module Fog module Storage class GoogleJSON class File < Fog::Model identity :key, :aliases => %w{Key name} attribute :acl attribute :predefined_acl attribute :cache_control, :aliases => "cacheControl" attribute :content_disposition, :aliases => "contentDisposition" attribute :content_encoding, :aliases => "contentEncoding" attribute :content_length, :aliases => "size", :type => :integer attribute :content_md5, :aliases => "md5Hash" attribute :content_type, :aliases => "contentType" attribute :crc32c attribute :etag, :aliases => "etag" attribute :time_created, :aliases => "timeCreated" attribute :last_modified, :aliases => "updated" attribute :generation attribute :metageneration attribute :metadata attribute :self_link, :aliases => "selfLink" attribute :media_link, :aliases => "mediaLink" attribute :owner attribute :storage_class, :aliases => "storageClass" @valid_predefined_acls = %w(private projectPrivate bucketOwnerFullControl bucketOwnerRead authenticatedRead publicRead) def predefined_acl=(new_acl) unless @valid_predefined_acls.include?(new_acl) raise"acl must be one of [#{@valid_predefined_acls.join(', ')}]") end @predefined_acl = new_acl end # TODO: Implement object ACLs # def acl=(new_acl) # valid_acls = ["private", "projectPrivate", "bucketOwnerFullControl", "bucketOwnerRead", "authenticatedRead", "publicRead"] # unless valid_acls.include?(new_acl) # raise"acl must be one of [#{valid_acls.join(', ')}]") # end # @acl = new_acl # end def body attributes[:body] ||= last_modified && (file = collection.get(identity)) ? file.body : "" end def body=(new_body) attributes[:body] = new_body end attr_reader :directory def copy(target_directory_key, target_file_key, options = {}) requires :directory, :key service.copy_object(directory.key, key, target_directory_key, target_file_key, options) target_directory = => target_directory_key) target_directory.files.get(target_file_key) end def destroy requires :directory, :key service.delete_object(directory.key, key) true rescue Excon::Errors::NotFound false end remove_method :metadata= def metadata=(new_metadata) if attributes[:metadata].nil? attributes[:metadata] = {} end attributes[:metadata].merge!(new_metadata) end # TODO: Not functional remove_method :owner= def owner=(new_owner) if new_owner attributes[:owner] = { :entity => new_owner["entity"], :entityId => new_owner["entityId"] } end end def public=(new_public) if new_public @predefined_acl = "publicRead" else @predefined_acl = "private" end new_public end def public_url requires :directory, :key acl = service.get_object_acl(directory.key, key).body access_granted = acl["items"].detect { |entry| entry["entity"] == "allUsers" && entry["role"] == "READER" } if access_granted if directory.key.to_s =~ /^(?:[a-z]|\d(?!\d{0,2}(?:\.\d{1,3}){3}$))(?:[a-z0-9]|\.(?![\.\-])|\-(?![\.])){1,61}[a-z0-9]$/ "https://#{directory.key}{key}" else "{directory.key}/#{key}" end end end def save(options = {}) requires :body, :directory, :key if options != {} Fog::Logger.deprecation("options param is deprecated, use acl= instead [light_black](#{caller.first})[/]") end options["contentType"] = content_type if content_type options["predefinedAcl"] ||= @predefined_acl if @predefined_acl # predefinedAcl may need to be in parameters options["acl"] ||= @acl if @acl # Not sure if you can provide both acl and predefinedAcl options["cacheControl"] = cache_control if cache_control options["contentDisposition"] = content_disposition if content_disposition options["contentEncoding"] = content_encoding if content_encoding # TODO: Should these hashes be recomputed on changes to file contents? # options["md5Hash"] = content_md5 if content_md5 # options["crc32c"] = crc32c if crc32c options["metadata"] = metadata data = service.put_object(directory.key, key, body, options) merge_attributes(data.headers.reject { |key, _value| %w(contentLength contentType).include?(key) }) self.content_length = Fog::Storage.get_body_size(body) self.content_type ||= Fog::Storage.get_content_type(body) true end # params[:expires] : Eg: to integer value. def url(expires) requires :key collection.get_https_url(key, expires) end private attr_writer :directory end end end end