# Creates classes for value objects/read-only records. Most useful # when creating model objects for concepts not stored in the database. # # This will create a class that has attr_readers for all given attributes, as # well as a hash-based constructor. Further, the block given to with_attributes # will be evaluated as if it were inside a class definition, allowing you # to add methods, include or extend modules, or do whatever else you want. class ImmutableStruct VERSION='2.4.1' #:nodoc: # Create a new class with the given read-only attributes. # # attributes:: list of symbols or strings that can be used to create attributes. # Any attribute with a question mark in it (e.g. +:foo?+) will create # an attribute without a question mark that passes through the raw # value and an attribute *with* the question mark that coerces that # value to a boolean. You would initialize it with the non-question-mark value # An attribute that is an array of one symbol will create an attribute named for # that symbol, but that doesn't return nil, instead returning the +to_a+ of the # value passed to the construtor. # block:: if present, evaluates in the context of the new class, so +def+, +def.self+, +include+ # and +extend+ should all work as in a normal class definition. # # Example: # # Person = ImmutableStruct.new(:name, :location, :minor?, [:aliases]) # # p = Person.new(name: 'Dave', location: Location.new("DC"), minor: false) # p.name # => 'Dave' # p.location # => # p.minor # => false # p.minor? # => false # # p = Person.new(name: 'Rudy', minor: "yup") # p.name # => 'Rudy' # p.location # => nil # p.minor # => "yup" # p.minor? # => true # # new_person = p.merge(name: "Other Dave", age: 41) # returns a new object with merged attributes # new_person.name # => "Other Dave" # new_person.age # => 41 # new_person.active? # => true # # Note that you also get an implementation of `to_h` that will include **all** no-arg methods in its # output: # # Person = ImmutableStruct.new(:name, :location, :minor?, [:aliases]) # p = Person.new(name: 'Dave', minor: "yup", aliases: [ "davetron", "davetron5000" ]) # p.to_h # => { name: "Dave", minor: "yup", minor?: true, aliases: ["davetron", "davetron5000" ] } # # This has two subtle side-effects: # # * Methods that take no args, but are not 'attributes' will get called by `to_h`. This shouldn't be a # problem, because you should not generally be doing this on a struct-like class. # * Methods that take no args, but call `to_h` will stack overflow. This is because the class' # internals have no way to know about this. This is particularly a problem if you want to # define your own `to_json` method that serializes the result of `to_h`. # def self.new(*attributes,&block) klass = Class.new do attributes.each do |attribute| if attribute.to_s =~ /(^.*)\?$/ raw_name = $1 attr_reader raw_name define_method(attribute) do !!instance_variable_get("@#{raw_name}") end elsif attribute.kind_of?(Array) and attribute.size == 1 attr_reader attribute[0] else attr_reader attribute end end def self.from(value) case value when self then value when Hash then new(value) else raise ArgumentError, "cannot coerce #{value.class} #{value.inspect} into #{self}" end end define_method(:initialize) do |*args| attrs = args[0] || {} attributes.each do |attribute| if attribute.kind_of?(Array) and attribute.size == 1 ivar_name = attribute[0].to_s instance_variable_set("@#{ivar_name}", (attrs[ivar_name.to_s] || attrs[ivar_name.to_sym]).to_a) else ivar_name = attribute.to_s.gsub(/\?$/,'') attr_value = attrs[ivar_name.to_s].nil? ? attrs[ivar_name.to_sym] : attrs[ivar_name.to_s] instance_variable_set("@#{ivar_name}", attr_value) end end end define_method(:==) do |other| return false unless other.is_a?(klass) attributes.all? do |attribute| if attribute.kind_of?(Array) and attribute.size == 1 attribute = attribute[0].to_s end self.send(attribute) == other.send(attribute) end end def merge(new_attrs) attrs = to_h self.class.new(attrs.merge(new_attrs)) end alias_method :eql?, :== define_method(:hash) do attribute_values = attributes.map do |attribute| if attribute.kind_of?(Array) and attribute.size == 1 attribute = attribute[0].to_s end self.send(attribute) end (attribute_values + [self.class]).hash end end klass.class_exec(&block) unless block.nil? imethods = klass.instance_methods(include_super=false).map { |method_name| klass.instance_method(method_name) }.reject { |method| method.arity != 0 }.map(&:name).map(&:to_sym) klass.class_exec(imethods) do |imethods| define_method(:to_h) do imethods.inject({}) do |hash, method| next hash if [:==, :eql?, :merge, :hash].include?(method) hash.merge(method.to_sym => self.send(method)) end end alias_method :to_hash, :to_h end klass end end