheet button$/ do |mark| # touch( "actionSheet threePartButton marked:'#{mark}'" ) #end # #When /^I touch the (\d*)(?:st|nd|rd|th)? action sheet button$/ do |ordinal| # ordinal = ordinal.to_i # touch( "actionSheet threePartButton tag:#{ordinal}" ) #end # #When /^I touch the (\d*)(?:st|nd|rd|th)? alert view button$/ do |ordinal| # ordinal = ordinal.to_i # touch( "alertView threePartButton tag:#{ordinal}" ) #end # ## -- switch -- # # #When /^I flip switch "([^\"]*)" on$/ do |mark| # selector = "view:'UISwitch' marked:'#{mark}'" # views_switched = frankly_map( selector, 'setOn:animated:', true, true ) # raise "could not find anything matching [#{uiquery}] to switch" if views_switched.empty? #end # #When /^I flip switch "([^\"]*)" off$/ do |mark| # selector = "view:'UISwitch' marked:'#{mark}'" # views_switched = frankly_map( selector, 'setOn:animated:', false, true ) # raise "could not find anything matching [#{uiquery}] to switch" if views_switched.empty? #end # #When /^I flip switch "([^\"]*)"$/ do |mark| # touch("view:'UISwitch' marked:'#{mark}'") #end # #Then /^switch "([^\"]*)" should be on$/ do |mark| ## switch_states = frankly_map( "view:'Switch' marked:'#{mark}'", "isOn" ) # switch_states = frankly_map( "view accesibilityLabel:'#{mark}'", "isOn" ) # puts "test #{switch_states.inspect}" # # if switch_states == 0 # puts "Switch #{mark} is ON" # else # puts "Switch #{mark} is OFF, flim switch ON" # Then %Q|I flip switch "#{mark}"| # end #end # #Then /^switch "([^\"]*)" should be off$/ do |mark| # switch_states = frankly_map( "view:'UISwitch' marked:'#{mark}'", "isOn" ) # puts "test #{switch_states.inspect}" # # if switch_states == 0 # puts "Switch #{mark} is ON, flip switch OFF" # Then %Q|I flip switch "#{mark}"| # else # puts "Switch #{mark} is OFF" # end #end # # ## -- misc -- # # #When /^I wait for ([\d\.]+) second(?:s)?$/ do |num_seconds| # num_seconds = num_seconds.to_f # sleep num_seconds #end # #Then /^a pop\-over menu is displayed with the following:$/ do |table| # sleep 1 # table.raw.each do |expected_mark| # check_element_exists "actionSheet view marked:'#{expected_mark}'" # end #end # #Then /^I navigate back$/ do # touch( "navigationItemButtonView" ) #end # #When /^I dump the DOM$/ do # dom = frankly_dump #end # #When /^I touch Done$/ do # frankly_map('kBKeyView last','touch') #end #When /^I touch Next$/ do # frankly_map('kBKeyView last','touch') #end # #When /^I quit the simulator/ do # quit_simulator #end