import vm from 'node:vm'; import { pathToFileURL } from 'node:url'; import fs from 'node:fs'; import { ViteNodeRunner, DEFAULT_REQUEST_STUBS } from 'vite-node/client'; import { isInternalRequest, isNodeBuiltin as isNodeBuiltin$1, toFilePath, isPrimitive } from 'vite-node/utils'; import { resolve as resolve$1, isAbsolute as isAbsolute$1, normalize as normalize$1, relative } from 'pathe'; import { processError } from '@vitest/utils/error'; import { distDir } from '../path.js'; import { highlight } from '@vitest/utils'; import { MockerRegistry, mockObject, RedirectedModule, AutomockedModule } from '@vitest/mocker'; import { builtinModules } from 'node:module'; const _DRIVE_LETTER_START_RE = /^[A-Za-z]:\//; function normalizeWindowsPath(input = "") { if (!input) { return input; } return input.replace(/\\/g, "/").replace(_DRIVE_LETTER_START_RE, (r) => r.toUpperCase()); } const _UNC_REGEX = /^[/\\]{2}/; const _IS_ABSOLUTE_RE = /^[/\\](?![/\\])|^[/\\]{2}(?!\.)|^[A-Za-z]:[/\\]/; const _DRIVE_LETTER_RE = /^[A-Za-z]:$/; const normalize = function(path) { if (path.length === 0) { return "."; } path = normalizeWindowsPath(path); const isUNCPath = path.match(_UNC_REGEX); const isPathAbsolute = isAbsolute(path); const trailingSeparator = path[path.length - 1] === "/"; path = normalizeString(path, !isPathAbsolute); if (path.length === 0) { if (isPathAbsolute) { return "/"; } return trailingSeparator ? "./" : "."; } if (trailingSeparator) { path += "/"; } if (_DRIVE_LETTER_RE.test(path)) { path += "/"; } if (isUNCPath) { if (!isPathAbsolute) { return `//./${path}`; } return `//${path}`; } return isPathAbsolute && !isAbsolute(path) ? `/${path}` : path; }; const join = function(...arguments_) { if (arguments_.length === 0) { return "."; } let joined; for (const argument of arguments_) { if (argument && argument.length > 0) { if (joined === void 0) { joined = argument; } else { joined += `/${argument}`; } } } if (joined === void 0) { return "."; } return normalize(joined.replace(/\/\/+/g, "/")); }; function cwd() { if (typeof process !== "undefined" && typeof process.cwd === "function") { return process.cwd().replace(/\\/g, "/"); } return "/"; } const resolve = function(...arguments_) { arguments_ = => normalizeWindowsPath(argument)); let resolvedPath = ""; let resolvedAbsolute = false; for (let index = arguments_.length - 1; index >= -1 && !resolvedAbsolute; index--) { const path = index >= 0 ? arguments_[index] : cwd(); if (!path || path.length === 0) { continue; } resolvedPath = `${path}/${resolvedPath}`; resolvedAbsolute = isAbsolute(path); } resolvedPath = normalizeString(resolvedPath, !resolvedAbsolute); if (resolvedAbsolute && !isAbsolute(resolvedPath)) { return `/${resolvedPath}`; } return resolvedPath.length > 0 ? resolvedPath : "."; }; function normalizeString(path, allowAboveRoot) { let res = ""; let lastSegmentLength = 0; let lastSlash = -1; let dots = 0; let char = null; for (let index = 0; index <= path.length; ++index) { if (index < path.length) { char = path[index]; } else if (char === "/") { break; } else { char = "/"; } if (char === "/") { if (lastSlash === index - 1 || dots === 1) ; else if (dots === 2) { if (res.length < 2 || lastSegmentLength !== 2 || res[res.length - 1] !== "." || res[res.length - 2] !== ".") { if (res.length > 2) { const lastSlashIndex = res.lastIndexOf("/"); if (lastSlashIndex === -1) { res = ""; lastSegmentLength = 0; } else { res = res.slice(0, lastSlashIndex); lastSegmentLength = res.length - 1 - res.lastIndexOf("/"); } lastSlash = index; dots = 0; continue; } else if (res.length > 0) { res = ""; lastSegmentLength = 0; lastSlash = index; dots = 0; continue; } } if (allowAboveRoot) { res += res.length > 0 ? "/.." : ".."; lastSegmentLength = 2; } } else { if (res.length > 0) { res += `/${path.slice(lastSlash + 1, index)}`; } else { res = path.slice(lastSlash + 1, index); } lastSegmentLength = index - lastSlash - 1; } lastSlash = index; dots = 0; } else if (char === "." && dots !== -1) { ++dots; } else { dots = -1; } } return res; } const isAbsolute = function(p) { return _IS_ABSOLUTE_RE.test(p); }; const _EXTNAME_RE = /.(\.[^./]+)$/; const extname = function(p) { const match = _EXTNAME_RE.exec(normalizeWindowsPath(p)); return match && match[1] || ""; }; const dirname = function(p) { const segments = normalizeWindowsPath(p).replace(/\/$/, "").split("/").slice(0, -1); if (segments.length === 1 && _DRIVE_LETTER_RE.test(segments[0])) { segments[0] += "/"; } return segments.join("/") || (isAbsolute(p) ? "/" : "."); }; const basename = function(p, extension) { const lastSegment = normalizeWindowsPath(p).split("/").pop(); return extension && lastSegment.endsWith(extension) ? lastSegment.slice(0, -extension.length) : lastSegment; }; const { existsSync, readdirSync, statSync } = fs; function findMockRedirect(root, mockPath, external) { const path = external || mockPath; if (external || isNodeBuiltin(mockPath) || !existsSync(mockPath)) { let findFile2 = function(mockFolder2, baseOriginal2) { const files = readdirSync(mockFolder2); for (const file of files) { const baseFile = basename(file, extname(file)); if (baseFile === baseOriginal2) { const path2 = resolve(mockFolder2, file); if (statSync(path2).isFile()) { return path2; } else { const indexFile = findFile2(path2, "index"); if (indexFile) { return indexFile; } } } } return null; }; const mockDirname = dirname(path); const mockFolder = join(root, "__mocks__", mockDirname); if (!existsSync(mockFolder)) { return null; } const baseOriginal = basename(path); return findFile2(mockFolder, baseOriginal); } const dir = dirname(path); const baseId = basename(path); const fullPath = resolve(dir, "__mocks__", baseId); return existsSync(fullPath) ? fullPath : null; } const builtins = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ ...builtinModules, "assert/strict", "diagnostics_channel", "dns/promises", "fs/promises", "path/posix", "path/win32", "readline/promises", "stream/consumers", "stream/promises", "stream/web", "timers/promises", "util/types", "wasi" ]); const prefixedBuiltins = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["node:test", "node:sqlite"]); const NODE_BUILTIN_NAMESPACE = "node:"; function isNodeBuiltin(id) { if (prefixedBuiltins.has(id)) { return true; } return builtins.has( id.startsWith(NODE_BUILTIN_NAMESPACE) ? id.slice(NODE_BUILTIN_NAMESPACE.length) : id ); } const spyModulePath = resolve$1(distDir, "spy.js"); class VitestMocker { constructor(executor) { this.executor = executor; const context = this.executor.options.context; if (context) { this.primitives = vm.runInContext( "({ Object, Error, Function, RegExp, Symbol, Array, Map })", context ); } else { this.primitives = { Object, Error, Function, RegExp, Symbol: globalThis.Symbol, Array, Map }; } const Symbol2 = this.primitives.Symbol; this.filterPublicKeys = [ "__esModule", Symbol2.asyncIterator, Symbol2.hasInstance, Symbol2.isConcatSpreadable, Symbol2.iterator, Symbol2.match, Symbol2.matchAll, Symbol2.replace,, Symbol2.split, Symbol2.species, Symbol2.toPrimitive, Symbol2.toStringTag, Symbol2.unscopables ]; } static pendingIds = []; spyModule; primitives; filterPublicKeys; registries = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); mockContext = { callstack: null }; get root() { return this.executor.options.root; } get moduleCache() { return this.executor.moduleCache; } get moduleDirectories() { return this.executor.options.moduleDirectories || []; } async initializeSpyModule() { this.spyModule = await this.executor.executeId(spyModulePath); } getMockerRegistry() { const suite = this.getSuiteFilepath(); if (!this.registries.has(suite)) { this.registries.set(suite, new MockerRegistry()); } return this.registries.get(suite); } reset() { this.registries.clear(); } deleteCachedItem(id) { const mockId = this.getMockPath(id); if (this.moduleCache.has(mockId)) { this.moduleCache.delete(mockId); } } isModuleDirectory(path) { return this.moduleDirectories.some((dir) => path.includes(dir)); } getSuiteFilepath() { return this.executor.state.filepath || "global"; } createError(message, codeFrame) { const Error2 = this.primitives.Error; const error = new Error2(message); Object.assign(error, { codeFrame }); return error; } async resolvePath(rawId, importer) { let id; let fsPath; try { [id, fsPath] = await this.executor.originalResolveUrl(rawId, importer); } catch (error) { if (error.code === "ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND") { const { id: unresolvedId } = error[Symbol.for("")]; id = unresolvedId; fsPath = unresolvedId; } else { throw error; } } const external = !isAbsolute$1(fsPath) || this.isModuleDirectory(fsPath) ? rawId : null; return { id, fsPath, external: external ? this.normalizePath(external) : external }; } async resolveMocks() { if (!VitestMocker.pendingIds.length) { return; } await Promise.all( (mock) => { const { fsPath, external } = await this.resolvePath(, mock.importer ); if (mock.action === "unmock") { this.unmockPath(fsPath); } if (mock.action === "mock") { this.mockPath(, fsPath, external, mock.type, mock.factory ); } }) ); VitestMocker.pendingIds = []; } async callFunctionMock(dep, mock) { const cached = this.moduleCache.get(dep)?.exports; if (cached) { return cached; } const exports = await mock.resolve(); const moduleExports = new Proxy(exports, { get: (target, prop) => { const val = target[prop]; if (prop === "then") { if (target instanceof Promise) { return target.then.bind(target); } } else if (!(prop in target)) { if (this.filterPublicKeys.includes(prop)) { return void 0; } throw this.createError( `[vitest] No "${String(prop)}" export is defined on the "${mock.raw}" mock. Did you forget to return it from "vi.mock"? If you need to partially mock a module, you can use "importOriginal" helper inside: `, highlight(`vi.mock(import("${mock.raw}"), async (importOriginal) => { const actual = await importOriginal() return { ...actual, // your mocked methods } })`) ); } return val; } }); this.moduleCache.set(dep, { exports: moduleExports }); return moduleExports; } // public method to avoid circular dependency getMockContext() { return this.mockContext; } // path used to store mocked dependencies getMockPath(dep) { return `mock:${dep}`; } getDependencyMock(id) { const registry = this.getMockerRegistry(); return registry.get(id); } normalizePath(path) { return this.moduleCache.normalizePath(path); } resolveMockPath(mockPath, external) { return findMockRedirect(this.root, mockPath, external); } mockObject(object, mockExports = {}, behavior = "automock") { const spyOn = this.spyModule?.spyOn; if (!spyOn) { throw this.createError( "[vitest] `spyModule` is not defined. This is a Vitest error. Please open a new issue with reproduction." ); } return mockObject({ globalConstructors: this.primitives, spyOn, type: behavior }, object, mockExports); } unmockPath(path) { const registry = this.getMockerRegistry(); const id = this.normalizePath(path); registry.delete(id); this.deleteCachedItem(id); } mockPath(originalId, path, external, mockType, factory) { const registry = this.getMockerRegistry(); const id = this.normalizePath(path); if (mockType === "manual") { registry.register("manual", originalId, id, factory); } else if (mockType === "autospy") { registry.register("autospy", originalId, id); } else { const redirect = this.resolveMockPath(id, external); if (redirect) { registry.register("redirect", originalId, id, redirect); } else { registry.register("automock", originalId, id); } } this.deleteCachedItem(id); } async importActual(rawId, importer, callstack) { const { id, fsPath } = await this.resolvePath(rawId, importer); const result = await this.executor.cachedRequest( id, fsPath, callstack || [importer] ); return result; } async importMock(rawId, importee) { const { id, fsPath, external } = await this.resolvePath(rawId, importee); const normalizedId = this.normalizePath(fsPath); let mock = this.getDependencyMock(normalizedId); if (!mock) { const redirect = this.resolveMockPath(normalizedId, external); if (redirect) { mock = new RedirectedModule(rawId, normalizedId, redirect); } else { mock = new AutomockedModule(rawId, normalizedId); } } if (mock.type === "automock" || mock.type === "autospy") { const mod = await this.executor.cachedRequest(id, fsPath, [importee]); return this.mockObject(mod, {}, mock.type); } if (mock.type === "manual") { return this.callFunctionMock(fsPath, mock); } return this.executor.dependencyRequest(mock.redirect, mock.redirect, [importee]); } async requestWithMock(url, callstack) { const id = this.normalizePath(url); const mock = this.getDependencyMock(id); if (!mock) { return; } const mockPath = this.getMockPath(id); if (mock.type === "automock" || mock.type === "autospy") { const cache = this.moduleCache.get(mockPath); if (cache.exports) { return cache.exports; } const exports = {}; this.moduleCache.set(mockPath, { exports }); const mod = await this.executor.directRequest(url, url, callstack); this.mockObject(mod, exports, mock.type); return exports; } if (mock.type === "manual" && !callstack.includes(mockPath) && !callstack.includes(url)) { try { callstack.push(mockPath); this.mockContext.callstack = callstack; return await this.callFunctionMock(mockPath, mock); } finally { this.mockContext.callstack = null; const indexMock = callstack.indexOf(mockPath); callstack.splice(indexMock, 1); } } else if (mock.type === "redirect" && !callstack.includes(mock.redirect)) { return mock.redirect; } } queueMock(id, importer, factoryOrOptions) { const mockType = getMockType(factoryOrOptions); VitestMocker.pendingIds.push({ action: "mock", id, importer, factory: typeof factoryOrOptions === "function" ? factoryOrOptions : void 0, type: mockType }); } queueUnmock(id, importer) { VitestMocker.pendingIds.push({ action: "unmock", id, importer }); } } function getMockType(factoryOrOptions) { if (!factoryOrOptions) { return "automock"; } if (typeof factoryOrOptions === "function") { return "manual"; } return factoryOrOptions.spy ? "autospy" : "automock"; } const { readFileSync } = fs; async function createVitestExecutor(options) { const runner = new VitestExecutor(options); await runner.executeId("/@vite/env"); await runner.mocker.initializeSpyModule(); return runner; } const externalizeMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const bareVitestRegexp = /^@?vitest(?:\/|$)/; const dispose = []; function listenForErrors(state) { dispose.forEach((fn) => fn()); dispose.length = 0; function catchError(err, type, event) { const worker = state(); if (worker.current) { const listeners = process.listeners(event); if (listeners.length > 1) { return; } } const error = processError(err); if (!isPrimitive(error)) { error.VITEST_TEST_NAME = worker.current?.name; if (worker.filepath) { error.VITEST_TEST_PATH = relative(state().config.root, worker.filepath); } error.VITEST_AFTER_ENV_TEARDOWN = worker.environmentTeardownRun; } state().rpc.onUnhandledError(error, type); } const uncaughtException = (e) => catchError(e, "Uncaught Exception", "uncaughtException"); const unhandledRejection = (e) => catchError(e, "Unhandled Rejection", "unhandledRejection"); process.on("uncaughtException", uncaughtException); process.on("unhandledRejection", unhandledRejection); dispose.push(() => {"uncaughtException", uncaughtException);"unhandledRejection", unhandledRejection); }); } async function startVitestExecutor(options) { const state = () => ( // @ts-expect-error injected untyped global globalThis.__vitest_worker__ || options.state ); const rpc = () => state().rpc; process.exit = (code = process.exitCode || 0) => { throw new Error(`process.exit unexpectedly called with "${code}"`); }; listenForErrors(state); const getTransformMode = () => { return state().environment.transformMode ?? "ssr"; }; return await createVitestExecutor({ async fetchModule(id) { if (externalizeMap.has(id)) { return { externalize: externalizeMap.get(id) }; } if (id.includes(distDir)) { const { path } = toFilePath(id, state().config.root); const externalize = pathToFileURL(path).toString(); externalizeMap.set(id, externalize); return { externalize }; } if (bareVitestRegexp.test(id)) { externalizeMap.set(id, id); return { externalize: id }; } const result = await rpc().fetch(id, getTransformMode()); if ( && !result.externalize) { const code = readFileSync(, "utf-8"); return { code }; } return result; }, resolveId(id, importer) { return rpc().resolveId(id, importer, getTransformMode()); }, get moduleCache() { return state().moduleCache; }, get interopDefault() { return state().config.deps.interopDefault; }, get moduleDirectories() { return state().config.deps.moduleDirectories; }, get root() { return state().config.root; }, get base() { return state().config.base; }, ...options }); } function updateStyle(id, css) { if (typeof document === "undefined") { return; } const element = document.querySelector(`[data-vite-dev-id="${id}"]`); if (element) { element.textContent = css; return; } const head = document.querySelector("head"); const style = document.createElement("style"); style.setAttribute("type", "text/css"); style.setAttribute("data-vite-dev-id", id); style.textContent = css; head?.appendChild(style); } function removeStyle(id) { if (typeof document === "undefined") { return; } const sheet = document.querySelector(`[data-vite-dev-id="${id}"]`); if (sheet) { document.head.removeChild(sheet); } } function getDefaultRequestStubs(context) { if (!context) { const clientStub2 = { ...DEFAULT_REQUEST_STUBS["@vite/client"], updateStyle, removeStyle }; return { "/@vite/client": clientStub2, "@vite/client": clientStub2 }; } const clientStub = vm.runInContext( `(defaultClient) => ({ ...defaultClient, updateStyle: ${updateStyle.toString()}, removeStyle: ${removeStyle.toString()} })`, context )(DEFAULT_REQUEST_STUBS["@vite/client"]); return { "/@vite/client": clientStub, "@vite/client": clientStub }; } class VitestExecutor extends ViteNodeRunner { constructor(options) { super({ ...options, // interop is done inside the external executor instead interopDefault: options.context ? false : options.interopDefault }); this.options = options; this.mocker = new VitestMocker(this); if (!options.context) { Object.defineProperty(globalThis, "__vitest_mocker__", { value: this.mocker, writable: true, configurable: true }); this.primitives = { Object, Reflect, Symbol }; } else if (options.externalModulesExecutor) { this.primitives = vm.runInContext( "({ Object, Reflect, Symbol })", options.context ); this.externalModules = options.externalModulesExecutor; } else { throw new Error( "When context is provided, externalModulesExecutor must be provided as well." ); } } mocker; externalModules; primitives; getContextPrimitives() { return this.primitives; } get state() { return globalThis.__vitest_worker__ || this.options.state; } shouldResolveId(id, _importee) { if (isInternalRequest(id) || id.startsWith("data:")) { return false; } const transformMode = this.state.environment?.transformMode ?? "ssr"; return transformMode === "ssr" ? !isNodeBuiltin$1(id) : !id.startsWith("node:"); } async originalResolveUrl(id, importer) { return super.resolveUrl(id, importer); } async resolveUrl(id, importer) { if (VitestMocker.pendingIds.length) { await this.mocker.resolveMocks(); } if (importer && importer.startsWith("mock:")) { importer = importer.slice(5); } try { return await super.resolveUrl(id, importer); } catch (error) { if (error.code === "ERR_MODULE_NOT_FOUND") { const { id: id2 } = error[Symbol.for("")]; const path = this.mocker.normalizePath(id2); const mock = this.mocker.getDependencyMock(path); if (mock !== void 0) { return [id2, id2]; } } throw error; } } async runModule(context, transformed) { const vmContext = this.options.context; if (!vmContext || !this.externalModules) { return super.runModule(context, transformed); } const codeDefinition = `'use strict';async (${Object.keys(context).join( "," )})=>{{`; const code = `${codeDefinition}${transformed} }}`; const options = { filename: context.__filename, lineOffset: 0, columnOffset: -codeDefinition.length }; const fn = vm.runInContext(code, vmContext, { ...options, // if we encountered an import, it's not inlined importModuleDynamically: this.externalModules.importModuleDynamically }); await fn(...Object.values(context)); } async importExternalModule(path) { if (this.externalModules) { return this.externalModules.import(path); } return super.importExternalModule(path); } async dependencyRequest(id, fsPath, callstack) { const mocked = await this.mocker.requestWithMock(fsPath, callstack); if (typeof mocked === "string") { return super.dependencyRequest(mocked, mocked, callstack); } if (mocked && typeof mocked === "object") { return mocked; } return super.dependencyRequest(id, fsPath, callstack); } prepareContext(context) { if (this.state.filepath && normalize$1(this.state.filepath) === normalize$1(context.__filename)) { const globalNamespace = this.options.context || globalThis; Object.defineProperty(context.__vite_ssr_import_meta__, "vitest", { // @ts-expect-error injected untyped global get: () => globalNamespace.__vitest_index__ }); } if (this.options.context && this.externalModules) { context.require = this.externalModules.createRequire(context.__filename); } return context; } } export { VitestExecutor as V, getDefaultRequestStubs as g, startVitestExecutor as s };