require "bundler/gem_tasks" require "rspec/core/rake_task" # require "highline/import" require 'cucumber' require 'cucumber/rake/task' require 'fileutils' require "dawn/utils" require "dawn/knowledge_base" do |t| t.cucumber_opts = "features --format pretty -x" t.fork = false end do |t| t.rspec_opts = ["--color"] end task :default => [ :spec, :features, :kb ] task :test => :spec task :prepare => [:build, :'checksum:calculate', :'checksum:commit'] task :release => [:prepare] namespace :version do desc 'Calculate some infos you want to put in version.rb' task :update do build_number = `git describe --tags --long | cut -d \'-\' -f 2` commit_hash = `git describe --tags --long | cut -d \'-\' -f 3` release ="%Y%m%d") branch = `git symbolic-ref HEAD 2> /dev/null` branch_name = branch.split('/')[2].chomp a=[]"VERSION", "r") do |f| a = f.readlines end version = a[a.length - 1].split('-')[0]# .chomp codename = a[a.length - 1].split('-')[1]"./lib/dawn/version.rb", "w") do |f| f.puts("module Dawn") puts "#{branch_name}|" if branch_name != "master" av = version.split('.') f.puts " VERSION = \"#{av[0]}.#{av[1]}.#{commit_hash.chop}\"" f.puts " CODENAME = \"#{codename.lstrip!.chop}\"" f.puts " RELEASE = \"(development)\"" else puts "here" f.puts " VERSION = \"#{version.rstrip!}\"" f.puts " CODENAME = \"#{codename.lstrip!.chop}\"" f.puts " RELEASE = \"#{release}\"" end f.puts " BUILD = \"#{build_number.chop}\"" f.puts " COMMIT = \"#{commit_hash.chop}\"" f.puts "end" end end end # namespace :check do # desc "Create a dependency check" # task :dependency, :name do |t, args| # end # end desc "Create a new CVE test" task :cve, :name do |t,args| name = SRC_DIR = "./lib/dawn/kb/" SPEC_DIR = "./spec/lib/kb/" raise "### It seems that #{name} is already in Dawn knowledge base" unless Dawn::KnowledgeBase.find(nil, name).nil? raise "### Invalid CVE title: #{name}" if name.nil? or name.empty? or /CVE-\d{4}-\d{4}/.match(name).nil? raise "### No target directory: #{SRC_DIR}" unless Dir.exists?(SRC_DIR) raise "### No rspec directory: #{SPEC_DIR}" unless Dir.exists?(SPEC_DIR) puts "Adding #{name} to knowledge base..." rb_filename = SRC_DIR+name.downcase.gsub("-", "_")+".rb" spec_filename = SPEC_DIR+name.downcase.gsub("-", "_")+"_spec.rb" class_name = name.gsub("-", "_") open(rb_filename, "w") do |file| file.puts "module Dawn" file.puts "\t\tmodule Kb" file.puts "\t\t\t# Automatically created with rake on #{'%Y-%m-%d')}" file.puts "\t\t\tclass #{class_name}" file.puts "\t\t\t\t# Include the testing skeleton for this CVE" file.puts "\t\t\t\t# include PatternMatchCheck" file.puts "\t\t\t\t# include DependencyCheck" file.puts "\t\t\t\t# include RubyVersionCheck" file.puts "" file.puts "\t\t\t\tdef initialize" file.puts "\t\t\t\tend" file.puts "\t\t\tend" file.puts "\t\tend" file.puts "end" end puts "#{rb_filename} created" open(spec_filename, "w") do |file| file.puts "require 'spec_helper'" file.puts "describe \"The #{name} vulnerability\" do" file.puts "\tbefore(:all) do" file.puts "\t\t@check = Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}.new" file.puts "\t\t# @check.debug = true" file.puts "\tend" file.puts "\tit \"is reported when...\"" file.puts "end" end puts "#{spec_filename} created" puts "*** PLEASE IMPLEMENT TEST FOR #{name} IN spec/lib/dawn/knowledgebase_spec.rb in order to reflect changes" puts "*** PLEASE ADD THIS CODE IN lib/dawn/knowledge_base.rb in order to reflect changes" puts "require \"dawn/kb/#{class_name.downcase}\"" puts "it \"must have test for #{name}\" do" puts " sc = kb.find(\"#{name}\")" puts " sc.should_not be_nil" puts " sc.class.should == Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}" puts "end" end desc "Create a new OSVDB security check" task :osvdb, :name do |t,args| name = SRC_DIR = "./lib/dawn/kb/" SPEC_DIR = "./spec/lib/kb/" raise "### It seems that #{name} is already in Dawn knowledge base" unless Dawn::KnowledgeBase.find(nil, name).nil? raise "### Invalid OSVDB identifier: #{name}" if name.nil? or name.empty? or /\d{6}/.match(name).nil? raise "### No target directory: #{SRC_DIR}" unless Dir.exists?(SRC_DIR) raise "### No rspec directory: #{SPEC_DIR}" unless Dir.exists?(SPEC_DIR) puts "Adding #{name} to knowledge base..." name = "OSVDB_"+name rb_filename = SRC_DIR+name.downcase.gsub("-", "_")+".rb" spec_filename = SPEC_DIR+name.downcase.gsub("-", "_")+"_spec.rb" class_name = name.gsub("-", "_") open(rb_filename, "w") do |file| file.puts "module Dawn" file.puts "\t\tmodule Kb" file.puts "\t\t\t# Automatically created with rake on #{'%Y-%m-%d')}" file.puts "\t\t\tclass #{class_name}" file.puts "\t\t\t\t# Include the testing skeleton for this Security Check" file.puts "\t\t\t\t# include PatternMatchCheck" file.puts "\t\t\t\t# include DependencyCheck" file.puts "\t\t\t\t# include RubyVersionCheck" file.puts "" file.puts "\t\t\t\tdef initialize" file.puts "\t\t\t\tend" file.puts "\t\t\tend" file.puts "\t\tend" file.puts "end" end puts "#{rb_filename} created" open(spec_filename, "w") do |file| file.puts "require 'spec_helper'" file.puts "describe \"The #{name} vulnerability\" do" file.puts "\tbefore(:all) do" file.puts "\t\t@check = Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}.new" file.puts "\t\t# @check.debug = true" file.puts "\tend" file.puts "\tit \"is reported when...\"" file.puts "end" end puts "#{spec_filename} created" puts "*** PLEASE IMPLEMENT TEST FOR #{name} IN spec/lib/dawn/codesake_knowledgebase_spec.rb in order to reflect changes" puts "*** PLEASE ADD THIS CODE IN lib/dawn/knowledge_base.rb in order to reflect changes" puts "require \"dawn/kb/#{class_name.downcase}\"" puts "it \"must have test for #{name}\" do" puts " sc = kb.find(\"#{name}\")" puts " sc.should_not be_nil" puts " sc.class.should == Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}" puts "end" end desc "Create a new Generic security check" task :check, :name do |t,args| name = SRC_DIR = "./lib/dawn/kb/" SPEC_DIR = "./spec/lib/kb/" raise "### It seems that #{name} is already in Dawn knowledge base" unless Dawn::KnowledgeBase.find(nil, name).nil? raise "### No target directory: #{SRC_DIR}" unless Dir.exists?(SRC_DIR) raise "### No rspec directory: #{SPEC_DIR}" unless Dir.exists?(SPEC_DIR) puts "Adding #{name} to knowledge base..." rb_filename = SRC_DIR+name.downcase.gsub("-", "_")+".rb" spec_filename = SPEC_DIR+name.downcase.gsub("-", "_")+"_spec.rb" class_name = name.gsub("-", "_") open(rb_filename, "w") do |file| file.puts "module Dawn" file.puts "\t\tmodule Kb" file.puts "\t\t\t# Automatically created with rake on #{'%Y-%m-%d')}" file.puts "\t\t\tclass #{class_name}" file.puts "\t\t\t\t# Include the testing skeleton for this Security Check" file.puts "\t\t\t\t# include PatternMatchCheck" file.puts "\t\t\t\t# include DependencyCheck" file.puts "\t\t\t\t# include RubyVersionCheck" file.puts "" file.puts "\t\t\t\tdef initialize" file.puts "\t\t\t\tend" file.puts "\t\t\tend" file.puts "\t\tend" file.puts "end" end puts "#{rb_filename} created" open(spec_filename, "w") do |file| file.puts "require 'spec_helper'" file.puts "describe \"The #{name} vulnerability\" do" file.puts "\tbefore(:all) do" file.puts "\t\t@check = Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}.new" file.puts "\t\t# @check.debug = true" file.puts "\tend" file.puts "\tit \"is reported when...\"" file.puts "end" end puts "#{spec_filename} created" puts "*** PLEASE IMPLEMENT TEST FOR #{name} IN spec/lib/dawn/knowledgebase_spec.rb in order to reflect changes" puts "*** PLEASE ADD THIS CODE IN lib/dawn/knowledge_base.rb in order to reflect changes" puts "require \"dawn/kb/#{class_name.downcase}\"" puts "it \"must have test for #{name}\" do" puts " sc = kb.find(\"#{name}\")" puts " sc.should_not be_nil" puts " sc.class.should == Dawn::Kb::#{class_name}" puts "end" end namespace :kb do desc 'Check information lint' task :lint do do |check| l = check.lint puts "check #{} has this attribute(s) with a nil value: #{l.to_s}" unless l.size == 0 end end desc 'Creates a file' task :create do checks = open("", "w") do |file| file.puts "# Dawn Knowledge base" file.puts "\nThe knowledge base library for Dawn version #{Dawn::VERSION} contains #{checks.count} security checks." file.puts "---" checks.each do |c| file.puts "* [#{}](#{c.cve_link}): #{c.message}" if'CVE') file.puts "* [#{}](#{c.osvdb_link}): #{c.message}" if'OSVDB') file.puts "* #{}: #{c.message}" unless'CVE') end file.puts "\n\n_Last updated: #{"%a %d %b %T %Z %Y")}_" end puts " file successfully generated" end end require 'digest/sha1' namespace :checksum do desc 'Calculate gem checksum' task :calculate do system 'mkdir -p checksum > /dev/null' built_gem_path = "pkg/dawnscanner-#{Dawn::VERSION}.gem" checksum = checksum_path = "checksum/dawnscanner-#{Dawn::VERSION}.gem.sha1", 'w' ) {|f| f.write(checksum) } puts "#{checksum_path}: #{checksum}" end desc 'Add and commit latest checksum' task :commit do checksum_path = "checksum/dawnscanner-#{Dawn::VERSION}.gem.sha1" system "git add #{checksum_path}" system "git commit -v #{checksum_path} -m \"Adding #{Dawn::VERSION} checksum to repo\"" end end ############################################################################### # ruby-advisory-rb integration ############################################################################### namespace :rubysec do desc 'Find new CVE bulletins to add to Dawn' task :find do git_url = '' target_dir = './tmp/' system "mkdir -p #{target_dir}" system "rm -rf #{target_dir}ruby-advisory-db" system "git clone #{git_url} #{target_dir}ruby-advisory-db" list = [] Dir.glob("#{target_dir}ruby-advisory-db/gems/*/*.yml") do |path| advisory = YAML.load_file(path) if advisory['cve'] cve = "CVE-"+advisory['cve'] # Exclusion # CVE-2007-6183 is a vulnerability in gnome2 ruby binding. Not a gem, I don't care # CVE-2013-1878 is a duplicate of CVE-2013-2617 that is in knowledge base # CVE-2013-1876 is a duplicate of CVE-2013-2615 that is in knowledge base exclusion = ["CVE-2007-6183", "CVE-2013-1876", "CVE-2013-1878"] if exclusion.include?(cve) puts "#{cve} is in the exclusion list" else found = Dawn::KnowledgeBase.find(nil, cve) puts "#{cve} NOT in dawn v#{Dawn::VERSION} knowledge base" unless found list << cve unless found end end end unless list.empty?"missing_rubyadvisory_cvs_#{"%Y%m%d")}.txt", "w") do |f| f.puts "Missing CVE bulletins - v#{Dawn::VERSION} - #{"%d %B %Y")}" f.puts list end end system "rm -rf #{target_dir}ruby-advisory-db" end end