# @!macro [new] options_get # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Boolean] :no_cache (optional) if true then the data will be retreived from OSM not the cache module Osm # This class is expected to be inherited from. # It provides the caching and permission handling for model objects. class Model include ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity if ActiveModel::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 include ActiveAttr::Model @@cache = nil # Class to use for caching @@cache_prepend = 'OSMAPI' # Prepended to the key @@cache_ttl = 600 # 10 minutes # Configure the options used by all models # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Class, nil] :cache An instance of a cache class, must provide the methods (exist?, delete, write, read), for details see Rails.cache. Set to nil to disable caching. # @option options [Fixnum] :ttl (optional, default = 1800 (30 minutes)) The default TTL value for the cache, note that some items are cached for twice this time and others are cached for half this time (in seconds) # @option options [String] :prepend_to_key (optional, default = 'OSMAPI') Text to prepend to the key used to store data in the cache # @return nil def self.configure(options) raise ArgumentError, ":ttl must be a FixNum greater than 0" if options[:ttl] && !(options[:ttl].is_a?(Fixnum) && options[:ttl] > 0) raise ArgumentError, ":prepend_to_key must be a String" if options[:prepend_to_key] && !options[:prepend_to_key].is_a?(String) if options[:cache] [:exist?, :delete, :write, :read].each do |method| raise ArgumentError, ":cache must have a #{method} method" unless options[:cache].methods.include?(method) end end @@cache = options[:cache] @@cache_prepend = options[:prepend_to_key] || 'OSMAPI' @@cache_ttl = options[:ttl] || 600 nil end # Default to_i conversion is of id def to_i id.to_i end # Default compare based on id def <=>(another) return self.id <=> another.try(:id) end # Add other compare functions def <(another) send('<=>', another) < 0 end def <=(another) send('<=>', another) <= 0 end def >(another) send('<=>', another) > 0 end def >=(another) send('<=>', another) >= 0 end def between?(min, max) (send('<=>', min) > 0) && (send('<=>', max) < 0) end # Get a list of attributes which have changed # @return Array[String] the names of attributes which have changed def changed_attributes attributes.keys.select{ |k| attributes[k] != @original_attributes[k] } end # Reset the list of attributes which have changed def reset_changed_attributes classes_to_clone = [Array, Hash] attributes_now = attributes.map do |k,v| [k, (classes_to_clone.include?(v.class) ? v.clone : v)] end # Deep(ish) clone @original_attributes = Hash[attributes_now] end # Override initialize to set @orig_attributes old_initialize = instance_method(:initialize) define_method :initialize do |*args| ret_val = old_initialize.bind(self).call(*args) reset_changed_attributes return ret_val end private # Wrap cache calls def self.cache_read(api, key) return nil if @@cache.nil? @@cache.read(cache_key(api, key)) end def self.cache_write(api, key, data, options={}) return false if @@cache.nil? options.reverse_merge!(expires_in: @@cache_ttl) @@cache.write(cache_key(api, key), data, options) end def self.cache_exist?(api, key) return false if @@cache.nil? @@cache.exist?(cache_key(api, key)) end def self.cache_delete(api, key) return true if @@cache.nil? @@cache.delete(cache_key(api, key)) end def self.cache_key(api, key) key = key.join('-') if key.is_a?(Array) "#{@@cache_prepend.empty? ? '' : "#{@@cache_prepend}-"}#{api.site}-#{key}" end # Check if the user has access to a section # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The Section (or its ID) the $ # @!macro options_get # @return [Boolean] If the Api user has access the section def self.has_access_to_section?(api, section, options={}) api.get_user_permissions(options).keys.include?(section.to_i) end # Raise an exception if the user does not have access to a section # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The Section (or its ID) the permission is required on # @!macro options_get # @raise [Osm::Forbidden] If the Api user can not access the section def self.require_access_to_section(api, section, options={}) unless has_access_to_section?(api, section, options) raise Osm::Forbidden, "You do not have access to that section" end end # Check if the user has access to a section # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The Section (or its ID) the permission is required on # @!macro options_get def self.can_access_section?(api, section, options={}) api.get_user_permissions(options).keys.include?(section.to_i) end # Check if the user has the relevant permission # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Symbol] to What action is required to be done (e.g. :read or :write) # @param [Symbol] on What the OSM permission is required on (e.g. :member or :programme) # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The Section (or its ID) the permission is required on # @!macro options_get def self.has_permission?(api, to, on, section, options={}) user_has_permission?(api, to, on, section, options) && api_has_permission?(api, to, on, section, options) end # Check if the user has the relevant permission within OSM # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Symbol] to What action is required to be done (e.g. :read or :write) # @param [Symbol] on What the OSM permission is required on (e.g. :member or :programme) # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The Section (or its ID) the permission is required on # @!macro options_get def self.user_has_permission?(api, to, on, section, options={}) section_id = section.to_i permissions = api.get_user_permissions(options) permissions = permissions[section_id] || {} permissions = permissions[on] || [] unless permissions.include?(to) return false end return true end # Check if the user has granted the relevant permission to the API # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Symbol] to What action is required to be done (e.g. :read or :write) # @param [Symbol] on What the OSM permission is required on (e.g. :member or :programme) # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The Section (or its ID) the permission is required on # @!macro options_get def self.api_has_permission?(api, to, on, section, options={}) access = Osm::ApiAccess.get_ours(api, section, options) return false if access.nil? (access.permissions[on] || []).include?(to) end # Raise an exception if the user does not have the relevant permission # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Symbol] to What action is required to be done (e.g. :read or :write) # @param [Symbol] on What the OSM permission is required on (e.g. :member or :programme) # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The Section (or its ID) the permission is required on # @!macro options_get # @raise [Osm::Forbidden] If the Api user does not have the required permission def self.require_permission(api, to, on, section, options={}) section = Osm::Section.get(api, section.to_i, options) unless section.is_a?(Osm::Section) section_name = section.try(:name) unless user_has_permission?(api, to, on, section, options) raise Osm::Forbidden, "Your OSM user does not have permission to #{to} on #{on} for #{section_name}." end unless api_has_permission?(api, to, on, section, options) raise Osm::Forbidden, "You have not granted the #{to} permissions on #{on} to the #{api.api_name} API for #{section_name}." end end # Raise an exception if the user does not have the relevant permission # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Symbol, Fixnum] level The OSM subscription level required (:bronze, :silver, :gold, :gold_plus) # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The Section (or its ID) the subscription is required on # @!macro options_get # @raise [Osm::Forbidden] If the Section does not have the required OSM Subscription (or higher) def self.require_subscription(api, level, section, options={}) section = Osm::Section.get(api, section, options) unless section.is_a?(Osm::Section) if section.nil? || !section.subscription_at_least?(level) raise Osm::Forbidden, "Insufficent OSM subscription level (#{Osm::SUBSCRIPTION_LEVEL_NAMES[level]} required for #{section.name})." end end # Raise an exception if the user does not have the relevant permission # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Symbol] to What action is required to be done (e.g. :read or :write) # @param [Symbol] on What the OSM permission is required on (e.g. :member or :programme) # @param [Osm::Section, Fixnum, #to_i] section The Section (or its ID) the permission is required on # @!macro options_get def self.require_ability_to(api, to, on, section, options={}) section = Osm::Section.get(api, section, options) unless section.is_a?(Osm::Section) require_permission(api, to, on, section, options) if section.youth_section? && [:register, :contact, :events, :flexi].include?(on) require_subscription(api, :silver, section, options) end if section.youth_section? && [:finance].include?(on) require_subscription(api, :gold, section, options) end end # Get a list of items given a list of item IDs # @param [Osm::Api] api The api to use to make the request # @param [Array] ids The ids of the items to get # @param [String] key The key for getting an item from the cache (the key [key, id] is generated) # @param [Array] argumentss The arguments to pass to get_all # @!macro options_get # @param [Symbol] get_all_method The method to get all items (either :get_all or :get_for_section) # @return [Array] An array of the items def self.get_from_ids(api, ids, key, arguments=[], options, get_all_method) raise ArgumentError, "get_all_method is invalid" unless [:get_all, :get_for_section].include?(get_all_method) items = Array.new ids.each do |id| if cache_exist?(api, [key, id]) items.push cache_read(api, [*key, id]) else # At least this one item is not in the cache - we might as well refresh the lot return self.send(get_all_method, api, *arguments, options.merge(:no_cache => true)) end end return items end # Make selected class methods instance methods too %w{ cache_read cache_write cache_exist? cache_delete require_access_to_section can_access_section? has_permission? user_has_permission? api_has_permission? require_permission require_subscription require_ability_to }.each do |method_name| define_method method_name do |*options| self.class.send(method_name, *options) end end end # Class Model end # Module