require 'state_machine/machine'
# A state machine is a model of behavior composed of states, events, and
# transitions. This helper adds support for defining this type of
# functionality on any Ruby class.
module StateMachine
module MacroMethods
# Creates a new state machine for the given attribute. The default
# attribute, if not specified, is :state.
# Configuration options:
# * :initial - The initial state of the attribute. This can be a
# static state or a lambda block which will be evaluated at runtime
# (e.g. lambda {|vehicle| vehicle.speed == 0 ? :parked : :idling}).
# Default is nil.
# * :action - The action to invoke when an object transitions.
# Default is nil unless otherwise specified by the configured integration.
# * :plural - The pluralized name of the attribute. By default,
# this will attempt to call +pluralize+ on the attribute, otherwise
# an "s" is appended. This is used for generating scopes.
# * :namespace - The name to use for namespacing all generated
# instance methods (e.g. "heater" would generate :turn_on_heater and
# :turn_off_header for the :turn_on/:turn_off events). Default is nil.
# * :integration - The name of the integration to use for adding
# library-specific behavior to the machine. Built-in integrations include
# :data_mapper, :active_record, and :sequel. By default, this is
# determined automatically.
# This also expects a block which will be used to actually configure the
# states, events and transitions for the state machine. *Note* that this
# block will be executed within the context of the state machine. As a
# result, you will not be able to access any class methods unless you refer
# to them directly (i.e. specifying the class name).
# For examples on the types of configured state machines and blocks, see
# the section below.
# == Examples
# With the default attribute and no configuration:
# class Vehicle
# state_machine do
# event :park do
# ...
# end
# end
# end
# The above example will define a state machine for the +state+ attribute
# on the class. Every vehicle will start without an initial state.
# With a custom attribute:
# class Vehicle
# state_machine :status do
# ...
# end
# end
# With a static initial state:
# class Vehicle
# state_machine :status, :initial => :parked do
# ...
# end
# end
# With a dynamic initial state:
# class Vehicle
# state_machine :status, :initial => lambda {|vehicle| vehicle.speed == 0 ? :parked : :idling} do
# ...
# end
# end
# == Attribute accessor
# The attribute for each machine stores the value for the current state
# of the machine. In order to access this value and modify it during
# transitions, a reader/writer must be available. The following methods
# will be automatically generated if they are not already defined
# (assuming the attribute is called +state+):
# * state - Gets the current value for the attribute
# * state=(value) - Sets the current value for the attribute
# * state?(name) - Checks the given state name against the current
# state. If the name is not a known state, then an ArgumentError is raised.
# * state_name - Gets the name of the state for the current value
# For example, the following machine definition will not generate the reader
# or writer methods since the class has already defined an attribute
# accessor:
# class Vehicle
# attr_accessor :state
# state_machine do
# ...
# end
# end
# On the other hand, the following state machine will define *both* a
# reader and writer method, which is functionally equivalent to the
# example above:
# class Vehicle
# state_machine do
# ...
# end
# end
# == Attribute initialization
# For most classes, the initial values for state machine attributes are
# automatically assigned when a new object is created. However, this
# behavior will *not* work if the class defines an +initialize+ method
# without properly calling +super+.
# For example,
# class Vehicle
# state_machine :state, :initial => :parked do
# ...
# end
# end
# vehicle = # => #
# vehicle.state # => "parked"
# In the above example, no +initialize+ method is defined. As a result,
# the default behavior of initializing the state machine attributes is used.
# In the following example, a custom +initialize+ method is defined:
# class Vehicle
# state_machine :state, :initial => :parked do
# ...
# end
# def initialize
# end
# end
# vehicle = # => #
# vehicle.state # => nil
# Since the +initialize+ method is defined, the state machine attributes
# never get initialized. In order to ensure that all initialization hooks
# are called, the custom method *must* call +super+ without any arguments
# like so:
# class Vehicle
# state_machine :state, :initial => :parked do
# ...
# end
# def initialize(attributes = {})
# ...
# super()
# end
# end
# vehicle = # => #
# vehicle.state # => "parked"
# Because of the way the inclusion of modules works in Ruby, calling
# super() will not only call the superclass's +initialize+, but
# also +initialize+ on all included modules. This allows the original state
# machine hook to get called properly.
# If you want to avoid calling the superclass's constructor, but still want
# to initialize the state machine attributes:
# class Vehicle
# state_machine :state, :initial => :parked do
# ...
# end
# def initialize(attributes = {})
# ...
# initialize_state_machines
# end
# end
# vehicle = # => #
# vehicle.state # => "parked"
# == States
# All of the valid states for the machine are automatically tracked based
# on the events, transitions, and callbacks defined for the machine. If
# there are additional states that are never referenced, these should be
# explicitly added using the StateMachine::Machine#state or
# StateMachine::Machine#other_states helpers.
# When a new state is defined, a predicate method for that state is
# generated on the class. For example,
# class Vehicle
# state_machine :initial => :parked do
# event :ignite do
# transition :to => :idling
# end
# end
# end
# ...will generate the following instance methods (assuming they're not
# already defined in the class):
# * parked?
# * idling?
# Each predicate method will return true if it matches the object's
# current state. Otherwise, it will return false.
# When a namespace is configured for a state machine, the name will be
# prepended to each state predicate like so:
# * car_parked?
# * car_idling?
# == Events and Transitions
# For more information about how to configure an event and its associated
# transitions, see StateMachine::Machine#event.
# == Defining callbacks
# Within the +state_machine+ block, you can also define callbacks for
# transitions. For more information about defining these callbacks,
# see StateMachine::Machine#before_transition and
# StateMachine::Machine#after_transition.
# == Namespaces
# When a namespace is configured for a state machine, the name provided will
# be used in generating the instance methods for interacting with
# events/states in the machine. This is particularly useful when a class
# has multiple state machines and it would be difficult to differentiate
# between the various states / events.
# For example,
# class Vehicle
# state_machine :heater_state, :initial => :off :namespace => 'heater' do
# event :turn_on do
# transition :to => :on
# end
# event :turn_off do
# transition :to => :off
# end
# end
# state_machine :hood_state, :initial => :closed, :namespace => 'hood' do
# event :open do
# transition :to => :opened
# end
# event :close do
# transition :to => :closed
# end
# end
# end
# The above class defines two state machines: +heater_state+ and +hood_state+.
# For the +heater_state+ machine, the following methods are generated since
# it's namespaced by "heater":
# * can_turn_on_heater?
# * turn_on_heater
# * ...
# * can_turn_off_heater?
# * turn_off_heater
# * ..
# * heater_off?
# * heater_on?
# As shown, each method is unique to the state machine so that the states
# and events don't conflict. The same goes for the +hood_state+ machine:
# * can_open_hood?
# * open_hood
# * ...
# * can_close_hood?
# * close_hood
# * ..
# * hood_open?
# * hood_closed?
# == Scopes
# For integrations that support it, a group of default scope filters will
# be automatically created for assisting in finding objects that have the
# attribute set to the value for a given set of states.
# For example,
# Vehicle.with_state(:parked) # => Finds all vehicles where the state is parked
# Vehicle.with_states(:parked, :idling) # => Finds all vehicles where the state is either parked or idling
# Vehicle.without_state(:parked) # => Finds all vehicles where the state is *not* parked
# Vehicle.without_states(:parked, :idling) # => Finds all vehicles where the state is *not* parked or idling
# *Note* that if class methods already exist with those names (i.e.
# :with_state, :with_states, :without_state, or :without_states), then a
# scope will not be defined for that name.
# See StateMachine::Machine for more information about using
# integrations and the individual integration docs for information about
# the actual scopes that are generated.
def state_machine(*args, &block)
StateMachine::Machine.find_or_create(self, *args, &block)
Class.class_eval do
include StateMachine::MacroMethods
# Register rake tasks for supported libraries
Merb::Plugins.add_rakefiles("#{File.dirname(__FILE__)}/../tasks/state_machine") if defined?(Merb::Plugins)