{ "triton_fabric": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Optional description of network.", "required": false }, "gateway": { "description": "Optional gateway IP.", "required": false }, "internet_nat": { "description": "If a NAT zone is provisioned at Gateway IP address. Default is true.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "Network name.", "required": false }, "provision_end_ip": { "description": "Last assignable IP on the network.", "required": false }, "provision_start_ip": { "description": "First IP on the network that can be assigned.", "required": false }, "resolvers": { "description": "Array of IP addresses for resolvers.", "required": false }, "routes": { "description": "Map of CIDR block to Gateway IP address.", "required": false }, "subnet": { "description": "CIDR formatted string describing network.", "required": false }, "vlan_id": { "description": "VLAN id the network is on. Number between 0-4095 indicating VLAN ID.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/triton/r/triton_fabric.html", "properties": [ "name", "description", "subnet", "provision_start_ip", "provision_end_ip", "gateway", "resolvers", "routes", "internet_nat", "vlan_id" ] }, "triton_firewall_rule": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description of the firewall rule", "required": false }, "enabled": { "description": "Default: false", "required": false }, "rule": { "description": "The firewall rule described using the Cloud API rule syntax defined at https://docs.joyent.com/public-cloud/network/firewall/cloud-firewall-rules-reference.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/triton/r/triton_firewall_rule.html", "properties": [ "rule", "enabled", "description" ] }, "triton_instance_template": { "full_properties": { "firewall_enabled": { "description": "Whether to enable the firewall for group instances. Default is false.", "required": false }, "image": { "description": "UUID of the image.", "required": false }, "metadata": { "description": "Metadata for group instances.", "required": false }, "networks": { "description": "Network IDs for group instances.", "required": false }, "package": { "description": "Package name used for provisioning.", "required": false }, "tags": { "description": "Tags for group instances.", "required": false }, "template_name": { "description": "Friendly name for the instance template.", "required": false }, "userdata": { "description": "Data copied to instance on boot.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/triton/r/triton_instance_template.html", "properties": [ "template_name", "image", "package", "firewall_enabled", "tags", "networks", "metadata", "userdata" ] }, "triton_key": { "full_properties": { "key": { "description": "The SSH key material. In order to read this from a file, use the file interpolation.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "The name of the key. If this is left empty, the name is inferred from the comment in the SSH key material.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/triton/r/triton_key.html", "properties": [ "name", "key" ] }, "triton_machine": { "full_properties": { "(Deprecated) locality": { }, "administrator_pw": { "description": "The initial password for the Administrator user. Only used for Windows virtual machines.", "required": false }, "affinity": { "description": "A list of valid Affinity Rules to apply to the machine which assist in data center placement. Using this attribute will force resource creation to be serial. NOTE: Affinity rules are best guess and assist in placing instances across a data center. They're used at creation and not referenced after.", "required": false }, "cloud_config": { "description": "Cloud-init configuration for Linux brand machines, used instead of user_data.", "required": false }, "cns": { "description": "A mapping of CNS attributes to apply to the machine.", "required": false }, "deletion_protection_enabled": { "description": "Whether an instance is destroyable. Default is false.", "required": false }, "firewall_enabled": { "description": "Default: false", "required": false }, "image": { "description": "The UUID of the image to provision.", "required": false }, "metadata": { "description": "A mapping of metadata to apply to the machine.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "The friendly name for the machine. Triton will generate a name if one is not specified.", "required": false }, "networks": { "description": "The list of networks to associate with the machine. The network ID will be in hex form, e.g xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx.", "required": false }, "package": { "description": "The name of the package to use for provisioning.", "required": false }, "root_authorized_keys": { "description": "The public keys authorized for root access via SSH to the machine.", "required": false }, "tags": { "description": "A mapping of tags to apply to the machine.", "required": false }, "user_data": { "description": "Data to be copied to the machine on boot. NOTE: The content of user_data", "required": false }, "user_script": { "description": "The user script to run on boot (every boot on SmartMachines). To learn more about", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/triton/r/triton_machine.html", "properties": [ "name", "tags", "cns", "metadata", "package", "image", "networks", "affinity", "(Deprecated) locality", "firewall_enabled", "root_authorized_keys", "user_data", "user_script", "administrator_pw", "cloud_config", "deletion_protection_enabled" ] }, "triton_service_group": { "full_properties": { "capacity": { "description": "Number of instances to launch and monitor.", "required": false }, "group_name": { "description": "Friendly name for the service group.", "required": false }, "template": { "description": "Identifier of an instance template.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/triton/r/triton_service_group.html", "properties": [ "group_name", "template", "capacity" ] }, "triton_snapshot": { "full_properties": { "machine_id": { "description": "The ID of the machine of which to take a snapshot.", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "The name for the snapshot.", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/triton/r/triton_snapshot.html", "properties": [ "name", "machine_id" ] }, "triton_vlan": { "full_properties": { "description": { "description": "Description of the VLAN", "required": false }, "name": { "description": "Unique name to identify VLAN", "required": false }, "vlan_id": { "description": "Number between 0-4095 indicating VLAN ID", "required": false } }, "path": "/docs/providers/triton/r/triton_vlan.html", "properties": [ "vlan_id", "name", "description" ] } }