// -*- objc -*- #import "native_window.h" #include #import #include #include "reflex/exception.h" #include "../view.h" #include "../pointer.h" #include "event.h" #include "window.h" #import "opengl_view.h" static NSWindowStyleMask default_style_mask () { return Reflex::Window_make_style_mask( Reflex::Window_default_flags(), NSTitledWindowMask | NSTexturedBackgroundWindowMask); } static void update_pixel_density (Reflex::Window* window) { assert(window); Rays::Painter* painter = window->painter(); if (!painter) return; float pd = Window_get_pixel_density(*window); if (painter->pixel_density() != pd) { painter->canvas(window->frame().dup().move_to(0, 0), pd); window->redraw(); } } static void move_to_main_screen_origin (NativeWindow* window) { NSRect frame = window.frame; NSRect screen = NSScreen.mainScreen.visibleFrame; frame.origin.x = screen.origin.x; frame.origin.y = screen.origin.y + screen.size.height; [window setFrame: frame display: NO animate: NO]; } @implementation NativeWindow { Reflex::Window *pwindow, *ptr_for_rebind; OpenGLView* view; NSTimer* timer; int update_count; } - (id) init { self = [super initWithContentRect: NSMakeRect(0, 0, 0, 0) styleMask: default_style_mask() backing: NSBackingStoreBuffered defer: NO]; if (!self) return nil; pwindow = ptr_for_rebind = NULL; view = nil; timer = nil; update_count = 0; [self setDelegate: self]; [self setupContentView]; [self startTimer]; return self; } - (void) dealloc { assert(!pwindow); [self cleanupContentView]; [super dealloc]; } - (void) bind: (Reflex::Window*) window { move_to_main_screen_origin(self); if (!window) Reflex::argument_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); Reflex::WindowData& data = Window_get_data(window); if (data.native) Reflex::invalid_state_error(__FILE__, __LINE__); // ruby value references native window weakly. data.native = self; // Reflex::Window is not constructed completely, // so can not call ClassWrapper::retain(). window->Xot::template RefCountable<>::retain(); // defer calling ClassWrapper::retain() to rebind. ptr_for_rebind = window; } - (void) rebind { if (!pwindow && ptr_for_rebind) { pwindow = ptr_for_rebind; pwindow->retain(); ptr_for_rebind->Xot::template RefCountable<>::release(); ptr_for_rebind = NULL; } } - (void) unbind { [self rebind]; if (!pwindow) return; Window_get_data(pwindow).native = nil; pwindow->release(); pwindow = NULL; } - (Reflex::Window*) window { [self rebind]; return pwindow; } - (void) setupContentView { NSRect rect = [self contentRectForFrameRect: [self frame]]; rect.origin.x = rect.origin.y = 0; view = [[OpenGLView alloc] initWithFrame: rect]; [self setContentView: view]; } - (void) cleanupContentView { if (!view) return; if (view.openGLContext == NSOpenGLContext.currentContext) Rays::activate_offscreen_context(); [view release]; } - (void) startTimer { [self startTimer: 60]; } - (void) startTimer: (int) fps { [self stopTimer]; if (fps <= 0) return; timer = [[NSTimer timerWithTimeInterval: 1. / (double) fps target: self selector: @selector(update:) userInfo: nil repeats: YES] retain]; if (!timer) return; [[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer: timer forMode: NSDefaultRunLoopMode]; [[NSRunLoop mainRunLoop] addTimer: timer forMode: NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode]; } - (void) stopTimer { if (!timer) return; [timer invalidate]; timer = nil; } - (void) update: (NSTimer*) t { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; ++update_count; double now = Xot::time(); Reflex::UpdateEvent e(now, now - win->self->prev_time_update); win->self->prev_time_update = now; win->on_update(&e); if (!e.is_blocked()) Reflex::View_update_tree(win->root(), e); if (win->self->redraw) { view.needsDisplay = YES; win->self->redraw = false; } } - (void) draw { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; update_pixel_density(win); if (update_count == 0) [self update]; double now = Xot::time(); double dt = now - win->self->prev_time_draw; double fps = 1. / dt; fps = win->self->prev_fps * 0.9 + fps * 0.1;// LPF win->self->prev_time_draw = now; win->self->prev_fps = fps; Reflex::DrawEvent e(dt, fps); Window_call_draw_event(win, &e); } - (BOOL) hasFullScreenFlag { return self.styleMask & NSWindowStyleMaskFullScreen; } - (BOOL) windowShouldClose: (id) sender { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return YES; win->close(); return NO; } - (void) windowWillClose: (NSNotification*) notification { if (self.isKeyWindow) Window_call_deactivate_event(self.window); [self stopTimer]; [self unbind]; [self setDelegate: nil]; } - (void) windowWillMove: (NSNotification*) notification { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; win->self->prev_position = win->frame().position(); } - (void) windowDidMove: (NSNotification*) notification { [self frameChanged]; } - (NSSize) windowWillResize: (NSWindow*) sender toSize: (NSSize) frameSize { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return frameSize; win->self->prev_size = win->frame().size(); return frameSize; } - (void) windowDidResize: (NSNotification*) notification { [self frameChanged]; } - (void) frameChanged { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; Rays::Bounds b = win->frame(); Rays::Point dpos = b.position() - win->self->prev_position; Rays::Point dsize = b.size() - win->self->prev_size; win->self->prev_position = b.position(); win->self->prev_size = b.size(); if (dpos == 0 && dsize == 0) return; Reflex::FrameEvent e(b, dpos.x, dpos.y, 0, dsize.x, dsize.y, 0); if (dpos != 0) win->on_move(&e); if (dsize != 0) { Rays::Bounds b = win->frame(); b.move_to(0, 0); if (win->painter()) win->painter()->canvas(b, win->painter()->pixel_density()); if (win->root()) View_set_frame(win->root(), b); win->on_resize(&e); } } - (void) windowWillEnterFullScreen: (NSNotification*) notification { [self updateFullScreenFlag]; } - (void) windowDidEnterFullScreen: (NSNotification*) notification { [self updateFullScreenFlag]; } - (void) windowWillExitFullScreen: (NSNotification*) notification { [self updateFullScreenFlag]; } - (void) windowDidExitFullScreen: (NSNotification*) notification { [self updateFullScreenFlag]; } - (void) updateFullScreenFlag { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; bool fullscreen = self.hasFullScreenFlag; if (fullscreen == win->has_flag(Reflex::Window::FLAG_FULLSCREEN)) return; if (fullscreen) win->add_flag(Reflex::Window::FLAG_FULLSCREEN); else win->remove_flag(Reflex::Window::FLAG_FULLSCREEN); } - (void) windowDidBecomeKey: (NSNotification*) notification { Window_call_activate_event(self.window); } - (void) windowDidResignKey: (NSNotification*) notification { Window_call_deactivate_event(self.window); } - (void) keyDown: (NSEvent*) event { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; Reflex::NativeKeyEvent e(event, Reflex::KeyEvent::DOWN); Window_call_key_event(win, &e); } - (void) keyUp: (NSEvent*) event { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; Reflex::NativeKeyEvent e(event, Reflex::KeyEvent::UP); Window_call_key_event(win, &e); } - (void) flagsChanged: (NSEvent*) event { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; Reflex::NativeFlagKeyEvent e(event); Window_call_key_event(win, &e); } - (void) mouseDown: (NSEvent*) event { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; Reflex::NativePointerEvent e(event, view, Reflex::Pointer::DOWN); if (e[0].position().y < 0) { // ignore mouseDown event since the mouseUp event to the window title bar // will not come and will break clicking_count. return; } Window_call_pointer_event(win, &e); } - (void) mouseUp: (NSEvent*) event { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; Reflex::NativePointerEvent e(event, view, Reflex::Pointer::UP); Window_call_pointer_event(win, &e); } - (void) mouseDragged: (NSEvent*) event { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; Reflex::NativePointerEvent e(event, view, Reflex::Pointer::MOVE); Window_call_pointer_event(win, &e); } - (void) mouseMoved: (NSEvent*) event { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; Reflex::NativePointerEvent e(event, view, Reflex::Pointer::MOVE); Window_call_pointer_event(win, &e); } - (void) scrollWheel: (NSEvent*) event { Reflex::Window* win = self.window; if (!win) return; Reflex::NativeWheelEvent e(event, view); Window_call_wheel_event(win, &e); } + (NSRect) frameRectForContentRect: (NSRect) contentRect { return [NSWindow frameRectForContentRect: contentRect styleMask: default_style_mask()]; } @end// NativeWindow