#! /usr/bin/env ruby #DECIPHER predictor system, using data from cross validation #data2predict = file to predict #training_file.txt = file with training data (association values and hpo codes). REPORT_FOLDER=File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'templates')) ROOT_PATH = File.dirname(__FILE__) $: << File.expand_path(File.join(ROOT_PATH, '..', 'lib', 'pets')) require 'optparse' require 'generalMethods.rb' require 'semtools' require 'reg2phen_methods' ########################## #OPT-PARSER ########################## options = {} OptionParser.new do |opts| opts.banner = "Usage: #{__FILE__} [options]" options[:hpo_file] = nil opts.on("-b", "--hpo_file PATH", "Input HPO obo file") do |hpo_file| options[:hpo_file] = hpo_file end options[:patbyclust_file] = nil opts.on("-c", "--patbyclust_file PATH", "Input patients by cluster file") do |data| options[:patbyclust_file] = data end options[:html_file] = 'reg2phen_results.html' opts.on("-F", "--html_file PATH", "Output HTML file") do |data| options[:html_file] = data end options[:association_limit] = 0 opts.on("-l", "--association_limit FLOAT", "Threshold for association values") do |association_limit| options[:association_limit] = association_limit.to_f end options[:input_genes] = false opts.on("-g", "--input_genes", "Input list of genes instead of chromosomic coordinates") do options[:input_genes] = true end options[:html_reporting] = false opts.on("-H", "--html_reporting", "Set for HTML report") do options[:html_reporting] = true end options[:output_path] = "output.txt" opts.on("-o", '--output_path PATH', 'Output path for overlapping patient file') do |output_path| options[:output_path] = output_path end options[:output_file] = 'reg2phen_predictions.txt' opts.on("-O", "--output_file PATH", "Output file with patient data") do |data| options[:output_file] = data end options[:prediction_file] = nil #chr\tstart\tstop opts.on("-p", "--prediction_file PATH", "Input file with regions to predict. Coordinates must be splitted by tabs") do |input_path| options[:prediction_file] = input_path end options[:transform_pvalues] = false opts.on("-P", "--transform_pvalues", "Set to transform association values into P-values (only for HyI associations)") do options[:transform_pvalues] = true end options[:top_results] = 10 opts.on("-r", "--top_results FLOAT", "Threshold for association values") do |top_results| options[:top_results] = top_results.to_i end options[:training_file] = nil #chr\tstart\tstop\tphenotype\tassociation_value opts.on("-t", "--training_file PATH", "Input training file, with association values") do |training_path| options[:training_file] = training_path end opts.on_tail("-h", "--help", "Show this message") do puts opts exit end end.parse! ########################## #PATHS ########################## all_paths = {code: File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..')} all_paths[:external_data] = File.join(all_paths[:code], 'external_data') all_paths[:gene_data] = File.join(all_paths[:external_data], 'gene_data.gz') all_paths[:biosystems_gene] = File.join(all_paths[:external_data], 'biosystems_gene.gz') all_paths[:biosystems_info] = File.join(all_paths[:external_data], 'bsid2info.gz') all_paths[:gene_data_with_pathways] = File.join(all_paths[:external_data], 'gene_data_with_pathways.gz') all_paths[:gene_location] = File.join(all_paths[:external_data], 'gene_location.gz') ########################## #MAIN ########################## output_folder = File.dirname(options[:output_file]) # #detailed_profile_evaluation_file = File.join(output_folder, 'detailed_hpo_profile_evaluation.csv') gene_location, genes_with_kegg = get_and_parse_external_data(all_paths) # hpo = Ontology.new # hpo.load_data(options[:hpo_file]) hpo = Ontology.new(file: options[:hpo_file], load_file: true) #hpo = nil training_set = load_training_file4regions(options[:training_file]) genes_dictionary = {} genes_dictionary = generate_genes_dictionary(gene_location, genes_with_kegg) if options[:input_genes] multiple_regions = [] File.open(options[:prediction_file]).each do |line| line.chomp! fields = line.split("\t") if options[:input_genes] fields[2] = fields[2].to_i fields[3] = fields[3].to_i else fields[1] = fields[1].to_i fields[2] = fields[2].to_i end multiple_regions << fields end results = predict_patient( multiple_regions, training_set, options[:association_limit], options[:transform_pvalues], options[:input_genes], genes_dictionary ) #translate_hpos_in_results(results, hpo) results.each do |pred, values| values.sort! do |a, b| if !options[:transform_pvalues] b[4] <=> a[4] else a[4] <=> b[4] end end end File.open(options[:output_path], 'w') do |f| results.each do |k, v| f.puts "Results for #{k}:" v.each_with_index do |i, c| f.puts i.join("\t") if c < options[:top_results] end end end ###################### # .ERB TEMPLATE (HTML) DEVELOPING ###################### patient_results_table = parse_patient_results(results) table_uniq_hpos = patient_results_table.map{|a| a[5]}.uniq header = table_uniq_hpos.shift table_uniq_hpos = hpo.clean_profile(table_uniq_hpos.map{|a| a.to_sym}) table_uniq_hpos.unshift(header) table_uniq_hpos.map!{|a| [a]} container = { :table1 => patient_results_table, :hpo => hpo, :table_uniq_hpos => table_uniq_hpos } report_data(container, options[:html_file]) if options[:html_reporting]