require 'microsoft_kiota_abstractions' require_relative '../../../microsoft_graph' require_relative '../../../models/directory_object' require_relative '../../../models/o_data_errors/o_data_error' require_relative '../../service_principals' require_relative '../item' require_relative './restore' module MicrosoftGraph::ServicePrincipals::Item::Restore ## # Provides operations to call the restore method. class RestoreRequestBuilder ## # Path parameters for the request @path_parameters ## # The request adapter to use to execute the requests. @request_adapter ## # Url template to use to build the URL for the current request builder @url_template ## ## Instantiates a new RestoreRequestBuilder and sets the default values. ## @param pathParameters Path parameters for the request ## @param requestAdapter The request adapter to use to execute the requests. ## @return a void ## def initialize(path_parameters, request_adapter) raise StandardError, 'path_parameters cannot be null' if path_parameters.nil? raise StandardError, 'request_adapter cannot be null' if request_adapter.nil? @url_template = "{+baseurl}/servicePrincipals/{servicePrincipal%2Did}/microsoft.graph.restore" @request_adapter = request_adapter path_parameters = { "request-raw-url" => path_parameters } if path_parameters.is_a? String @path_parameters = path_parameters if path_parameters.is_a? Hash end ## ## Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. This is not applicable to security groups, which are deleted permanently. A recently deleted item will remain available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted. ## @param requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. ## @return a Fiber of directory_object ## def post(request_configuration=nil) request_info = self.to_post_request_information( request_configuration ) error_mapping = error_mapping["4XX"] = lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::ODataErrors::ODataError.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) } error_mapping["5XX"] = lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::ODataErrors::ODataError.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) } return @request_adapter.send_async(request_info, lambda {|pn| MicrosoftGraph::Models::DirectoryObject.create_from_discriminator_value(pn) }, error_mapping) end ## ## Restore a recently deleted application, group, servicePrincipal, administrative unit, or user object from deleted items. If an item was accidentally deleted, you can fully restore the item. This is not applicable to security groups, which are deleted permanently. A recently deleted item will remain available for up to 30 days. After 30 days, the item is permanently deleted. ## @param requestConfiguration Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. ## @return a request_information ## def to_post_request_information(request_configuration=nil) request_info = request_info.url_template = @url_template request_info.path_parameters = @path_parameters request_info.http_method = :POST request_info.headers.add('Accept', 'application/json') unless request_configuration.nil? request_info.add_headers_from_raw_object(request_configuration.headers) request_info.add_request_options(request_configuration.options) end return request_info end ## # Configuration for the request such as headers, query parameters, and middleware options. class RestoreRequestBuilderPostRequestConfiguration ## # Request headers attr_accessor :headers ## # Request options attr_accessor :options end end end