static void <%=c_iter%>(na_loop_t *const lp) { size_t i; char *p1, *p2, *p3; ssize_t s1, s2, s3; dtype x, y, z; INIT_COUNTER(lp, i); INIT_PTR(lp, 0, p1, s1); INIT_PTR(lp, 1, p2, s2); INIT_PTR(lp, 2, p3, s3); for (; i--;) { GET_DATA_STRIDE(p1,s1,dtype,x); m_<%=name%>(x,y,z); SET_DATA_STRIDE(p2,s2,dtype,y); SET_DATA_STRIDE(p3,s3,dtype,z); } } /* <%=name%> of self. @overload <%=name%> @return [Numo::<%=real_class_name%>] <%=name%> of self. */ static VALUE <%=c_func(0)%>(VALUE self) { ndfunc_arg_in_t ain[1] = {{cT,0}}; ndfunc_arg_out_t aout[2] = {{cT,0},{cT,0}}; ndfunc_t ndf = {<%=c_iter%>, STRIDE_LOOP, 1,2, ain,aout}; return na_ndloop(&ndf, 1, self); }