# encoding: utf-8 # frozen_string_literal: true $stdout.sync = true require 'yaml' require 'singleton' require 'optparse' require 'erb' require 'fileutils' require 'sidekiq' require 'sidekiq/util' module Sidekiq class CLI include Util include Singleton unless $TESTING PROCTITLES = [ proc { 'sidekiq'.freeze }, proc { Sidekiq::VERSION }, proc { |me, data| data['tag'] }, proc { |me, data| "[#{Processor::WORKER_STATE.size} of #{data['concurrency']} busy]" }, proc { |me, data| "stopping" if me.stopping? }, ] # Used for CLI testing attr_accessor :code attr_accessor :launcher attr_accessor :environment def initialize @code = nil end def parse(args=ARGV) @code = nil setup_options(args) initialize_logger validate! daemonize write_pid end def jruby? defined?(::JRUBY_VERSION) end # Code within this method is not tested because it alters # global process state irreversibly. PRs which improve the # test coverage of Sidekiq::CLI are welcomed. def run boot_system print_banner self_read, self_write = IO.pipe sigs = %w(INT TERM TTIN TSTP) # USR1 and USR2 don't work on the JVM if !jruby? sigs << 'USR1' sigs << 'USR2' end sigs.each do |sig| begin trap sig do self_write.puts(sig) end rescue ArgumentError puts "Signal #{sig} not supported" end end logger.info "Running in #{RUBY_DESCRIPTION}" logger.info Sidekiq::LICENSE logger.info "Upgrade to Sidekiq Pro for more features and support: http://sidekiq.org" unless defined?(::Sidekiq::Pro) # touch the connection pool so it is created before we # fire startup and start multithreading. ver = Sidekiq.redis_info['redis_version'] raise "You are using Redis v#{ver}, Sidekiq requires Redis v2.8.0 or greater" if ver < '2.8' # Touch middleware so it isn't lazy loaded by multiple threads, #3043 Sidekiq.server_middleware # Before this point, the process is initializing with just the main thread. # Starting here the process will now have multiple threads running. fire_event(:startup) logger.debug { "Client Middleware: #{Sidekiq.client_middleware.map(&:klass).join(', ')}" } logger.debug { "Server Middleware: #{Sidekiq.server_middleware.map(&:klass).join(', ')}" } if !options[:daemon] logger.info 'Starting processing, hit Ctrl-C to stop' end require 'sidekiq/launcher' @launcher = Sidekiq::Launcher.new(options) begin launcher.run while readable_io = IO.select([self_read]) signal = readable_io.first[0].gets.strip handle_signal(signal) end rescue Interrupt logger.info 'Shutting down' launcher.stop # Explicitly exit so busy Processor threads can't block # process shutdown. logger.info "Bye!" exit(0) end end def self.banner %q{ m, `$b .ss, $$: .,d$ `$$P,d$P' .,md$P"' ,$$$$$bmmd$$$P^' .d$$$$$$$$$$P' $$^' `"^$$$' ____ _ _ _ _ $: ,$$: / ___|(_) __| | ___| | _(_) __ _ `b :$$ \___ \| |/ _` |/ _ \ |/ / |/ _` | $$: ___) | | (_| | __/ <| | (_| | $$ |____/|_|\__,_|\___|_|\_\_|\__, | .d$$ |_| } end def handle_signal(sig) Sidekiq.logger.debug "Got #{sig} signal" case sig when 'INT' # Handle Ctrl-C in JRuby like MRI # http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/JRUBY-4637 raise Interrupt when 'TERM' # Heroku sends TERM and then waits 10 seconds for process to exit. raise Interrupt when 'USR1' Sidekiq.logger.info "Received USR1, no longer accepting new work" launcher.quiet when 'TSTP' # USR1 is not available on JVM, allow TSTP as an alternate signal Sidekiq.logger.info "Received TSTP, no longer accepting new work" launcher.quiet when 'USR2' if Sidekiq.options[:logfile] Sidekiq.logger.info "Received USR2, reopening log file" Sidekiq::Logging.reopen_logs end when 'TTIN' Thread.list.each do |thread| Sidekiq.logger.warn "Thread TID-#{thread.object_id.to_s(36)} #{thread['sidekiq_label']}" if thread.backtrace Sidekiq.logger.warn thread.backtrace.join("\n") else Sidekiq.logger.warn "" end end end end private def print_banner # Print logo and banner for development if environment == 'development' && $stdout.tty? puts "\e[#{31}m" puts Sidekiq::CLI.banner puts "\e[0m" end end def daemonize return unless options[:daemon] raise ArgumentError, "You really should set a logfile if you're going to daemonize" unless options[:logfile] files_to_reopen = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(File) do |file| files_to_reopen << file unless file.closed? end ::Process.daemon(true, true) files_to_reopen.each do |file| begin file.reopen file.path, "a+" file.sync = true rescue ::Exception end end [$stdout, $stderr].each do |io| File.open(options[:logfile], 'ab') do |f| io.reopen(f) end io.sync = true end $stdin.reopen('/dev/null') initialize_logger end def set_environment(cli_env) @environment = cli_env || ENV['RAILS_ENV'] || ENV['RACK_ENV'] || 'development' end alias_method :die, :exit alias_method :☠, :exit def setup_options(args) opts = parse_options(args) set_environment opts[:environment] cfile = opts[:config_file] opts = parse_config(cfile).merge(opts) if cfile opts[:strict] = true if opts[:strict].nil? opts[:concurrency] = Integer(ENV["RAILS_MAX_THREADS"]) if !opts[:concurrency] && ENV["RAILS_MAX_THREADS"] opts[:identity] = identity options.merge!(opts) end def options Sidekiq.options end def boot_system ENV['RACK_ENV'] = ENV['RAILS_ENV'] = environment raise ArgumentError, "#{options[:require]} does not exist" unless File.exist?(options[:require]) if File.directory?(options[:require]) require 'rails' if ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR < 4 raise "Sidekiq no longer supports this version of Rails" elsif ::Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 4 # Painful contortions, see 1791 for discussion # No autoloading, we want to force eager load for everything. require File.expand_path("#{options[:require]}/config/application.rb") ::Rails::Application.initializer "sidekiq.eager_load" do ::Rails.application.config.eager_load = true end require 'sidekiq/rails' require File.expand_path("#{options[:require]}/config/environment.rb") else require 'sidekiq/rails' require File.expand_path("#{options[:require]}/config/environment.rb") end options[:tag] ||= default_tag else not_required_message = "#{options[:require]} was not required, you should use an explicit path: " + "./#{options[:require]} or /path/to/#{options[:require]}" require(options[:require]) || raise(ArgumentError, not_required_message) end end def default_tag dir = ::Rails.root name = File.basename(dir) if name.to_i != 0 && prevdir = File.dirname(dir) # Capistrano release directory? if File.basename(prevdir) == 'releases' return File.basename(File.dirname(prevdir)) end end name end def validate! options[:queues] << 'default' if options[:queues].empty? if !File.exist?(options[:require]) || (File.directory?(options[:require]) && !File.exist?("#{options[:require]}/config/application.rb")) logger.info "==================================================================" logger.info " Please point sidekiq to a Rails 3/4 application or a Ruby file " logger.info " to load your worker classes with -r [DIR|FILE]." logger.info "==================================================================" logger.info @parser die(1) end [:concurrency, :timeout].each do |opt| raise ArgumentError, "#{opt}: #{options[opt]} is not a valid value" if options.has_key?(opt) && options[opt].to_i <= 0 end end def parse_options(argv) opts = {} @parser = OptionParser.new do |o| o.on '-c', '--concurrency INT', "processor threads to use" do |arg| opts[:concurrency] = Integer(arg) end o.on '-d', '--daemon', "Daemonize process" do |arg| opts[:daemon] = arg end o.on '-e', '--environment ENV', "Application environment" do |arg| opts[:environment] = arg end o.on '-g', '--tag TAG', "Process tag for procline" do |arg| opts[:tag] = arg end o.on '-i', '--index INT', "unique process index on this machine" do |arg| opts[:index] = Integer(arg.match(/\d+/)[0]) end o.on "-q", "--queue QUEUE[,WEIGHT]", "Queues to process with optional weights" do |arg| queue, weight = arg.split(",") parse_queue opts, queue, weight end o.on '-r', '--require [PATH|DIR]', "Location of Rails application with workers or file to require" do |arg| opts[:require] = arg end o.on '-t', '--timeout NUM', "Shutdown timeout" do |arg| opts[:timeout] = Integer(arg) end o.on "-v", "--verbose", "Print more verbose output" do |arg| opts[:verbose] = arg end o.on '-C', '--config PATH', "path to YAML config file" do |arg| opts[:config_file] = arg end o.on '-L', '--logfile PATH', "path to writable logfile" do |arg| opts[:logfile] = arg end o.on '-P', '--pidfile PATH', "path to pidfile" do |arg| opts[:pidfile] = arg end o.on '-V', '--version', "Print version and exit" do |arg| puts "Sidekiq #{Sidekiq::VERSION}" die(0) end end @parser.banner = "sidekiq [options]" @parser.on_tail "-h", "--help", "Show help" do logger.info @parser die 1 end @parser.parse!(argv) %w[config/sidekiq.yml config/sidekiq.yml.erb].each do |filename| opts[:config_file] ||= filename if File.exist?(filename) end opts end def initialize_logger Sidekiq::Logging.initialize_logger(options[:logfile]) if options[:logfile] Sidekiq.logger.level = ::Logger::DEBUG if options[:verbose] end def write_pid if path = options[:pidfile] pidfile = File.expand_path(path) File.open(pidfile, 'w') do |f| f.puts ::Process.pid end end end def parse_config(cfile) opts = {} if File.exist?(cfile) opts = YAML.load(ERB.new(IO.read(cfile)).result) || opts opts = opts.merge(opts.delete(environment) || {}) parse_queues(opts, opts.delete(:queues) || []) else # allow a non-existent config file so Sidekiq # can be deployed by cap with just the defaults. end ns = opts.delete(:namespace) if ns # logger hasn't been initialized yet, puts is all we have. puts("namespace should be set in your ruby initializer, is ignored in config file") puts("config.redis = { :url => ..., :namespace => '#{ns}' }") end opts end def parse_queues(opts, queues_and_weights) queues_and_weights.each { |queue_and_weight| parse_queue(opts, *queue_and_weight) } end def parse_queue(opts, q, weight=nil) [weight.to_i, 1].max.times do (opts[:queues] ||= []) << q end opts[:strict] = false if weight.to_i > 0 end end end