# Swot :apple: [![Build Status](https://api.travis-ci.org/leereilly/swot.png)](https://travis-ci.org/leereilly/swot) [![Gem Version](https://badge.fury.io/rb/swot.svg)](http://badge.fury.io/rb/swot) If you have a product or service and offer **academic discounts**, there's a good chance there's some manual component to the approval process. Perhaps `.edu` email addresses are automatically approved because, for the most part at least, they're associated with American post-secondary educational institutions. Perhaps `.ac.uk` email addresses are automatically approved because they're guaranteed to belong to British universities and colleges. Unfortunately, not every country has an education-specific TLD (Top Level Domain) and plenty of schools use `.com` or `.net`. Swot is a community-driven or crowdsourced library for verifying that domain names and email addresses are tied to a legitimate university of college - more specifically, an academic institution providing higher education in tertiary, quaternary or any other kind of post-secondary education in any country in the world. **Pop quiz:** Which of the following domain names should be eligible for an academic discount? `stanford.edu`, `america.edu`, `duep.edu`, `gla.ac.uk`, `wunizar.es`, `usask.ca`, `hil.no`, `unze.ba`, `fu-berlin.de`, `ecla.de`, `bvb.de`, `lsmu.com`. Answers at the foot of the page. ### Installation Swot is a Ruby gem, so you'll need a little Ruby-fu to get it working. Simply `gem install swot` Or add this to your `Gemfile` before doing a `bundle install`: `gem 'swot'` ### Usage #### Verify Email Addresses ```ruby Swot::is_academic? 'lreilly@stanford.edu' # true Swot::is_academic? 'lreilly@strath.ac.uk' # true Swot::is_academic? 'lreilly@soft-eng.strath.ac.uk' # true Swot::is_academic? 'pedro@ugr.es' # true Swot::is_academic? 'lee@uottawa.ca' # true Swot::is_academic? 'lee@leerilly.net' # false ``` #### Verify Domain Names ```ruby Swot::is_academic? 'harvard.edu' # true Swot::is_academic? 'www.harvard.edu' # true Swot::is_academic? 'http://www.harvard.edu' # true Swot::is_academic? 'http://www.github.com' # false Swot::is_academic? 'http://www.rangers.co.uk' # false ``` #### Find School Names ```ruby Swot::school_name 'lreilly@cs.strath.ac.uk' # => "University of Strathclyde" Swot::school_name 'http://www.stanford.edu' # => "Stanford University" ``` ### Contributing to Swot Contributions welcome! Please see the [contribution guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) for details on how to add, update, or delete schools. Code contributions and ports to different languages welcome too. **Thanks** to the following people for their contributions: @blutack, @captn3m0, @chrishunt, @johndbritton, @johnotander, @pborreli, @rcurtis, @vikhyat,. **Special thanks** to @weppos for the [public_suffix](https://github.com/weppos/publicsuffix-ruby) gem :metal: ### Known Issues * You can search by email and domain names only. You cannot search by IP. * You don't know if the email address belongs to a student, faculty, staff member, alumni, or a contractor. * There may be a few false positives, missing institutions... maybe even a couple of typos. Contributions welcome! **Please note:** just because someone has verified that they own `lreilly@stanford.edu` does *not* mean that they're a student. They could be faculty, staff, alumnni, or maybe even an external contractor. If you're suddenly getting a lot of traffic from websites like [FatWallet](http://www.fatwallet.com) or [SlickDeals](http://www.slickdeals.net), you might want to find out why. If you're suddenly getting a lot of requests from a particular school, you should look into that too. It may be good business, word of mouth, or someone may have found a loophole. Swot gives you a *high confidence level* - not a guarantee. I recommend putting some controls in place or at least monitor how it's doing from time to time. ### What is a swot? According to [UrbanDictionary](http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=swot) :blue_book: > A word used by morons to insult a person of superior academic abilities. or > [verb] To Swot; Revision undertaken preceding an examination. or > [anagram] Stupid Waste of Time ### Pop Quiz Answers Hopefully, you'll be surprised by some of this: | Domain | Academic? | Comments | |--------|-----------|----------| |`stanford.edu`|:heavy_check_mark:|OK, this was an easy one so you could get at least *one* right| |`america.edu`|:heavy_multiplication_x:| Prior to October 29th 2001, anyone could register a `.edu` domain name ([details](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/.edu#Grandfathered_uses)) | |`duep.edu`|:heavy_check_mark:| Alfred Nobel University is a *Ukranian* University *in the Ukraine* i.e. not in the USA :us: | |`gla.ac.uk`|:heavy_check_mark:|Glasgow University in Scotland| |`unizar.es`|:heavy_check_mark:|The University of Zaragoza in Spain| |`usask.ca`|:heavy_check_mark:|The University of Saskatchewan in Canada| |`hil.no`|:heavy_check_mark:|Lillehammer University College in Norway| |`unze.ba`|:heavy_check_mark:|University of Zenica in Bosnia and Herzegovina| |`fu-berlin.de`|:heavy_check_mark:|Free University of Berlin in Germany| |`ecla.de`|:heavy_check_mark:|ECLA of Bard is a state recognized liberal arts university in Berlin, Germany | |`bvb.de`|:heavy_multiplication_x:|It's a soccer team from Germany| |`lsmu.com`|:heavy_check_mark:| Lugansk State Medical University in the Ukraine | If you verified this by visiting all of the websites, how long did it take you? Did you have fun? Imagine you had to do this 10 - 100 times every day. Now you know a little something about the inspiration for Swot. Swot can verify them all in a fraction of a second and remove a :poop: part of someone's job. ### See Also * [gman](https://github.com/benbalter/gman) - like swot, but for government emails