require "asciidoctor" require "asciidoctor/standoc/converter" require "fileutils" require_relative "front" require_relative "validate" require_relative "cleanup" module Asciidoctor module Ogc # A {Converter} implementation that generates RSD output, and a document # schema encapsulation of the document for validation # class Converter < Standoc::Converter XML_ROOT_TAG = "ogc-standard".freeze XML_NAMESPACE = "".freeze register_for "ogc" # ignore, we generate ToC outside of asciidoctor def toc(value); end def makexml(node) @draft = node.attributes.has_key?("draft") super end def doctype(node) d = super d1 = ::IsoDoc::Ogc::DOCTYPE_ABBR.invert[d] and d = d1 unless %w{abstract-specification-topic best-practice other policy change-request-supporting-document community-practice community-standard discussion-paper engineering-report reference-model release-notes standard user-guide white-paper test-suite}.include? d @warned_doctype or @log.add("Document Attributes", nil, "'#{d}' is not a legal document type: reverting to 'standard'") @warned_doctype = true d = "standard" end d end def sectiontype(node, level = true) ret = sectiontype_streamline(sectiontype1(node)) return ret if ret == "terms and definitions" && node.attr("style") == "appendix" && node.level == 1 super end def sectiontype_streamline(ret) case ret when "preface" then "foreword" when "foreword", "introduction" then "donotrecognise-foreword" when "references" then "normative references" when "glossary" then "terms and definitions" else super end end def outputs(node, ret)"#{@filename}.xml", "w:UTF-8") { |f| f.write(ret) } presentation_xml_converter(node).convert("#{@filename}.xml") html_converter(node).convert("#{@filename}.presentation.xml", nil, false, "#{@filename}.html") doc_converter(node).convert("#{@filename}.presentation.xml", nil, false, "#{@filename}.doc") pdf_converter(node)&.convert("#{@filename}.presentation.xml", nil, false, "#{@filename}.pdf") end def clause_parse(attrs, xml, node) case node&.attr("heading")&.downcase || node.title.downcase when "submitters" then return submitters_parse(attrs, xml, node) when "conformance" then attrs = attrs.merge(type: "conformance") when "security considerations" then attrs = attrs.merge(type: "security") end super end def submitters_parse(attrs, xml, node) xml.submitters **attr_code(attrs) do |xml_section| xml_section.title @i18n.submitters xml_section << node.content end end def style(_node, _text) nil end def term_def_parse(attrs, xml, node, _toplevel) if node.attr("style") == "appendix" && node.level == 1 terms_annex_parse(attrs, xml, node) else super end end def table_cell(node, xml_tr, tblsec) node.set_attr("valign", "middle") super end def terms_annex_parse(attrs, xml, node) attrs1 = attrs.merge(id: "_#{UUIDTools::UUID.random_create}") xml.annex **attr_code(attrs1) do |xml_section| xml_section.title { |name| name << node.title } xml_section.terms **attr_code(attrs) do |terms| (s = node.attr("source")) && s.split(",").each do |s1| terms.termdocsource(nil, **attr_code(bibitemid: s1)) end terms << node.content end end end def highlight_parse(text, xml) xml.hi { |s| s << text } end def example(node) role = node.role || node.attr("style") if %w(requirement_class conformance_test conformance_class abstract_test).include?(role) node.set_attr("type", role) return requirement(node, "requirement") end super end def presentation_xml_converter(node) end def html_converter(node) end def pdf_converter(node) return nil if node.attr("no-pdf") end def doc_converter(node) end end end end